Chapter 49

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November 10th, 1996
*Myra's POV*

Yesterday, me and Tala spent the entire day at my mother's house. We felt extremely bad after the night out that we had, tremendous headache and nausea. Blame it on the alcohol.

Today, we are also going to stay at home, but not for long. Tala's flight is this afternoon, she has to go back home. So we decided to spend the last few hours at home, talking and gossiping like we were used to do.

We were in the middle of a conversation, when all of a sudden I heard my phone ringing. I immediately picked up,

"Hello?" I said,
"Hola? Myra?" a male voice said, I furrowed my brows.
"Uhh, si, soy yo. (Yes, that's me)" I replied, "quién eres? (Who are you?)" I asked right after,
"Soy Pablo. Te pedí tú número cuando nos encontramos en el club, ¿recuerdas? ¿el camarero? (I'm Pablo. I've asked for your number when we met in the club, remember? The bartender?)" he asked before releasing a giggle. I blushed hardly as soon as I remembered. Damn... I tend to do stupid things when I drink.
"Oh, claro, cómo podría olvidar... (oh, right, how could I forget)" I replied shyly.
"Cómo estás? (How are you?)" he then asked,
"Estoy bien, gracias, y tú? (I'm good thanks, and you?)" I replied,
"Bien, gracias. Te gustaría salir un día de estos? (Good thanks. Would you like to go out one of these days?)" he then asked.
"Uhh... si porque no. (Sure why not)" I replied,
"Digamos el lunes para lanzamiento? (Let's say on Monday for launch?)" he offered,
"Suena bueno para mi. (Sounds good to me)" I replied,
"Perfecto, te enviaré la dirección. (Perfect, I'll send you the address)" he finally said.
"Okay, hasta el lunes, Pablo. (Okay, see you on Monday Pablo.)" I replied and we hung up.

I then looked over to Tala, who was shocked and surprised by what she just heard.

"Okay, I didn't understand one single fucking word that just came out of your mouth, but Pablo ? Is that a guy?" she asked, making me giggle. I covered my face in embarrassment.
"Ugh, that's so stupid. It's a bartender that asked for my number last day when we went to the club." I confessed, her jaw almost dropped to the floor.
"Myra Diaz, are you fucking kidding me? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" she asked in a loud voice,
"Because I forgot about it, until now." I replied in a playful tone while shrugging my shoulders.
"Hey, I'm happy for you. Finally you get to know someone else... " she then said, smiling brightly at me. I sighed.
"Nothing is going to happen between us, Tala." I said honestly.
"Myra... get over him. There's a hot mexican guy who is literally drooling over you, go for it." she then said. I don't care about hot mexican guys, the only guy I want is who knows where with his pregnant girlfriend, somewhere in the world. The guy who stole my heart and destroyed my soul. That's who I want... "hello? Earth to Myra?" Tala said, while snapping her fingers in front of my face. I sighed.
"You're right." I replied.
"I know I am." she said confidently.

We spent the rest of the day joking around and gossiping, until it was time for her to leave. Sadly, I couldn't escort her to the airport. The risk that someone might recognise me was too high, so we said our goodbyes and one of the securities escorted her for me. I'm going to miss her...

November 11th, 1996

I just finished getting ready, and was now making my way out, ready to get escorted to the address that Pablo has sent me. I have to admit that I'm nervous, I'm not even completely sure if I want to meet this guy. I mean... I don't know him, and I don't know his intentions.
How can I go on a date with someone if my heart belongs to someone else? I don't know, but I guess I'll figure it out.

After a few minutes, I finally arrived, it was some kind of diner, and 'Pablo' was waiting outside for me. Yes, he is a good looking young man, but again.. he is not the one I want.
I stepped out of the car and walked closer to him, followed by a security.
Pablo smiled widely and embraced me in a friendly hug.

"Es bueno verte de nuevo. (It's nice to see you again.)" he said as we stepped back, I slightly smiled. "Porqué tienes un security? Eres una celebridad y no me lo dijiste? (Why do you have a security? Are you a celebrity and didn't tell me about it?)" he asked and we both giggled.
"Es una larga historia, te la contaré un otra vez. Entremos? (It's a long story, I'll tell you another time. Wanna go inside?)" I answered, and he nodded.

We walked inside, sat down at a table, and started talking, trying to get to know each other. I found out that he is a really sweet and kind guy, fun to have around. I have to admit that I enjoyed spending time with him. We ordered something to eat, talked a lot, joked around, and had a very good time together.

After a while, he needed to go, so it was time to say our goodbyes.

"Te voy a llamar pronto. Fue agradable hoy. (I'll call you soon. It was nice today.)" he said as we both walked outside,
"Yo también lo disfruté hoy, gracias por invitarme. (I enjoyed it too, today. Thank you for inviting me.)" I replied honestly, flashing him a smile. We hugged and said our goodbyes, and that's when I heard a weird noise... almost like someone was taking photos of us. Am I being paranoid now? He then walked away, and I stepped inside the car, while the security escorted me back to my mother's house.

November 12th, 1996
*Michael's POV*

I was now laying in my king sized bed of my hotel room in Sydney Australia. I tossed and turned around multiple times, but still I couldn't sleep nor get some rest.
In the end I decided to turn on the TV, and see if I can find something interesting to watch, maybe I'll fall asleep that way. If only I knew, I would have never turned the TV on.
As soon as I did, the News Channel appeared, they were showing a photo of Myra hugging a guy.

"As we all may know, the king of Pop and Myra Diaz broke up as soon as she found out that Jackson and Debbie Rowe are expecting a child. But what we have been wondering is, where is Myra? What happened to her after her break up with the king of pop? We spotted her in Mexico yesterday, and as you can see by the photo she was clearly enjoying some time with a new date." the woman said.

I felt something breaking inside of me, my heart stopped beating for a moment, it felt like the blood stopped flowing in my veins, everything went black. Then all of a sudden, my entire body felt on fire. I clenched my jaw and balled my hands in two fists.

I immediately turned off the TV and threw the remote on the floor, releasing a loud scream of frustration, of pain, of anger... so she was in Mexico throughout this entire time? And what was she up to? Who is that guy? And why is he hugging my Myra? That's it... I lost her.

Suddenly, the door of my room swung open and two of my securities came inside with a worried look.

"Mr. Jackson we heard screaming, is everything okay Sir?" one of them asked, I sat down on my bed and hid my face into the palms of my hands.
"Yes, everything is okay." I whispered in a low tone, shortly after they left and closed the door, leaving me alone. That's when I burst out in tears, they were rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

I lost her... this is all my fault.
I should have never accepted Debbie's offer. I knew how badly Myra wanted to have children, how badly she wanted to have a family. We have talked about it so many times, it was our dream, and I did her dirty by getting Debbie pregnant without her knowing.
I hate myself for giving her so much pain.
And she probably hates me too...

I spent the entire night crying, not being able to sleep. My eyes were burning because of the too many tears that I've shed, my chest was hurting, and my stomach was on fire.

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