Chapter 81

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May 20th, 1998
*Myra's POV*

I just got everything ready, me Prince and Paris were now in the living room waiting for Michael to arrive from the airport.
Prince was sitting on the carpet playing with his toys, while I was holding Paris in my arms, lulling her and humming some songs.
After a few minutes, which felt like forever to me, I heard the main door open... shortly after, Michael walked into the living room smiling brightly.

"Welcome back, my love." I said excitedly.

He walked towards me and pecked my lips, before placing a soft kiss onto Paris's forehead and then walking over to Prince, picking him up and cuddling with him.

"I missed you all so much, I can't believe it was only for a week." he then said,
"Yea well it felt like forever." I joked and chuckled,
"Next time you'll come with me, though." he replied,
"Next time?" I asked confused,
"I was invited to go to Nelson Mandela's 80th Birthday and wedding celebration in South Africa, and you'll be coming with me." he said smiling from ear to ear. My eyes immediately grew wide and my lips slightly parted,
"For real?" I asked, he chuckled.
"Yes, baby." he replied,
"When?" I asked,
"We are going to leave on July 18th." he said.
"But... what about the kids?" I then asked,
"They are going to stay in Hayvenhurst with my mother, don't worry about that." he reassured me.

We then ended up cuddling all together on the sofa, playing with the kids and chatting about how these past few days have been.
There are no words in this world to describe how happy I am that he's finally back... I felt like a lonely star in a big night sky...

Everything was just simply perfect right now, everything was exactly the way it should be, at least that's what I thought until before the door bell started ringing...
One of the maids went to open the door, and shortly after she walked into the living room.

"Mrs. Diaz ? There is someone waiting for you outside at the main door." she said, I was confused. I stood up and gently handed Paris to Michael, before walking over to the door.

My legs felt numb... my entire body froze like a cold rock.
Then I started shaking, my heartbeat started to speed up to the point where I thought that I am about to collapse.

"Y-you?" I whispered completely out of breath, not moving from my spot, which was about one meter from the door.
"Hi, Myra. It's nice to see you again. Are you surprised to see me?" Javon said in a playful tone with a grin plastered on his face, I gulped.
"Myra? Everything okay?" Michael said from the living room,
"I see you two are dating, now." Javon added,
"What the hell are you doing here?" I finally asked,
"I am here to get revenge on you for sending me to jail, what else?" he said, I clenched my jaw.
"If you try to come near me or to Michael or the kids, I swear to god, I'll ruin you." I hissed, and he giggled.
"Myra?" Michael asked again, this time he walked out of the living room and he also froze when he saw Javon. He immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
"What are you doing here?" he said to him in a serious tone,
"I'm here to tell you that I am sorry, Sir. I was hoping to get my job back." Javon replied. What an asshole!!!
"Pardon?! What a disgusting lying piece of shit you are! You just said that you wanted to get revenge on me!" I said in a louder tone trying to get near him so that I could punch him in the face, but Michael immediately held me.
"He said that?" Michael then asked me, and I nodded.

*Michael's POV*

I looked back to Javon, feeling furious.

"Javon..." I said and sighed, "please, leave. Don't force me to call the police. I won't let you step closer to Myra or to this house. I won't let you hurt us." I added, looking deep into his eyes, he giggled.
"You? I want her, not you, Mr. Jackson." he hissed, I gave Bill a look and he immediately understood.
"You won't get her. If you come here again, I'll have to call the police. Wasn't your jail time until now not enough?" I asked, and that's what made him furious.

He started saying bunch of things, while Bill and the other securities pulled him away, out of my Ranch. I then closed the door and turned around to face Myra.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried while cupping her face, she nodded.
"I would've never thought that he would come back one day.." she whispered, I immediately embraced her in a sweet hug.
"Don't worry, until you're with me nothing is going to happen. I promised, remember? You're safe with me, Myra." I whispered softly, trying to reassure her.

Once she calmed down, we walked back to the kids and spent some quality time together.

After dinner, I helped her to feed the babies and put them to sleep, before walking to our bedroom.
We then both changed into our pyjamas and tucked ourselves under the bedsheets cuddling with each other.

"I missed laying in your arms... that's where I feel safe." she whispered on my chest, making me smile while I caressed her back.
"I missed having you in my arms too, baby... with you, I feel whole." I whispered softly, she then looked up to me smiling widely, before leaning in to peck my lips. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the touch of her warm velvet lips onto mine. "And I also missed this..." I whispered again, before opening my eyes which immediately met her's.
"Yea?" she whispered and giggled, I grinned and nodded.

Shortly after she climbed on top of me, and we started kissing intensely.
That's pretty much what he did the entire time... kissing, cuddling, talking... until we fell asleep.

She's my home. She and the children...
Wherever I go without them, I feel lost, like a stranger, empty and cold inside.
What would I do without them?

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