Chapter 17

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Neither FATE be changed nor it can be guessed.

It is what rules our lives .... Sometimes happy sometimes misery.

It was the day of their flight for world tour.

Since yesterday y/n hasn't spoken to him ... And Sunghoon knew it wasn't his fault first of all...but better than keeping quiet.

Jennie also had no words with Jimin ..

Both the men were waiting in the airport.....for the flight and also their wives...
But sadly they never came.

Just tell me , how do u expect them to say bye to u when they have zero interest in letting u go?

Although it is not much time still 3 months is quite long for new couples....
They haven't even stayed together for 3

Time skip
2:00 pm

Jennie was working in her laptop...
Y/n entered her office " Jennie? R u ok?"

" I am not"

" Hmm "

" We r crazy over them right?" , Jennie sad holding back her tears.

" Yes , and it doesn't matter... I believe Jimin will never stop loving u "

" I am so much weak without him" Jennie said

" Are u working or shall we go somewhere?"

Jennie: I want to get wasted today....let's go to the club tonight.

Y/n: But going to the club is not the solutio-

Jennie: Ok i am going alone.... because i seriously need to drink to fill the vacancy of my heart....

Y/n: I am going too...

Y/n knew she was not gonna listen to her...

Time skip
9:00 pm

At the club

Both the young ladies entered the club filled with people....some drunk some still in their senses...

Ordering a drink Jennie sat ...

Y/n : one for me too

Jennie continued gulping her drinks like water ....
Y/n never saw her this much lonely....

Y/n: Jennie it's too fast....u won't -

Jennie: Shut up y/n .... Rather than missing him it is better to get wasted..

Y/n: but u can't do this everyday , can u??!!

Jennie stopped drinking..... looking straight at y/n..

Y/n's face had no emotions but Jennie tried to find out why she is not reactive as her??

Jennie: I forgot that u don't love him..

Y/n: I do love him

Jennie: Why can't I see it in ur face?

Y/n: Is it necessary to show that u r missing someone?

Jennie: U r right.... For u maybe I am looking pathetic?

Y/n: No gurl .... U r more than my family for me ... Don't worry I will take care of you..

Jennie kissed the air closing her eyes totally satisfied with y/n...

Jennie was drinking continuously for long ....

Time skip

Y/n picked up drunk Jennie.... pulling her to the car .
"Yah! Jennie -ah !! Why r u so heavy??"

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now