Chapter 18

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April 21st, 1994
*Myra's POV*

Since the kids have been asking in forever to go back to the Neverland Ranch, me and Annie thought about bringing them back there today.
I have talked with Michael about this and of course he agreed. He's very happy and excited and said that he's waiting for us.

Even though that means that I have to wear a mask again, I'm doing this for the children.

We are now sitting in the mini bus with Luke again, while making our way to Los Olivos. Annie was sitting next to me, as I was watching outside the window.

"So you and Michael didn't end up together?" she suddenly asked, making me snap my head over to her.
"Pardon?" I asked,
"I said, you and Michael didn't end up together in the end?" she asked again, I gulped.
"Uhh, no. Why? You thought that we would end up together?" I replied,
"Yeah. I mean, the way you two looked at each other... the way you got along so well since the beginning... it's very rare." she explained,
"We are ... we're just best friends, Annie. Nothing more. He is getting married soon, and not to me, so..." I said. That's when a couple of children turned around and looked at us.
"Mwichael is not marrying you? Why not?" a little girl asked. Shit...
"Uhhhh... because me and Michael love each other like brother and sister, we can't get married sweetie." I explained.
"Are you sure that he doesn't love you?" a little boy then asked, Annie giggled.
"I just know..." I said. "And by the way, you shouldn't be listening about what adults are talking about. Focus about the fact that we are going to Neverland and that you are going to have lots of fun today!" I said, that's when they all smiled and clapped their tiny hands in excitement.

I sighed and looked outside the window again...
After what felt like forever, we finally arrived and stepped out of the bus.
Soon Michael walked out and came towards us. All the children ran towards him and they started hugging his legs, making him giggle. He then bend down and hugged them back, before getting back up and looking at me. That's the first time in forever where his chocolate brown eyes met mine again... making my heart skip a beat.

"Hi, Myra..." he whispered as he stepped closer,
"Hi, Michael..." I whispered back, our eyes still locked. He embraced me in a sweet hug, while his perfume started invading my nostrils. Cuanto extrañé ese perfume (I missed this perfume so much).
"Long time no see... I missed you." he then whispered as he stepped back from the hug,
"Yea... missed you too." I replied, forcing a smile.

Soon enough, we started walking around the Ranch, and the children started begging Michael to go on some rides with them. Of course he did.

I was happy to see that the kids had fun here with him. All of this reminds me of the very first time we came here... the day me and Michael met for the first time. I smiled like an idiot thinking about the good old days.
Then I got snapped back to reality from a hand touching my back, making me gasp. I turned around and noticed that it was Javon. He smiled brightly.

"Hey baby, good to see you." he said before pecking my lips.
"Oh, hey... good to see you too." I replied.

*Michael's POV*

Once me and the kids finished our ride, we started making our way back to Myra and Annie. The big smile that was plastered on my face soon disappeared, when I noticed that Javon was now kissing Myra. I gulped hard and clenched my jaw.

"Mwichael?" a little girl said while tapping on my knee, I looked down at her.
"Yes sweetie?" I gently asked while bending down at her,
"You should be the one to kiss Mwyra... why don't you mwarry her instead?" she asked. My heart immediately skipped a beat.
"Why are you saying this?" I asked confused,
"Well.. I heard Annie and Mwyra talking on the bus dwuring the ride... Annie wondered why you and Mwyra didn't end up together... then I asked why you don't mwarry her, and Mwyra said that you don't love her." she explained. I was clearly shocked by the things that this little girl was saying...
"She really said that?" I asked, she nodded. "And what else did she say?" I asked.
"That you are like brother and sister." she replied.
"Hey you two! Come on, let's keep going!" Annie shouted, that's when the little girl smiled widely and ran towards Annie, leaving me standing there like an idiot...

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now