Chapter 64

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June 27th, 1997
*Michael's POV*

I am now in Paris, since I am going to attend two shows of my HIStory Tour here. Myra hasn't reached out to me at all throughout this entire time. I talked over the phone with Tala, and she said that Myra doesn't want to hear about me.

I did have a talk with Lisa-Marie, and we came to the conclusion where she won't expose any information to the press about me and Myra, I've told that to Tala and she said that to Myra too, but still she wants to keep her distance from me, for the sake of her life.

Debbie ended up joining me in Paris with my little son Prince, and I couldn't be more happier to be able to spend some time with my son in between the Shows. Me and Debbie had a talk, and she offered to carry my second child, that's why we are now trying to conceive another child.

I can't wait for this Tour to be over, I am honestly exhausted, I barely can get some sleep and my entire body feels sore and tired.

September 7th, 1997

Today, me Debbie and Prince are back in Paris, since I am going to attend an interview with Barbara Walters. I have told Frank many times that I don't like getting interviewed, but he insisted on accepting at least one more before the Tour ends. That's why I am now sitting in the car with my securities, they are escorting me to the George V Hotel, where the interview is going to take place.

Once we arrived, there were fans outside the Hotel chanting and impatiently waiting to see me. I brightly smiled and waved at them, before getting escorted inside.
As soon as we arrived to the room where Mrs. Walters was waiting for me, I gently greeted her and then we both got ready for the interview.

After the technical people has set everything ready, I sat down on a chair in front of Mrs. Walters and soon the camera started recording. We started talking about how the Tour went for the last five months, we talked about the paparazzi's and how I get along with them, and then she started asking me about Lady Diana.

"I met her at a, my concert, in London. She was uhm... very kind, very loving, very sweet." I explained in a calm tone,
"What did you two talk about?" Barbara then asked me,
"I wrote a song called 'Dirty Diana', and it's not about Lady Diana, it's about..-" I started, and quickly cleared my throat before I continued, "certain kinda girls that hang around concerts or clubs, they call 'em 'groupies'..." I explained,
"The groupies, mhm.." Barbara commented,
"I've lived in that all my life, you see these girls and they do everything with the band, and uhm... you know, everything you can imagine." I continued to explain, "so I wrote a song called Dirty Diana, but I took it out of the Show, in honor of her royal highness, and she... she took me away and said:" I added, "are you gonna do Dirty Diana?" I whispered, saying what Lady Diana told me that day. "I said: no, I took it out of the Show because of y-" "Noo, I want you to do it, do it, do the song!""
"So she had a sense of humour with you?" Barbara asked,
"Yeah, of course." I replied smiling, "and she said she was honoured to meet me, and I said I'm as honoured to meet you." I added.
"How did you hear about her death?" Barbara then asked,
"Uhm..." I said almost whispering and looked down at my hands, "I woke up, and uhm.. my doctor gave me the news. And I fell back down, in grief, and I started to cry." I replied honestly. "That's why the pain, I felt inner pain, it was pain in my stomach and in my chest so I said, I... I can't, I can not handle this, it's too much, just the message and the fact that i knew her personally, you know on top of that one I'd say , there's another one real soon I feel it coming, there's another one, is another one coming and I pray that it's not me, please don't let it be me...than mother teresa came." I added.
"Are you a psychic, is that what you're saying?" Barbara asked confused,
"I don't wanna say that.. but I've done it before." I replied,
"And you thought it might be you?" she asked surprised,
"Yes..." I whispered, honestly. "I've been living in that kind of live all my life. The tabloid press, that kind of press, not the press, the tabloid, the paparazzi, that type. I've been running for my life like that, hiding, getting away, you can't go that way cause they're over there, well let's go this way, pretend we go that way, we go that way. Somebody said, hold on, stop, this person deserves their privacy, you are not allowed to go there. I go around the world dealing with running and hiding, you can't..., I can't take a walk in the park, I can't go to the store, I can't..., I'd have to hide in a room, you feel like you're in prison." I added, expressing my true feelings about this situation.
"What's the most intrusive thing? What- what's the worst?" Barbara asked me,
"They always have been euh... they... they go as far as the hiding into places, the little slider machine up under the toilet ...tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk... you go Oh my god! They've done that." I replied,
"When you came into this hotel, you had to come in... or you felt you had to come in through the kitchen?" she asked,
"Eh... i've been doing it for years, many lobby's i've never seen, the front door, never." I replied,
"Did you ever try to outrace the paparazzi?" she asked, I looked at her for a few seconds.
"To outrace them?" I asked,
"Yes." she said,
"They follow you, they chase us on the scooters ..." I replied and made the sound of a scooter.
"Cutting in front of you?" Barbara asked,
"Yeah, and i have to say the driver, i said slow down, i jump in, i said, you're gonna kill us, i said slow down, i've done that many times, don't kill us." I explained,
"You know, there is that argument that you rely on publicity to sell your albums for your concert ..." Barbara then said,
"When I approve of something, yes." I cut her off,
"But you can't always control the press, you can't approve of everything, you can't invite them in, again and again and then at a certain point close them out." she said,
"Yes, you can." I replied.
"Well how do you do that, what is that line?" she then asked,
"By doing that this is the time for this and this you should not do, you should not say he's an animal, he's a..., should not say he's "Jacko", I'm not a jacko, i'm Jackson!" I said,
"How do you feel when they are calling you... wacko...?" she asked nervously,
"...yeah, "Wacko Jacko", where'd that come from? Some English tabloid!" I said in an slight altered tone but still gentle, "I have a heart and i have feelings, i feel that when you do that to me, it's not nice, don't do it, i am not a wacko." I explained.
"There are those who would say, that you add to the attention." she then said,
"No, I don't." I replied.
"Well, the masks, the-the... mysterious behaviour..." she said,
"There's... No, there's no mysterious behavior, there is a time when i give a concert, i'd like to sit.... with many people come can come and enjoy the show and there is a time where you wanna, you like to be in private where you put on your pajamas and go to sleep, cut off the light ...tsk toeng... and lay down, that's your private space." I explained and forced a smile, "If you go in the park, i can't go in the park at all, so i create my own park at "Neverland", my own waterspace, my movie teather, my theme park, that's all for me to enjoy." I kept explaining,
"i don't want this to sound insulting, i'm just gonna be straight with you. But you are somewhat eccentric to say the least, the way you dress, the way you look, it invites attention. The whole appearance uhm... as you grew up was larger than life, more extreme, you don't think that calls the paparazzi to you?" she said, and in that very moment I felt uncomfortable , to the point where I felt forced to cover myself up with the coat that I was wearing.
"No..." I whispered, "no... no..." I whispered again, "maybe I like to live that way, I like to dress that way. I don't want paperazzi, really, but if they come, be kind, write the right, kind thing to write." I said firmly.
"Michael, is it the journalist role or the press's role to be kind?" she asked, and I was literally surprised.
"To be kind?" I asked, trying to understand if she really asked that question.
"Cause the press also sometimes has to look into things, be though, it can't always be kind?" she said, and I suddenly released a sarcastic laughter. This woman is driving me insane, that's exactly why I don't like interviews.
"What you saw what happen to lady Diana, you tell me? There should be some boundaries, some kind of way. The star needs some space, give them a chance to relax, he has a heart, he's human." I explained firmly,
"You canceled the concert you were about to do when you heard of Diana's death." she then said, completely ignoring what I've said.
"Yes." I replied honestly,
"And when you finally did a concert, you dedicated your concert to her, what did you say?" she then asked,
"In my heart i will say "Iove you Diana, shine and shine on forever, cause you are the true princess of the people", and in words i did not say it, but i said it for three minutes and shown a big picture on all the jumbo trans screens and the sony big huge screens, and her picture was there, shining, and the crowd went banana's." I explained, "And i played the song "Smile" and "Gone to soon"" I added.
"Give us some of the lyrics, if you can." she then said,
""Shiny and sparkly and splendidly bright, here one day, gone one night, gone to soon"" I said,
"You have said: " I grew up in a fishbowl, i will not allow that to happen to my son", yet when your son was born you sold pictures to the national enquirer and to other european papers, tabloids, why did you do that?" she then asked, I slightly narrowed my eyes,
"Why?!" I asked,
"Why?" she repeated, I took a deep breath trying to stay calm.
"Because, there was a race, there were some illegal pictures out, illegally somebody had taken pictures of a baby, for millions of dollars and said here's Michael's son." I replied,
"And it wasn't as i r..-" she was about to ask, but I cut her off.
"It wasn't! So i took the pictures of the baby and said they're forcing me to get his picture... There's helicopters flying above us, flying over my house, flying over the hospital, machines at satellites all over the... even the hospital said, Michael we've had every kind of celebrity here, we've never had it like this. This is unbelievable. And so i said, here, take it, and i'd gave to money to charity." I said.
"So rather than... in a sense what your saying is, what you did was to get them off you back?" she asked,
"Yeah! Now they wanna do it again and don't want... i don't... maybe i don't wanna show him to the world like that. I want him to have some space where he can go to school, i don't want him to be called "Wacko Jacko", that's not nice. They called the father that, that isn't nice, right?" I replied,
"You said you don't want your... your child to be called Wacko Jacko's son, how are you gonna prevent it, so they don't do it to him?" she asked,
"That's the thing, that's the idea, maybe you should come up with a plan to help me." I replied and smiled confidently,
"But you're his daddy." she said.
"There you go." I said proudly and shrugged my shoulders, "Well they created that, who would ever think i would have a child one day that is... i have a heart, it's hurting my heart, why pass it on to him?" I added,
"Do you like being a father?" she asked,
"I love it!" I said honestly, and smiled slightly.
"Are you very involved with him?" she asks, making me giggle.
"Yes." I replied,
"Do you want more children?" she then asked, making me giggle even more.
"Yes." I replied again.
"If your son show talent, by the way does he show any talent at 9 months?" she asked,
"Well i'll tell you this much, he... when he's crying, to keep him from crying, you have to do one thing." I said, she looked at me curiously.
"What?" she asked,
"I have to stand in front of him, and dance." I said.
"Really?" she asked surprised and smiled.
"Yes, and he stops crying and his tears turns to laughter and he starts clapping and he smile." I replied proudly,
"And you do your moonwalk with him?" she then asks,
"Yeah, i do all kind of .... move, and then he stops crying." I replied and showed her some moves that I do, and released a chuckle.
"And he stops crying? You must do a lot of dancing?" she asked, and I burst out in laughter.
"I do a lot of dancing, yeah." I replied.
"Michael, if this little boy says: "Daddy, i wanna go on the stage", after what you've been through." she said, and I chuckled.
"Hold on now, hold on..." I said smiling brightly, "if you do go that way, expect this, expect that, expect this, expect that." I added.
"You'd lay it all out?" she asked,
"I'd lay it all out. That you gonna get all this, and all this, and all of this, are you ready to do that? If he says: "Yeah i can't wait!", Go!, and do it better than i did it!" I replied.

After a few more minutes, we were almost done with the interview, when she suddenly asked me one more question.

"Is your wife Debbie now expecting a child?" she asked, and my eyes grew wider and I started giggling.
"Ooooh..." I said and looked away, I then put my hands on top of my head. I don't wanna answer that question, I can't. Debbie would never forgive me. I smiled widely and cleared my throat.
"A simple yes or no..." Barbara said,
"Oohhh.." I whispered, "can I say I'm not sure?" I said almost whispering and started laughing again.
"Really?" she asked surprised,
"Wait! No, don't..." I immediately said, regretting what I just said.
"You said it!" she says, while I put my finger on my lips
"Shh..." I whispered and looked over at Frank.
"You said it. She might be pregnant." Barbara said. "When will you know?" she then asked, I looked back at her and giggled.
"You brought this out by yourself..-" she said,
"I didn't!" I replied
"When will you know? It's a simple question." she insists,
"Pleeeease..." I whispered, and chuckled again.

Thank god, she decided to cut this off and it won't be included into the actual interview. When it was finally over, we said our goodbyes and I got escorted back to my Hotel where Debbie and Prince were waiting for me.

September 12th, 1997
*Myra's POV*

Tala just came home from work, and I was in the kitchen preparing dinner for us. When it was all ready, we grabbed our dishes and sat down on the sofa, enjoying our meal and watching TV.

Suddenly, an interview with Michael started to appear... while he was in France.

"Oh.. uhm.. we don't have to watch this, if you don't want to." Tala said,
"It's okay..." I whispered, and started eating my food while listening to the interview.

Around the end of the interview, Barbara Walters was showed in the studio and she was talking to another Lady, that's when they showed an exclusive clip of the interview that wasn't included. It's where she asked him if Debbie's expecting another child... and by how he reacted, I can tell that she is. She's pregnant? Again?...

I could feel something inside of me breaking. He isn't even bothering about me, anymore. Maybe this distance between us is good. He looks happier now.
Lisa was right on that, I have to keep my distance from him and his family.

"Myra? You okay?" Tala whispered while caressing my shoulder, I gulped and turned the TV off, before looking over at her and forcing a smile.
"Yea. I'm good. Listen, I'm going to sleep, I'm tired." I replied and stood up, walking into my room.

I crawled on my bed and tucked myself under the bedsheets, looking outside the window at the beautiful night sky covered by the stars... that's when a tear finally rolled down my cheek. Damn, this hurts...

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