Chapter 52

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December 7th, 1996
*Michael's POV*

I was now walking inside the Hospital of Manila, in the Philippines, since I wanted to visit some ill children here. My securities and my manager Frank never left me alone, and the people here are very lovely and kind.

They immediately walked me to the children, and I visited them all one by one, talking to them, cuddling with them, signing autographs and taking pictures. Myra would've loved to be here... she loves children just as much as I love them.

I spent a few hours in this Hospital, giving these children all my time, love and affection. Once I visited them all, it was time for me to leave.
My securities immediately escorted me back to the car, there was a crowd of people outside waiting for me. I waved at them and quickly made my way to the car, but immediately stopped when I saw someone on the other side of the street... Myra?!

"Mr. Jackson? Is everything alright?" a security asked, when he noticed that I froze right by the car.
"Please, follow her... that's Myra, I need to talk to her. Quick!" I said and immediately stepped inside the car, and the security did as I said.

He immediately started driving and following her, and I was right. It's her. We stopped the car, and I quickly stepped out and followed her. Once I was close enough, I gently grabbed her arm and she gasped. When she turned around her eyes went wide and her face started looking pale.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" she whispered completely out of breath,
"I have a concert tomorrow." I replied after a few seconds of silence. I felt like in trance, when my eyes met her's. "M-Myra... please, can we talk?" I whispered, she looked around making sure that no one would see us. She then grabbed my hand and pulled me with her in a secret vehicle, where no one would see us.
"You have five minutes." she mumbled, avoiding my look.
"Listen... I'm truly sorry for the pain that I've caused you, it wasn't my intention, at all. I-I've been... manipulated, Debbie kept repeating that you were too young for a pregnancy and that I have already destroyed your life. You sacrificed so much for me, and... that, would've been just too much for you. That's why she convinced me that she could carry my child. But that's not what I wanted, you have to believe me." I explained in a calm tone. That's when she released a sarcastic giggle and looked at me.

*Myra's POV*

I was still in shock, because I would have never thought that I would meet him on the streets of my hometown. Philippines. And I can't believe that my stupid ass gave him the opportunity to explain himself, but then I remembered what my mother told me, and I decided to follow her advice.

But did he really just tell me that he felt manipulated by Debbie? What kind of excuse is that?!

"Manipulated? Really? This doesn't change the fact that you've cheated on me. You knew damn well how much I loved and cared about you, and that it would've been a dream come true for me to have a child. Yes, I have sacrificed a lot of things for you, but a child? That's not a sacrifice, it's a precious gift." I explained in a serious tone while I looked at him. God, those eyes.. how I missed them. I missed him. But I can't get weak, I can't let this happen.
"I know, and I'm sorry Myra. Please forgive me. I have been doing really bad without you, nothing makes sense without you." he then said, while his eyes started to fill up with tears. I gulped.
"You have been doing bad? What do you think how I was doing? You think I have been doing great?" I then replied sarcastically, "you destroyed me, Michael." I added and looked away, trying hard to fight back the tears. That's when he cupped my face with his hand, forcing me to look at him.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered, "I never stopped thinking about you..." he added, while his face leaned closer to mine, to the point where I could feel his warm breath on my skin.
"Yea? Well, why don't you think about your wife now? I see you got married to her, is that how sorry you feel?" I whispered, and he looked surprised by what I just said. I slowly stepped back from him and looked away.
"Look, if that's what you want, fine. You're forgiven. But if you think that I could give you another chance, then you're completely wrong." I said, swallowing the big lump that started to form in my throat.
"Myra, you don't understand... I don't have feelings for Debbie. She's just a good friend of mine, I married her because I wanted this child to be born in marriage. It's you the one I love." he said in a shaky voice, and I giggled. I then sighed and looked back to him. A tear was now rolling down his cheek. Right when he was about to step closer, a male voice interrupted us.

"Sir? We have to go! Now." his security said,
"Come with me. I still need to talk to you. Please." he begged me, and of course my stupid weak ass accepted. Because that's how it works with him... he makes me weak, he has complete control over me. My mouth wanted to say no, but my heart said yes. And that's what my mom meant on the plane. 'the heart wants what it wants'.

I ended up following him into his car, which was now escorting us to his Hotel. As soon as the car stopped in front of the building, there was a big crowd outside waiting for him. If they recognise me and see me with him, that would be all over the News and my life would get worse than it already is.

"Here, put that on." he said while handing me a scarf and a pair of glasses. I immediately grabbed it, I wrapped the scarf around my head and put the sunglasses on. "You go inside first, I'll come right after you." he said, I nodded and did as he said.

I exited the car and quickly made my way inside the Hotel. After a few minutes, he walked inside as well, and we got escorted to his room.
Once we were all alone, I removed the scarf and the sunglasses. Damn... this suite is amazing!
I couldn't stop glazing around...

"Take a seat if you want." he gently said,
"No thank you, I'm good." I replied. He then walked closer and stopped right in front of me, looking deep into my eyes.
"I missed you..." he then whispered in a low tone, I gulped.
"I'm here to talk. What else do you have to say, Jackson?" I said in a serious tone, and right when I was about to step back, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, so that my chest was now leaning against his, and the tip of our noses slightly touched, making me gasp.
"Am I really forgiven, Myra?" he whispered again in a low tone, my breath was now very irregular.
"If I said so, then I meant it." I whispered in a shaky voice, that's when a grin made its way on his face.
"Really?" he whispered again while his face leaned closer to mine. My entire body was now rigid like a stone, I couldn't move.

Suddenly, his warm velvet lips slightly touched mine, making me gasp again. He then cupped my face with his hand, gently caressing it. I missed his touch on my skin... it used to make me feel safe.
I then automatically closed my eyes, and soon enough I felt his lips pressed onto mine. My heart started pounding like crazy, my legs were shaking... it felt like the first kiss, even though we have kissed thousands of times before.

Our lips then started moving in sync, now locked in a desperate and passionate kiss. Without even noticing, I was now laying on his bed with him on top of me, not breaking the kiss which turned into an intense make out session. His hand started travelling down my body, and in a split second, we were both naked and wrapped around the bed sheets. Is it wrong what we were doing? YES. Especially because he's married now! But I had absolutely no control of my mind nor my body right now. And he knew damn well what he was doing... he had me in trance.

He then started leaving tons of wet kisses over my entire body, making me gasp and moan. He then leaned his face onto mine again, and looked deep into my eyes. He flashed me a smile and caressed my cheek,
"I love you Myra... I always did and I always will. No matter what." he whispered, before entering my heat with his thick manhood, becoming one thing.

We both groaned and moaned, while he started thrusting, making love to me like he used to do before. I felt like on a new planet... fireworks exploding around us.
It felt like we were laying on a soft white cloud, the stars watching us. It was hard to describe, but he really made me feel special. I've missed him, and he missed me. We were both desperate, this was meant to happen, even though it's wrong.

After a few minutes, right when we were reaching our climax, he locked his lips onto mine and I suffocated a strong moan onto his lips, while he gave me one last thrust. Slowly all my tensed muscles became relaxed, all my fears and thoughts washed away... there was only me and him now.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now