Chapter 54

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December 20th, 1996
*Myra's POV*

Christmas is in a week, and me and my mother are still in the Philippines. We are going to leave right after Christmas, I promised Tala to be back for New Year's, so that we can spend it together.
She is going to join us for Christmas, and the both of us are going to escort my mother back to Mexico before we both leave for Los Angeles.

I haven't been doing really well the last couple of days... I ended up telling everything to my mother, I told her that I've decided to follow her advice, but it turned out to be a mess. She kept repeating that the heart wants what it wants, that I can't fight against my feelings, and that maybe... he is being honest, that he really is sorry. But even if, how can I give him one more chance? He is married for christ's sake, and a child is on the way.
I just can't ...

I keep thinking non stop about that magical night that we have spent together in his Hotel room... I missed sleeping in his embrace, I missed making love to him, I missed smelling his fragrance, I missed everything about him. But why does is still hurt?

December 28th, 1996

We just arrived back in Mexico, me and Tala are going to spend the night here. Our flight for L.A is tomorrow morning, at 8 a.m.
Christmas was amazing, I loved spending time with my family. I really needed that time off, and to be honest, I can't wait to get back home, even though I have tons of memories there.

I have to admit that it was weird spending a Christmas without Michael... with him, everything felt magical.

I immediately took a shower and walked into the kitchen, and helped my aunt with cooking dinner.

"Entonces? Como fue? (So? How was it?)" she asked curiously,
"Fue increíble, me lo perdí. No he estado allí desde que era una niña pequeña. (It was amazing, I missed it. I haven't been there since I was a little child.)" I explained,
"Me alegro que la hayas pasado bien... te voy a extrañar cuando te vayas. (I'm glad that you had a good time... I'm going to miss you when you leave.)" she then said,
"Yo también te voy a extrañar, tía. (I'm going to miss you too, aunt)" I replied and smiled at her,
"Recuerda, este siempre va a ser tu segundo hogar. Comprendido? (Remember, this is always going to be your second home. Understood?)" she softly said, I giggled and nodded.
"I know..." I replied.

Once dinner was ready, we all sat around the dining table and enjoyed our meal. We tried our best to enjoy these last few hours together, we chatted and laughed a lot, and soon we all went to bed, since we were all pretty exhausted from the long flight.
We have another flight to catch tomorrow morning and I want to be as fit as possible.

I helped my aunt to wash the dishes and then immediately went to bed, tucking myself under the bedsheets. As soon as I did, I immediately fell asleep.

*Michael's POV*

I was now in my hotel room in Fukoka, Japan. I just had a show and I am extremely exhausted. Once I've took a shower I put on my pyjamas and tucked myself under the bedsheets.

I didn't really celebrate Christmas this year, since I have been travelling all around the world because of my Tour. I was all alone on Christmas Day, and I felt like an idiot.
Christmas is supposed to be a day that you celebrate with the ones you love... I remember last year I spent Christmas with Myra, Tala and Liz... Myra even met my family a day after, and they loved her.
And now? Now I am all alone, by myself.

I've tried following Bill's advice, I tried calling her multiple times, and I never gave up. I would call her every day to see if she picks up... but nothing. She keeps declining my calls. I'm not giving up though, I'll try my best to win her trust back. She is the one I love, nothing can change that.
God has brought us together for one good reason: because we are meant to be together. And no matter for how long we are going to be apart, in the end, we'll find our way back. I'm sure about that.

Without even noticing, I fell asleep, completely lost in my thoughts... and that night, I dreamt of her.
Of her beautiful big lips, her splendid long brown and soft hair, her breathtaking green eyes, her angelic face... an angel sent from heaven, literally.

December 31st, 1996

Today it's New Year's Eve, and I have a Show here in Brunei.
After the Show, me and the entire Crew are going to host an after party in the hotel where we are staying.
If Myra would be here now, she would have planned everything perfectly. She's good at organising party's, she is the queen of party's even if she doesn't like to go clubbing.

Who knows what she's going to be up to, tonight?

After a two hours long show, we all left and made our way back to the Hotel. We quickly freshened up and met in a suite that I've rented for tonight. The music was already playing loudly, there were tons of drinks and snacks, and everyone started to enjoy the night.

When the clock signed midnight, we all raised a toast and celebrated New Year. Everyone was dancing like crazy, they even tried to make me dance, but I was too shy to do so.
It's something I can't explain, it's rather I dance when I'm alone or when I'm on stage for my fans. When I'm around other people, I get easily shy.

Around 1 a.m. I heard my phone ringing, I quickly left the room and walked out in the corridors, picking up the call.

"Jackson." I said,
"Michael..." a female voice mumbled, I had a hard time recognising who it was, until I realised that it was her.
"Myra?" I asked surprised, she called me back?
"Ugh... this is stupid and I'll pwrobably regret this tomorrow..." she mumbled again, she sounded weird though.
"Are you drunk?" I asked worried,
"Who me? Nahh... I only had two drinks or something like that..." she said and chuckled,
"Myra, you are drunk. Where are you? What is this noise?" I then asked, walking back and forth, trying not to get a panic attack.
"I'm with Tala, don't worry about me. Listen.. I ... ugh... I miss you, okay?" she then said, and soon I could hear how she started crying. "I just can't stop loving you... god, you messed up my life, Jackson. I don't know what to do..." she said in between the sobs.
"Hey... listen, go grab Tala and ask her to take you back home or wherever you are staying at. Make sure to get some rest, we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?" I replied in a soft tone, trying to calm her down.
"Do you love me, Michael?" she then whined,
"Of course I do, Myra. You know this. I love you more than life itself. You are the woman of my life." I replied while sliding down to the floor, listening to her irregular breath.
"Then come here... show me..." she said and started crying again, I giggled.
"You want me to come over there? I don't even know where you are... and I am far away from home." I replied,
"I'm back in L.A ..." she said,
"So you're back home now?" I asked surprised,
"Mhm..." she mumbled. I chuckled. She's so cute when she's drunk.
"Listen... go home, take some rest, I'll call you tomorrow okay?" I said softly,
"Alright... I love you, Mike." she replied before she started having a hiccup, making me giggle.
"I love you more... good night." I said and then hung up.

I stayed there, sitting on the corridor floor, smiling like an idiot. You know, drunk people tend to say the truth... and I have to say that I'm really surprised that she called me and said those things. It means that she still cares about me, she still loves me. And that just gave me motivation to fight for her... no matter what. I will win you back, Myra Diaz.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now