Chapter 31

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About 4 months later

Jennie was sitting on the couch eating something.
Nowadays she barely goes to office.

Mr Jung has been quite kind and said her to take rest at home.

Her belly was big and she had great mood swings.

Jennie: Yah!! I want water ..

Jimin runs to her giving her a bottle...
" how is my baby doing?"

Jennie: I am doing fine

Jimin: Not you ... Inside you

Jennie side eyed " yeah we are doing well though"

Jimin laughing at her ...

Looks like everything is going good here isn't it?

Suddenly Mrs park comes to them , with her tablet.

Sunghoon was also there sitting with his office work.

Mrs park : Sunghoon look at these pictures... I have to arrange a date for you isn't it?

Sunghoon froze in his spot .... His fingers were shivering.... All the memories came flooding into his mind...the divorce, the love , the hurtful story of y/n...

Sunghoon: I am not going to any date..

Mrs Park: It's been months since she left you and you are still stuck to her ??

Jimin and Jennie decided to keep quiet.

Sunghoon: mom please

Mrs Park: She did't even love you , but can't you get over her? Don't tell me u love her till today.

Sunghoon looked at her eyes " I do love her and I will continue to love her till my death, fuck other girls "

Mrs Park was shocked at his response....

Mrs Park: What is wrong with you?!

Sunghoon stood up and straight went to his room shutting it .

Mrs park was offended...
" that girl has eaten up his mind "

Jennie: No.... Y/n has no fault ... Don't blame her

Mrs Park: You are taking her side?!

Jimin : Mom , it's enough.... The main problem is with Sunghoon... Let's fix that ..

Mrs Park said no more words and left them alone.

Jennie: Nothing is going right after y/n went away ...

Jimin : And we can't even do anything

Jennie: You know what? I am tired of all these.

Jimin looked at her eyes, they were really sad.

Jennie: She didn't even think about me once ... And not even once tried to call me ... If I feel so much bad then think about much bad he is feeling....


Y/n now works in a school as a teacher...
She joined a school because she missed Jennie and the baby inside her...

And to forget Sunghoon she had no ways ....

Teacher " Y/n? You are young and beautiful why don't you think about marriage?"

I am divorced , i loved someone and I was married too ....but now i can't

Y/n: Oh! I haven't thought about it

Teacher: Well I can set you for blind date ...

Y/n: Umm no-

Teacher: My brother... He is a good guy

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