Chapter 60

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February 14th, 1997
*Michael's POV*

When I woke up, I noticed the sun peeking through the windows. I then looked on my watch and it was now 7 a.m.
Next to me was sitting Myra, still holding Prince in her arms, they were both peacefully sleeping. She stayed here the entire night, watched after my newborn son while I was asleep...
I smiled like an idiot while looking at her.

I then heard some noise again, it was coming from outside. The paparazzi's and fans are probably back now, they wouldn't give up. Suddenly, Myra mumbled something and then woke up.

"Oh, god... I fell asleep. What time is it?" she whispered in a raspy voice,
"It's seven a.m." I replied and giggled. She sighed and looked down at Prince.
"Did you have a hard time last night?" I then asked,
"Not at all. He was like an angel." she replied and smiled brightly,
"Thank you, Myra... I really appreciate it." I then said flashing her a sweet smile, she simply nodded.
"I should go home now..." she then said and stood up, I did too and she slowly placed Prince into my arms.
"Do you want to grab a coffee before you go?" I offered gently,
"Uhh... sure." she replied. I smiled and nodded.
"I'll be right back..." I then said and silently walked into Debbie's room. I carefully placed Prince into his crib, and then left, walking downstairs to the Hospital Cafeteria, escorted by my securities. I then noticed the big crowd outside, helicopters flying around the building.
"Oh, god..." I whispered, completely shook.
"They're crazy." Myra scuffed and shook her head.

We then walked to the cafeteria and grabbed two coffees, before walking back to the corridor, in front of the room where Debbie was staying. We sat down, drank our coffees and chatted.

"Did you stay up all night long?" I then asked and looked at her,
"Uhh, yea kinda... I remember that I was still awake around 5, from there on I can't remember anything else, I probably fell asleep sometime after 5 a.m." she said and giggled,
"Well, you did amazing... Prince seems to love you. He looks so calm when you hold him." I then said, and smiled brightly.
"He's very adorable... just like the father." she then whispered and smiled back at me. We starred into each other's eyes for a few seconds, and slowly our faces started to lean in, until our lips touched and locked into a sweet kiss.

Soon before the situation could escalate, we got interrupted by a male voice. We immediately stepped back and looked up, it was the Doctor.

"Good morning, Mr. Jackson. I'm here to visit your wife..." he said, I quickly looked over to Myra and she nodded. I then said my goodbyes to her and followed the Doctor inside the room. Debbie was now awake, and was holding Prince in her arms, trying to feed him.

I quickly placed my coffee down, and walked closer. I gently grabbed my son and started feeding him, he immediately calmed down. The Doctor giggled and started visiting her.

*Myra's POV*

The same security that has escorted me to the hospital last night just escorted me back home, and Tala was already up.

"Where have you been?!" she asked as soon as I stepped inside,
"Good morning to you too, Tala." I joked,
"Myra..." she whined,
"I was at the Hospital." I confessed and released a sigh, while sitting on the sofa next to her.
"Hospital? Why??" she asked worried,
"Michael is now officially a father. He wanted me to be there with him." I explained in a calm tone,
"Oh..." she simply said.

The TV then showed the News Channel, who was reporting straight from the Hospital, showing the big crowd that was standing outside.

"It's official. Michael Jackson, the King Of Pop, is now father of his first child. Fans and paparazzi's has been crowding around the hospital since last night, trying to get a glimpse from Jacko's newborn baby. Some of them even tried to sneak inside, helicopters are flying around, and it seems like we finally got a shot! Take a look at his." the lady said, and then showed an illegal photo of baby Prince.

"Nasty bastards!" I exclaimed in a pissed tone, "they take illegal pictures now? How disgusting is that?" I added,"Don't you want to call him and say that?" Tala said,"I will

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"Nasty bastards!" I exclaimed in a pissed tone, "they take illegal pictures now? How disgusting is that?" I added,
"Don't you want to call him and say that?" Tala said,
"I will." I then replied confidently.

"Also, it seems like Jackson's Ex-girlfriend Myra Diaz, was also spotted yesterday. Is Jackson again involved in a triangle of love?" the Lady said and then showed a picture of me while I was walking inside the hospital, yesterday night.
"Oh my god! I've had enough now. Really." I yelled and turned the TV off, walking inside my room and slamming the door behind me.

I then sat down on my bed, and grabbed my phone, calling Michael.

"Jackson." he answered,
"Michael? Listen, I just watched the News, there is an illegal photo of your son circulating by the media." I explained,
"What? How did they get an illegal photo?" he asked,
"I don't know..." I replied and sighed,
"Okay... I know what to do. Thank you for telling me, Myra." he said in a soft tone,
"Your welcome." I replied and hung up.

Anger was boiling within my veins, because of that woman of the News.
I tried so hard to not be seen in public by wearing disguises, and yet here I am again... involved in a "scandal" by the media, where people are now going to think that we are involved in a triangle of love.
God... it won't get any better.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now