Chapter 48

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November 8th, 1996
*Myra's POV*

More time has gone by.. it seems like I started to feel a little bit better. Yes, inside of me I'm still hurting, but my aunt forced me to go out and get to know new people, so that I stop thinking about my past. And I did.
Tala came over for the weekend, and tonight we have planned to go out together.

I just took a shower, and finished getting ready. I was wearing a dress in a light pinky colour, my hair softly curled, and Tala offered to do my makeup.

 I was wearing a dress in a light pinky colour, my hair softly curled, and Tala offered to do my makeup

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"Damn babae. Ang ganda mo kaya hindi kita nakilala. (Damn girl. You look so good I barely recognise you.)" she exclaimed in a playful tone with a grin plastered on her face, making me giggle.
"Thank you, Tala." I replied.
"Let's go have some fun, shall we?" she then said smiling at me. I nodded.

We both walked out of my room, and my aunt and my mother immediately gasped when they saw me.

"Ay, mi niña, que hermosa! (Oh, my child, how beautiful!)" my aunt said, making me giggle.
"That's my daughter." my mother commented, smiling brightly. I chuckled.
"Thank you tía, thank you nanay." I replied.
"Be careful and have fun tonight!" my aunt said and winked at me. I smiled and nodded.
"I will." I replied. I then blew them a kiss, and then we made our way outside.

One of the securities stayed here, while the other one escorted us to a club downtown. Usually, I'm not the type of girl who likes to go clubbing or to parties, but Tala and my aunt forced me to do so, and maybe... just maybe, it'll help.

After a few minutes we arrived, and the security walked inside the club with us. He is not going to follow us everywhere, but he said that he'll be around just in case something might happen.
Me and Tala immediately walked on the dancefloor, and started moving to the rhythm of the music. In that exact moment, I felt like the entire world around me disappeared. It was just me, and the music.
I let all my thoughts fade away, it was like being in a new world.

At some point, my body and my feet started feeling sore, so me and Tala decided to go over to the bar and have some drinks. We both took a seat on a high chair, and ordered a drink.

"So? You feel better now?" she asked me,
"A little bit." I replied honestly. She smiled brightly. "Thank you for coming over, it means a lot to me." I then added.
"You know that I'm always here for you. But hey, please come back home soon, I miss having you around." she replied, making the both of us giggle.
"I will, I just need some more time off from Los Angeles..." I replied, shortly after the bartender gave us our drinks. I looked up to him, and that's when our eyes met. We starred at each other for a few seconds, then he smiled. I felt like blushing, I smiled back and quickly looked away.
"Well, let's raise a toast to a new beginning then!" Tala said while holding up her glass, I giggled and did the same.
"To a new beginning." I said.
"Cheers!" she replied and we made a toast, before taking a sip from our drinks.

We kept chatting, joking around, drinking, and dancing. I've completely lost track of time, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it.
For a while, I forgot everything. My mind was completely turned off, especially after a few more drinks.
We were now back on the dancefloor, dancing like crazy.

"I'm going to have another drink, be right back!" I shouted to Tala, she nodded.

I then walked over to the bar again, and ordered another drink. It was the same guy from earlier, and I noticed that he wouldn't stop starring at me.

"Cómo te llamas? (What's your name?)" he asked, while handing me my drink.
"Myra." I answered, before taking a long sip of it. "Y tu? (And yours?) I asked.
"Pablo." he replied smiling at me. I smiled back.
"Encantada de conocerte. (Nice to meet you)" I said,
"El placer es todo mío. (The pleasure is all mine)" he said, "¿te importaría darme tu número de teléfono? Tal vez podríamos llegar a conocernos. (Would you mind giving me your phone number? Maybe we could get to know each other)" he then said, taking me completely off guard. If I were sober, I would have declined his offer, but since I am now tipsy and I'm not in control of my own mind, my stupid ass accepted.
"Claro. (Sure)" I replied. I then grabbed the notebook and a pen that was laying on the counter, and wrote down my number, before handing it to him. He smiled widely.
"Muchissimas gracias, hermosa. (Thank you very much, gorgeous.)" he said. I nodded and finished my drink, before walking back to Tala.

We spent the entire night dancing and drinking, and around 2 a.m. the security finally escorted us back home.
Once we arrived, we didn't even change into our pyjamas, we immediately fell asleep.

*Michael's POV*

It doesn't matter how much time goes by, what I do or with who I am, I never stopped thinking about Myra.
I would ask Bill if he has any news, but he keeps repeating that he can't tell me and that I shouldn't worry. That didn't make me feel any better.

Debbie's pregnancy has been doing great until now, and since a couple of days I have been thinking non stop about something... call me old-fashioned if you want, but if we're going to have a child, I want this child to be born in a marriage. So maybe, I should marry Debbie?
I don't have feelings for her, she's just a good friend of mine who offered to carry my child, but this is the right thing to do. And I'm willing on talking about it with her. And that's what I did.

"Debbie? I have been thinking about something... something I would like to talk about with you." I said sitting next to her. Yes, she joined me on Tour. I couldn't leave her all alone while carrying my child.
"What is it?" she asked curiously,
"I would like this child to be born in marriage..." I said in a calm tone, while looking at her baby bump. She is now 5 months pregnant.
"You want us to get married?" she asked surprised, I looked into her eyes and nodded.
"You know how I feel about you, you're a very good friend of mine, and I appreciate your offer for carrying my child... but it would be better if this child gets born in marriage. This is the right thing to do." I said.
"Michael... are you sure?" she asked once again,
"Yes, Debbie. I am." I replied. "I understand if you want to think about it, I just-" I added, but she interrupted me.
"It's okay. I'm down with it." she replied.
"Really?" I asked surprised by her fast answer. She smiled brightly and nodded.
"I'd do anything for you, Michael." she said. I embraced her in a sweet-friendly hug.
"Thank you so much Debbie..." I whispered.

After chatting for a little while, she ended up going to bed since she felt tired, while I walked outside the balcony of my hotel room, looking at the beautiful sky. What is Myra up to right now?
I looked on my watch, it was now 8 p.m., and I don't know where she is, or with who she is, if she's doing good...

I miss her, God how I miss her. I miss her smile, her laughter, the way we would stay up all night long talking about our past, our future together, the way we would go on rides at the Neverland Ranch, or the way we would play water balloon fights.
She truly is an angel sent from heaven, and I destroyed her.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now