Chapter 15

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After nearly one hour they came out of the room.

Sunghoon and Jimin were sitting on the sofa staring at their mobiles.

So what were they doing??
Jennie and Y/n were actually doing some important office work....but made it little suspicious for their husbands to be

Jennie: I am hungry...let's order.

Y/n: No order please...i am making dinner....

Jennie squeezed y/n in a hug after hearing that y/n will be cooking..
Off course home made food is better.
Everyone agrees.

Sunghoon and Jimin heard their conversation.

Jimin: I am hungry too ...

Sunghoon: Me too.

Y/n side eyed them.

Jennie: After u heard that she will be cooking u all r hungry?? Lazy ass

Jimin: Uh no not like that just genuinely.

Jennie came sitting beside Jimin ....while y/n went to the kitchen preparing dinner.

The couple signalled Sunghoon to go and help her.

Y/n was cutting vegetables...

Sunghoon: May i help u?

Y/n looked at him for once and handed him the knife.
Y/n: Cut the veges carefully...btw u know how to cook?

Sunghoon: Umm I know how to cook ramyeon .

Y/n laughed out hearing the name of the dish.

Sunghoon also smiled looking at her smile.

Y/n: Okay continue cutting.

After a while, Sunghoon asked her"Can I ask u something?"
Y/n nodded.
"Do u love jungwon?"
Y/n felt uncomfortable hearing such question.
Sunghoon: Uh sorry ,, for asking this ...

And after that it was silence between them.

Y/n was in a deep thought while cooking ~
Does it look like I love jungwon?
Or he thinks that because I kissed him?

Y/n suddenly blurted out " Do u think I love him?"

Sunghoon looked at her thinking what to answer.


Y/n nodded .
"Why do u think that?"

"Your eyes say so "

"Yes , I love him very much ....but this marriage spoiled everything "

Sunghoon was not looking at y/n because his eyes were teary now.
Sunghoon: S-Sorry

Opening his gloves , he straight went to his room vanishing away from the sight of y/n...
He didn't even looked at her one time after she said that jungwon is her love.

Closing the door of the washroom, he finally let his tears fall.
Washing his face erase the tear drops.

It hurts.
Hearing this from my love that she loves someone else, it really hurts .
Can't she even have something for me? No feelings?
Can't she see that I love her soo much and want her soo much!!! Can't u see??!!!
Are u blind??
Or u don't want to see? Huh?

It is really easy for u to say that u love jungwon....but for me it is like a poison that is killing me inside...
My veins go cold hearing it from u , y/n.

The sound of water was helping him to cry .
To let go everything.

Y/n wanted to slap herself because she blurted out rubbish and she regrets it now.

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