Chapter 26

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Sunghoon made a sharp turn and stopped his car .
The road was blocked because of the curfew that will take place...
He was some distance away from YG building, but there was no way to take his car there.

Yes, instead of going home he decided to pick her up from YG. How can he left his wife like that ? He knew that she will be stuck because of getting late notice ... He was worried about her .

Getting off the car , he ran towards the way of YG .. there was heavy wind blowing on and slight rain too .. the visibility was worse than ever. Dust storms just started but only thing he was worried was about his wife .

Y/n was standing in the midst of the road looking for anyone who might help her .. but there was no hope sadly .

She was in a verge to cry ... But controlled herself because for the first time she felt helpless ..

Memories of her sister flooded on ....When y/n was small , she had faced a trauma of getting trapped in the storm but fortunately she was saved by her sister , yeji . She was stuck for 5 hours , but for a child it was much long ... Since then she always stayed at home during storms ... Because it was what made her feel sick and nauseous.

Her head was spinning rapidly due to her childhood trauma. Finding no way to return home , she tried to go inside the office building but she was too unstable to walk . She sat down holding her head because of extreme pain ..

But that moment she was lifted up by Sunghoon in his arms ... Y/n looked at the person with her blurry eyes unable to recognise him..

Y/n: W-who are you?! Leave me alone!!

Sunghoon smiled at her .

Y/n : Mister who are u?! Please leave me alone!!

Sunghoon was walking towards his car ... By then it was already 7:16 pm.

Sunghoon kept quiet... It was pleasure to hold her and listen to her bickerings.

Y/n tried to look at the person but the atmosphere was also not helping her with her blurry eyes due to headache .

Sunghoon: The curfew is gonna start . We need to go home.

That's when it striked her , oops it's her husband's voice...shit!

Y/n looked at him sitting inside the car now able to see him clearly.

Y/n: I haven't asked for your help

Sunghoon: U were literally sitting on the road holding your head

Y/n: That doesn't mean u will -

Sunghoon: I know i have made a mistake but it is my duty so I have to do it .

Here y/n was saving herself from embarrassment but what Sunghoon said made her disappointed.

She thought , looking outside the window,
Hmm , I am his duty nothing else now.
He came to save me not because he loves me but because I am his duty . Wow ! What do I expect more? After so long , he proved himself that he has lost his feelings for me .. so are we over?

But what about me? I still do love him .
Lisa was right , the wall between us will become permanent one day ... But it will happen so soon i have never imagined that.

She felt like a lonely soul , deprived of her love.
A single drop of tear escaped from her left eye.
She was quick to wipe it because she hated herself to cry for him when he doesn't give a fuck about her emotions... He only cares about her as his duty as he promised to Hyunjin.


Sunghoon Turned his head towards y/n , " what is nice?"

Y/n: Everything is nice

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