Chapter 68

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September 20th, 1997
*Myra's POV*

When I woke up, I was all alone in bed. I then got up and walked outside, to see where Michael was, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Tala said, smiling widely, while walking towards me with a coffee mug in her hand.
"Good morning..." I said, and looked around again.
"He'll be back soon, he said he had to take care of some things." she said,
"Oh.." I replied,
"Get ready, we are going shopping." she then said.
"Shopping?" I asked confused,
"Yep. I'm following Michael's orders, so please don't ask any questions, just go and get ready." she said excitedly. I sighed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I did, I got ready and left the apartment with Tala. The security was now escorting us to the shopping centre. I don't really know what we're looking for, nor why I had to go shopping, but what I knew was: that Michael was organising something, and Tala was helping him.

We ended up walking in and out of at least 50 malls, and still we haven't found what 'i need'.
We were now walking around in another mall, and Tala was looking for elegant dresses. She then gasped when she spotted one... it was a red one, with a split on the right leg.

"You need to try this one!!!" she said excitedly and gave it to me,
"Why in the hell are we looking for Gala dresses? Do we need to go somewhere?" I asked confused, she giggled.
"Just go and try it on. No questions, remember?" she teased, and I rolled my eyes.

I walked into the dressing cabin and tried the dress on. I have to admit, that this dress really is breathtaking.

"Let me see you!" Tala exclaimed while waiting outside for me, I then walked out and posed in front of her. Her jaw literally dropped onto the floor. "Oh, my, god... this is it. We're buying this." she commented. I then checked the price tag...
"You are insane. We don't have enough money for this." I said,
"Don't worry, go change." she said, and I did as she said.

She then payed the dress with a bank card that I've never seen... it's probably Michael's.
Once we bought the dress, we started looking for shoes and accessories.

After what felt like forever, we were finally done and walked outside the building on our way back to the car. Yet, outside was a big ass crowd... paparazzi's and tabloids keep following me everywhere.
The security protected us and pushed us through, until we finally made it back to the car.

When we arrived back home, Michael still wasn't there yet. I decided to go take a nap, since I felt extremely exhausted from today.

Around 6 p.m. I felt tapping on my shoulder, and when I opened my eyes I noticed it was Michael.

"Myra? You need to get ready..." he softly whispered,
"Where are we going?" I mumbled,
"You'll see." he said and smiled brightly. I sighed and got up, and started getting ready.

I was told to wear the dress that we've bought today, and that's what I did. I then curled my hair, and Tala came inside to do my makeup.

"You look like a goddess!" she said excitedly, I then looked into the mirror and gasped.
"Oh, wow..." I whispered, Tala smiled brightly.
"Michael is waiting for you." she then said and left my room. I took a deep breath and also walked outside....

*Michael's POV*

I waited in the living room for Myra to come out, and once she did, I gasped. She looks incredibly good... Tala definitely has good taste in fashion.

Myra walked closer, and posed in front of me

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Myra walked closer, and posed in front of me.

"Uhm... y-you... you look perfect." I whispered, and Tala giggled behind her. Myra started blushing and looked down at her feet. "Let's go..." I then said and reached my hand out to her, which she immediately grabbed.

We then walked outside, and Bill was already waiting in the limousine for us. She gasped when she noticed the limo.

"You rented a limousine? Jackson, what are you up to?" she asked surprised, making me giggle.
"You won't stop asking questions, right?" I teased, and opened the door to the backseats for her. We both entered the car, and shortly after Bill started driving.

For the entire ride, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked incredibly good in that dress and it was driving me insane.
After a few minutes, we finally arrived at the Restaurant that I've rented. Bill stepped out of the car, and opened the doors for us. Outside the building there was a crowd of paparazzi's waiting for us.

"Smile." I whispered to Myra, while we made our way inside the building.

When we stepped inside, I noticed that she started glazing around. Everything was perfectly decorated, just like I imagined. There was even a piano in the centre of the restaurant, with someone who was gonna play for us.

"Jackson, you are crazy!" she finally said,
"You deserve more than this." I then replied and smiled at her.

Soon a waitress came and escorted us to our table. We took a seat and started ordering our food.

"What exactly is the reason for this... dinner?" she asked,
"I wanted to make up on you. You truly deserve the best Myra, and I am willing to give you anything you need. This is a way of showing you that I love you." I confessed and smiled brightly,
"You know that the photo that they shot of us is going to be all over the news, right?" she then said,
"What did I tell you? Stop worrying so much." I said, and grabbed her hand, caressing it gently.

Once our food arrived, we started enjoying our meal and chatted about life. I wanted her to feel comfortable, free, relaxed... I want us to rebuild what has been broken, and I want to show her that I really mean it, when I say that I love her and that I want her back. I truly do care about her, and I'm willing to do anything to win her trust back.

Dinner seemed to work perfectly fine, and after we finished our food, we kept chatting and joking around, until the employee started playing the piano. I then got up and walked closer to Myra, reaching out my hand to her. She giggled and grabbed it.
We both walked to the center, and started slow dancing together.
The lights then got turned off, and the LED lights on the ceiling got turned on. Now it seemed like we were dancing underneath the stars. She looked up, amazed by the atmosphere...

"You really thought about every detail..." she then whispered, looking back to me, while we kept dancing. I smiled brightly.
"Yes." I replied.
"No one has ever done that for me..." she whispered, our eyes still locked.
"That's the point. That was exactly why I wanted to do this. You mean everything to me, Myra." I whispered softly, pulling her gently closer to me, so that our faces were now only one inch away.
"After all that we've been through... I will never stop loving you, Michael." she whispered, and we both smiled brightly.

We spent the entire night dancing, chatting... discussing on how things are going to be between us in the future. We had a lot of plans, and we are going to work hard to achieve every goal and every dream.

After the magical night, we've been escorted back to her apartment. Tala was already asleep when we arrived, and we silently made our way into her bedroom.
I then started taking my clothes off, ready to put my pyjamas on, when I noticed that she was struggling to open the zip of her dress.

"Want me to help you?" I asked,
"Yes please..." she replied and we both giggled.

I then walked closer and unzipped her dress, glazing at her beautiful body. My hand automatically traveled down her body, caressing every inch of her skin. She then slowly turned around and looked at me.

"You're so beautiful..." I whispered in a low tone, and in a split second, our lips were locked.

This led us to being completely naked, wrapped in her bedsheets. Tala was definitely right, she couldn't resist. And I can't blame her, the attraction between us is way too strong, especially after being apart for so long.

I was now laying on top of her, both completely naked, our lips locked in a deep and passionate kiss. We were both longing for more...

"Make love to me, Michael..." she whispered on my lips, I looked deep into her eyes and grinned. "...please" she added, I didn't wait a minute longer, I immediately locked my lips on her's again, and inserted my manhood inside her heat, making us both moan. We now become one, and started making love to each other for the entire night, until dawn.

It was the most magical night I've ever spent with a woman... with her. It was a night I would never forget.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now