Chapter 8

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January 16th, 1994
*Myra's POV*

It was now time for me to leave. I've spent the entire weekend here at the Neverland Ranch with Michael, and it was the best time of my life. He even said that I could come back whenever I want.
I am for sure considering his offer for the future.

He offered to escort me back home, but I insisted that it was okay. He probably has other stuff to take care of, so I promised that I would call him as soon as I get home.

We hugged and said our goodbyes, before his security escorted me back to Los Angeles. I already know that Tala is going to ask me bunch of questions, so I need to mentally prepare myself for her interview.

After a 2 hours long ride, we finally arrived. I thanked Bill and wished him a good day, before walking inside.

"Aking kaibigan ('my friend' in filipino) ?!" she asked almost yelling, that's when she walked out of her room and rushed towards me embracing me in a friendly hug. I giggled.
"Hi to you too, Tala!" I replied, she then stepped back and looked at me with a big smile plastered on her face.
"Spill the tea! How was it? What did you do?" she asked excitedly,
"Geez, how about you let me arrive first?" I joked and we both laughed.
"Sorry, it doesn't happen every day that your best friend spends the weekend with the King Of Pop!" she teased, I rolled my eyes and smiled brightly.
"Alright, be right back." I said and walked to my room, placing my bag on the bed.

I then quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and wiped off the make up from my face. I grabbed my phone and called Michael as promised, telling him that I've arrived home.
When our phone talk was over, I walked back into the living room only to see Tala sitting on the sofa, a bottle of wine on the cafe table with two glasses and some grapes as snack. I laughed.

"You are incredible!" I teased, making her laugh as well. I then took a seat next to her, as she started to pour some wine into the glasses, handing me one of them. I took a sip and started telling her every detail of my weekend at the Neverland Ranch.

I think I talked for good 45 minutes, and once I was done she was literally speechless. Her mouth was open wide, her eyes locked into mine.

"Girl!..." she exclaimed, I smiled brightly while looking at her, "you are so lucky! You two seem like you were made for each other. Like soulmates." she added. I giggled and took the last sip from my wine before shaking my head.
"Nah, we are not soulmates. We are just two human beings who share the same interests, the same taste, and we think alike sometimes. That's it." I said while placing my glass on the cafe table.
"That's it ?! Girl you need glasses... or maybe I should slap you in the face for you to realise." she said in a serious tone, I know she was joking though, that's why I laughed.
"Tala, stop. I promise you, there is nothing between me and Michael." I said before releasing a sigh,
"Listen... there may be nothing just yet, but I can see that sparkle in your eyes." she then said before taking her last sip of her wine as well, I gulped.
"What sparkle?" I asked, she looked at me and laughed.
"That sparkle you have in your eyes. It's clear like crystal water. You are starting to like him!" she then replied, now I was the one laughing.
"Me? Like him? He's just s friend, Tala... a good friend. My best friend, besides you of course." I said. She raised one of her brows and smirked.
"We'll see about that." she finally said.

I then stood up and walked to the kitchen, starting to prepare dinner for the two of us. I couldn't stop thinking about what Tala said... I am not falling for him! He's my best friend, nothing more. And I am sure he feels the same. Right? Right?

*Michael's POV*

When Myra left, I went outside and walked around my Ranch, until climbing on top of my favourite tree with a notebook and a pen in my hand.

When Myra left, I went outside and walked around my Ranch, until climbing on top of my favourite tree with a notebook and a pen in my hand

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I always come up here when writing new songs, or poems, or just simply when thinking about life. And right now, I was feeling like writing a song.

I had tons of interviews with people asking me how I come up with most of my songs or how my creator process looks like... and I always say that it doesn't come from me but from the one above us: God.
They're his songs, not mine. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I have these words in my head, just like that. I then start working on them and start composing the main sound, I create the base and every other sound around it until it becomes a song.

I can't describe it myself, it's just what it is.

And Myra is surely my main inspiration right now.

I spent the entire afternoon on that tree, working on a new song, until my phone started ringing. I immediately picked it up.

"Jackson." I said,
"Hey Mike, it's Myra. I just wanted to tell you that I arrived home and I'm good." she said, I immediately smiled when I heard her voice.
"Hey maganda, thank you for calling. I'm glad that you arrived good and safe at home. I'm sure Tala has tons of questions for you now." I joked and we both laughed,
"Indeed she does. She didn't even let me step inside and has already started asking questions." she joked too and we both laughed even more.
"I'll let you two talk then, I'll call you tomorrow." I said smiling like an idiot,
"Alright ... bye Michael." she said,
"Bye Myra." I replied and we ended the phone call.

I looked up to the sky and noticed that it was starting to get darker, the moon was starting to show.
So I decided to get inside and take a hot shower before dinner is ready.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now