Chapter 65

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September 10th, 1997
*Myra's POV*

Since I found out about Debbie's second pregnancy, I have been feeling sick to my stomach. Alone the thought, that Michael is happy now and that he is expecting another child from his wife, makes me feel heartbroken.

I am not selfish, I am simply in love... in love with the wrong guy, though. How did I end up falling for a Popstar? How stupid was I?
For days, I have been locked into my room. I barely eat, I barely sleep...
One good thing is, that the situation with Lisa has been solves in an extrajudicial way, no one reported anyone to the police... at least one good thing happened in my life.

Tala has been worrying so much about me lately, and I feel sorry for giving her that burden. I told her multiple times to stop worrying about me, she is not my mother and I don't want her to feel stressed out. I can take good care of myself on my own.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. I sighed and grabbed it, picking up the incoming call.

"Hello?" I mumbled in a weak voice,
"Myra? Are you okay? How are you doing?" Tala asked,
"Tala... I'm good, focus on your work." I whined,
"I'm just worrying about you, that's it." she said,
"No need to worry. I'm good." I replied,
"Have you eaten anything?" she then asked, and I rolled my eyes.
"No..." I confessed,
"Myra, please, you need to eat something. Don't force me to call a doctor. It has been a week already..." she scoffed,
"Tala, please." I replied and sighed, "I can take care of myself. Focus on your work. See you later." I added and hung up on her.

Yes, it has been a week ... I've been one entire week without food, without sleep, without nothing. But what can I do? My body simply doesn't feel like it. I just want to lay in my bed and cry myself dry.

September 15th, 1997

This is now the second week that I'm spending without food, and not much sleep. Tala decided to stay at home today, since I am doing really bad.

"Myra, listen, we need to call a doctor, you are literally killing yourself. This is not healthy!" Tala said while sitting next to me on my bed,
"No, Tala, there's no need to see a doctor." I whined in a weak tone,
"Yes, you have to! It's either you go see a doctor or I'll take you to the Hospital." she said firmly,
"Tala, stop! Leave me alone." I said raising my voice a little, she sighed and left my room.

I can barely get out of bed, I feel extremely weak, and I'm afraid that if I get up I'll faint. God, Michael, you're destroying me.

*Michael's POV*

It is now all over the News, that Debbie is officially pregnant with my second child.
Yet, we have been arguing since last night. Why? Because she brought up Myra again. She knows damn well, that I still love her... but she won't accept this. She finally admitted, that she is developing feelings for me, and I have told her multiple times that I don't feel the same.

I really do not want to hurt her, but that's reality. I can't lie to her and tell her that I feel the same, when I don't. My heart belongs to Myra...

"What does she have that I don't?" she asked me with tears in her eyes,
"Debbie, please... I don't want to hurt you..." I whispered, trying to stay calm.
"No, tell me, Michael! Tell me. What does that bitch have that I don't? Is my love for you not enough?!" she yelled, while tears rolled down her cheeks. I clenched my jaw.
"Don't call her by that name ever again." I said in a serious tone, while stepping closer.
"Or what? Hm?" she said and released a sarcastic giggle, "now that Lisa's plan finally worked, you are still after that bitch." she scoffed, and I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"Pardon? What plan are your talking about? And what does Lisa have to do with all of this?" I asked, that's when her face turned into a serious look again, almost like she regretted what she just said.
"Yea, Lisa came to me with a plan, and it worked fantastically. But you are still after that girl, who can't give you anything, while I can give you a future." she said,
"Debbie... what plan are you talking about?" I asked in a serious tone,
"Lisa was the one who came up with the idea that I should carry your children, to push Myra away from you... apparently it didn't really work well in the beginning, that's why she went to visit Myra in her apartment and blackmailed her, seemed like this one worked." she confessed.

I felt how anger started boiling in my entire body. I felt burning everywhere... my vision was now foggy. I can't believe what she just said, please God, tell me this isn't true.

"Debbie, please tell me you're lying..." I whispered,
"No, Mike, I'm not." she replied honestly. I looked up to her with a furious look.
"I'm sorry... I thought I could give you a brighter future, I thought I could make your dreams come true. But apparently I'm not enough. If you want her, go... take her. I'm done." she added.
"You are done? No, I am done. I can't believe I didn't notice before... I trusted you." I said, "please, pack your stuff and leave. You can drop my son at my family's house in Hayvenhurst." I added, and left the Hotel room.

I started walking back and forth in the corridors, trying to clear up my mind and think straight about all the things that Debbie just told me... I can't believe that I've lost Myra, not once but twice because of Lisa-Marie and Debbie.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. I sighed and picked up.

"Jackson." I said,
"Michael? It's me, Tala..." she said, whispering.
"Tala? Is everything okay?" I asked, she sighed.
"No..." she whispered again, I felt how my heartbeat started to speed up and a sudden tightening feeling in my chest.
"Tala... what happened?" I asked worried,
"I had to rush Myra to the hospital..." she whispered and started sobbing.
"W-what? Why?" I asked, while worry and fear started taking advantage over me.
"Since she has seen your interview in Paris, where you said that Debbie might be pregnant, she fell back down in grief... she stopped eating and sleeping ever since. I told her multiple times to go see a doctor, but she wouldn't listen... I stayed home today for the sake of her health, but then suddenly I heard a noise from her room, I went in to check and she collapsed... I didn't know what to do..." she explained in a shaky voice while sobbing.
"I'll be there as soon as possible!" I said and quickly hung up.

I immediately rushed back to my room, packed a few stuff and walked to my security, telling him to escort me to the airport as soon as possible. I am now in Spain, and it's going to take a while before I arrive in Los Angeles, but I have to go there as quick as possible. Myra needs me.

Once we arrived at the airport, I ignored the crowd that started forming around me and ran to my private jet. Soon enough, the plane started moving.

Myra I'm coming for you.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now