Chapter 5

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One day before the wedding

At y/n's office

Dad: Child how have u been?

Y/n: Yeah fine ... When did u arrive from cousins?

Dad: Just this i decided to check upon u

Y/n: Ok

Dad: U don't have to say anything?

Y/n: Umm how is ur heart?

Dad: haha i knew it...I am totally fine dear.

Both of them laughed at their sulky discussion....

Y/n: Tomorrow is Jennie's wedding... So u returned right? Not to see me ..don't lie

Dad: Uhh 😬

Y/n: Seriously!?

Dad: I am going now... Let's talk when u come home.

Y/n was not at all surprised as she thought herself to be not perfect enough to compete Jennie.

Y/n's dad stayed at her cousins because hospital was near from there.... Since the day he had a heart attack he was told to stay there.... A lot of pressure from the business and losing his wife made his heart weak that's when he gave his business to his children...Hyunjin looks after the Japan branch, yeji for china and y/n Korea's one.

Hyunjin and yeji stayed here because of the marriage..... Everyone was excited for the wedding but y/n was not.... She felt something not right .

When she was zoning out thinking about all these.. Jennie came in

Jennie: Wanna go shopping after work?

Y/n: Uh not interested

Jennie: for me??

Y/n : FoR mE*copied her* no means no

Jennie: *blank stare*

Y/n:I have work to do .... Other than the preparation of debut group other works are also there... Go with ur soon to be husband...

Jennie: It will be not right to go shopping with him everytime....can't u just come with me?

Y/n: I can't understand what did u see in him that u decided to marry him..

Jennie: Ohh so u don't like my husband... Now i understand why u r sensitive regarding this matter...u will understand when u will have someone special... Now come with me

Y/n: Jennie I am serious... I have work to that I can spend time with u tomorrow....take Lisa with u .

Jennie: Yeahh ok bye

Jennie ran out like she found a better one..

Y/n sulked....u just ditched me ??I hope someone loves me
.oh god much work left..

Reaching home y/n decided to lay down and call jungwon..

On call

Y/n: Heyy jungwon u busy?

Jungwon: Not now at least

Y/n: Do u know Park Jimin?

Jungwon: Uhh ... Yes I think the first son of Park .

Y/n: Ohh , like any details?

She asked jungwon for the details because his company was security something.... And he was trustable...

Jungwon: Yeah he is the COO of CVL PARK. While his younger brother to be the CEO of CVL PARK. He is a sharp minded person and with lots of hands for help...

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