Chapter 1

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January 10th, 1994
*Myra's POV*

Today is my first day of work after the Holidays, and I couldn't be any happier to get back to work and see my beloved children.
I work in a kindergarten, here in Los Angeles. I started working there the first time I ever moved here, which was 3 years ago. Before moving to L.A I lived with my family in Mexico. My mom is Filipino while my dad is Mexican.
My dad was a military agent... and he wanted to save and protect our home town... unfortunately he left us 3 years ago. My mom isn't doing well since then, she quitted her job and we had bad financial problems, which is one of the main reasons why I decided to move to the USA. I wanted a job so that I can send her money every month... and it was the best decision I've ever took.

For now, I'm living with my best friend Tala. She is also filipino and she works in another kindergarten. We share the same interests and she is the one who helped me to get this job.

Once I finished taking a long hot shower, I quickly brushed my teeth and rushed over to my room, grabbing some fresh clothes. Nothing special, just a pair of blue jeans and a white sweatshirt, paired with some boots.
I brushed my long wavy brown hair and quickly put some concealer, mascara and lipgloss on.

I then walked over to the kitchen and prepared some coffee and scrambled eggs for breakfast. When food was ready, Tala walked inside.

"Good morning aking kaibigan (my friend in filipino)." she said smiling widely at me, while taking a seat on the high chair of the kitchen counter.
"Good morning, antok na ulo (sleepy head)." I replied in a playful tone, smiling back at her.

I then poured the coffee in two mugs, as well as the scrambled eggs in two dishes. I handed her her coffee and her eggs, while I took mine and walked next to her, also taking a seat on the kitchen counter.

"Are you happy to go back to work?" she then asked, before tasting her coffee.
"Absolutely. I have been waiting for this moment ever since the Holidays started." I confessed and giggled,
"God, you're such a workaholic. You know, some time off from work would be good." she teased, making me laugh. I can't help it... I love my job and I love being around children.

While we started eating our breakfast and drinking our coffees, we chatted a little bit, until we finished our food. It was now time for the both of us to leave for work.
We said our goodbyes and left the apartment. She went right and I went left.
The Kindergarten where I work is only 15 minutes away, and I usually always walk over there. I love taking long walks in the morning, breathing in the fresh air... I love nature.

Soon I arrived and the moment I stepped inside, every child ran towards me hugging my legs. In that exact moment, I felt how my heart got filled with warmth and joy... it's something hard to describe, but it definitely brings happiness into my life. These children, are everything I have, besides Tala of course.

"Myra I mwissed you soooo much." Kira - one of the children - said, while looking up at me and flashing me a toothless smile. I chuckled and bend down to embrace her in a sweet hug.
"I missed you too, princess." I then said, smiling from ear to ear.
"What abwout me?" Jacob said while crossing his arms and pouting his lips, I looked over to him and giggled.
"I missed you too. I missed all of you!" I then said, looking at them. "C'mon now, let's go play." I then said, getting up. They all smiled and screamed, running back to their toys.

I quickly took off my jacket, hanging it on the wall, before taking off my shoes as well jumping inside my slippers.
One of my co-workers, Annie, walked over to me and hugged me.

"Welcome back, Myra. How was your Holiday? Did you visit your family?" she asked me while flashing me a big smile, I slightly smiled back.
"Thank you, happy to be back. Uhh, my Holidays were good... and yes, I did." I replied and released a sigh, while looking over at the kids who were peacefully playing with their toys.
"How is your mother? Still nothing?" she then asked, I gulped and simply shook my head.
"No, nothing... she's doing so bad, Annie. She keeps taking her pills... she barely goes outside." I replied almost whispering, that's when I felt Annies hand on my arm. I looked over to her and she slightly smiled.
"I'm so sorry..." she whispered, I forced a smile and nodded.

After chatting for a little bit more she left and went to do some work in the office, while I walked over to the kids sitting down on the floor, playing with them.

"How about we go on a trip today? I heard about a magical place called 'Neverland'. You can go on rides, to the theatre, and have as many sweets as you want." I then said, they all looked at me and smiled widely. Their faces literally started glowing because of the excitement.
"Yesssss!" they all screamed while clapping their tiny hands, making me giggle.
"Alright then, get ready. We are leaving in a few minutes." I said while getting up and walking over to the office to check if Annie would like to come with us.

"Hey Annie?" I asked while stepping inside,
"Yes?" she asked turning around to face me,
"I'm taking the kids on a trip to the Neverland Ranch, wanna come with us and give me some support?" I asked smiling widely,
"Sure. But you're aware that it's a 2 hours ride, right?" she teased making us both giggle.
"I know, don't worry. C'mon." I replied.

I then left the office and started calling a person that I knew who had a mini bus, that can host all of us. This person is a good friend of mine and of Tala as well, his name is Luke. He said that he'll be here in 10 minutes.
In the meanwhile, I packed some snacks and drinks for the ride for the kids, and once I've done that I put my shoes and jacket back on, before telling the kids to get in line, each one of them paired in a couple of two.

Annie then joined us and we started making our way outside.

After 5 minutes Luke arrived with the mini bus.

"Alright kids, hold each other's hand while we walk over the street and as soon as we get inside the bus everyone needs to sit down and be brave, okay?" I told them, they all nodded and grabbed each other's hand.

We then walked over the street and stepped inside the bus. I made sure that they were all sitting, before Luke started driving, making our way to the Neverland Ranch in Los Olivos.

I've heard that Michael Jackson owns that place, but I've never been there... I thought that maybe the kids would love it too. Who knows if he's there today? To be honest I have never met him... I don't know how he is like in person.

I don't recall myself as a fan of him, but I do like some of his songs... and also... he's a handsome looking man. At least from what I've seen in the TV.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now