Chapter 22

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But u never know unless u walk in my shoes
U will never know what I am going through

Sunghoon was watching his elder brother talking with his wife ....
So perfect isn't it?

Y/n was also looking at them , fond visible in her eyes.... How badly both of them wanted to show love to each other but sometimes it's hard ...u know?

Maybe we were destined to meet but not to stay happy with each other....

Maybe our fate collides with each other where there is no peace in our life ...

Maybe we were never meant to fall in love with each other ..

Maybe because of him , everything, every dream was broken into pieces?..

Can we atleast try to beat our fate?
Atleast once?

Sunghoon stood up , reaching y/n's hands , pulling her somewhere else...

Nobody noticed them as they were busy in themselves...

Y/n was speechless....

Looking at each other for few seconds... They were standing closely to each other just 3 inches apart.

Sunghoon was zoning out looking deeply into her glossy eyes...

Y/n was immersed till now untill Sunghoon hugged her and started crying keeping his head on her shoulders....

Y/n was surprised by his action.... First time watching a grown man acting like a child .... But his sweet action totally melted the ice of her heart ...

Y/n spoke out "What is this?"

Sunghoon said after leaving the hug..." Nothing just felt lonely"

Y/n: Then there are lots of options right? Why me?

Sunghoon: No u don't understand.... I-I just want you y/n ... Please

Y/n replied," Why u did that then?"

Sunghoon: For god's sake I am telling that I was drugged that day by the girl....i promise u that it is not what u think....she was our waiter for the tour and she has been mixing something in my drink for few days ... But it happened when I had no sense ... Please understand.. i can't even believe that I did that... Believe me , I only look for u y/n...

Y/n was not prepared to hear this at all ....

Y/n exited the place without any further words leaving Sunghoon stand there alone...

Sunghoon thought, " i don't think I can convince her now .... It's too late ... She has already harmed herself.. I just want to disappear from this world...
My love? Please understand that I was forced to do so... One clip cannot describe the whole story ..."

Y/n sat down on the chairs of the hospital, opening her phone.

There was a missed call from jungwon..

Y/n was surprised... It has been so long talking to she called back.

On call

Jungwon: Hey how are u?

Y/n : Fine what about u?

Jungwon: I was kind of busy so i couldn't find time to call u ... I am going Korea soon ..

Y/n: Wow , nice to hear that... R u in good condition now?

Jungwon was surprised by her question... because he was not in good condition... His hands were fractured due to some mission...

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now