Chapter 19

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I am hiding what I am feeling but I am tired of holding this inside my head.

Two days ago

Lisa called y/n to her apartment for some talks...

Lisa looked serious but not good .

Y/n: Why r u serious?

Lisa: Y/n , i really had no intention to show u this but i have got a vdo from Twitter that is going viral...... Promise me that u won't take wrong steps after watching it ..

Y/n: Ookayyy i show it

Watching the vdo just for few seconds, the phone dropped on the couch.... Y/n was not in her sense , she was unconscious lying on the couch.

Lisa cried insanely looking at her , " y/n , I can feel u !!! I am with u !!! Everything will turn well, don't worry !!!!"

Sprinkling some water , finally y/n came back to her senses .

Y/n smiled " why r u crying? Am I crying? No I am not ... So u don't have to.... Haha its funny that how I am waiting for him but there he is enjoying?! "

Lisa held y/n's hands" you remember ur promise right?"

Y/n nodded .

Lisa: Don't take any wrong steps....I beg u ..

Y/n : Thank you so much.... My fate has provided me a friend like u is such a blessing to me...... Okay let's see u later then..bye

Walking down the street , she sat on a bench looking around if anyone was there or not .
" Whom r u finding? No one will come to wake u up from ur dream..... because it's not a dream"

Saying that she started crying desparately .


So it's true , when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love .

Sitting inside the shower for how long no one knows... Y/n tried to stop her tears and her desire to take herself out of the world .

Can u feel the pain ? Can u ? F-feel her pain ?

He fell first for her but she fell harder .

Watching herself in the mirror " U look pretty today but u r no longer needed by him ... He has a girl better than u ! "

Flashbacks of her father's death were rushing into her head .

How her miserable days have returned again....

"Is fate really the villain of my life?"
" Does it want me to leave this world early?"

At certain point of our life we lose control of what is happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate .... That's the world's greatest lie .

" I can't lose myself", a tear drop rolled down her cheeks.

Keeping a fake smile, everything was going fine .

Nobody will care if the smile is fake or real .... It helps that way .

When Sana entered her office,
Y/n asked
"Is fate getting what u deserve or deserving what you get?"

Sana was confused but still she managed to answer it ," fate is what builds u and breaks u at the same time .... It is a miracle.... No one wants to be ruled by fate but who will tell them that they r the writers of their own fate?"

Y/n nodded adding another question " Then it is not justified that we have written our own misery right?"

Sana smiled " We have written our own happiness and misery is what we call the faults in our writing? None of our stories are perfect because misery is always there , and we can't avoid it"

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now