Chapter 89

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June 12th, 2001
*Myra's POV*

I am going to spend some time with the kids and the Jackson Family, since Michael is going to be busy the next couple of days. He is now starting to work on his upcoming short film for one of his songs on the Album.

I am used to him being away for a while, but I sure miss him when he's not around.

Today me and the kids are going to Hayvenhurst and we're going to spend the day there, with the Jackson's.

As soon as we arrived, Katherine and Rebbie welcomed us inside. Prince and Paris immediately went outside to play a little, while us three are sitting at the table outside sipping on some housemade lemonade.

"So how is it going between you and Mike since you got married?" Rebbie curiously asked, making me giggle.
"It's going amazing. We've never been that happy." I honestly replied, and they both smiled widely at my response.
"I can see how happy my son is, and I am so thankful that you care so much about him. He really loves you, I can see that." Katherine softly said,
"His happiness and his health is one of my biggest priority, I will always care about him no matter what. He and the children..." I said and looked over to see how they were playing with each other.
"They needed a mother like you." Rebbie commented, and I felt how tears of joy started to form in my eyes.
"Thank you..." I whispered.

We then ended up chatting for the entire afternoon, talking about stuff that doesn't matter to the world but us... about stuff that women usually tend to talk about. This is my second family, and I love being around them, and so do the children.

After a long and tiring day, it was time for us to go back home. During the ride back to the Ranch, Prince and Paris fell asleep in the car.
When we arrived, me and a security had to pick them up and walk them inside into their bedroom.

We layed them down and when the security left, I tucked them in and watched them sleep.

Suddenly, I felt someone grabbing me from behind making me gasp. I turned around and noticed it was Michael.

"Did you have a stressful day, baby?" he whispered,
"No, it was pretty good." I replied and pecked his lips. "Tell me about yours." I then whispered. He smiled and walked me out of the room.
"It was good but very tiring... I missed you and the kids." he said smiling at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling back at him.
"We missed you too. They had a lot of fun today with your family." I replied,
"You went to Hayvenhurst?" he asked surprised,
"Yea... I spent some quality time with your mother and Rebbie." I said and chuckled.
"I'm happy that you get along so well with them." he said and smiled.

After some more chatting, we had dinner and went to bed to watch some TV and cuddle.

June 26th, 2001

Michael is leaving for Miami in a couple of days, to work on his final mixing for his upcoming album this autumn. He offered me to go with him, but I suddenly started feeling sick a couple days ago and I feel even worse today.

I don't think I can go with him...

He said that he won't stay away for that long, since he has to start rehearsing for his two Shows that he's going to attend in September.

I was now laying in bed, sipping on my tea, hoping that I'll feel better soon. Suddenly, he walked inside and came to sit next to me.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked worried,
"Not really, but there's no reason to worry, baby." I replied trying to sound reassuring,
"If you want I can stay, I don't feel like leaving you alone..." he said while grabbing my hand.
"No, Michael. You need to go. I'll be fine." I replied and flashed him a weak smile.
"Are you sure?" he asked looking deep into my eyes, I nodded. "Alright... try to get some rest." he then said and placed a soft kiss onto my forehead.

I leaned back again and started sipping on my tea. That's when a thought started running through my mind...
I immediately grabbed my agenda and started counting the days backwards... my period is late! 3 WEEKS!!!!
So I started thinking until coming to a conclusion ... my period is late, I'm feeling sick... no way.

Maybe it's better if I wait a couple of days, maybe... just maybe... my period will come.

July 1st, 2001
*Michael's POV*

I have just arrived in Miami, and was now on my way to meet with some people to work on the final mixing of my 'Invincible' Album.

I felt bad for leaving Myra at home, knowing that she wasn't feeling very well... but I promised that I'll be back as soon as possible. And that's what I'm going to do.

After a long day of work, I got escorted to the Hotel and the first thing I did was to call and check on her.

"Hello?" she said as she picked up,
"Myra? Baby? How are you doing?" I asked worried,
"I'm good, Michael, don't worry." she replied and chuckled, I then heard voices...
"Who is that?" I asked confused,
"It's Tala... she came over so that I won't be alone." she replied and shortly after I heard Tala on the phone saying hello,
"Okay, good..." I said and released a sigh of relief.
"How was your day? Is your album now finally finished?" she asked,
"Almost. I'll be back sooner than you think, I promise." I replied,
"Good. I miss you already..." she whispered, making me smile brightly.
"I miss you too baby." I whispered back,
"Hey! Enough with the sweet talking. Myra get your ass back over here." Tala screamed, making us both giggle.
"It's okay, go..." I said,
"Okay... I love you." she replied,
"I love you more." I said and hung up.

Something felt weird, though... she felt sick the last couple of days, and now she says that she's feeling better.
I honestly don't believe that she's doing better... and I'm starting to think that there's more...
I'll find out as soon as I go back home, I guess.

July 4th, 2001

Finally I made it back home. As soon as I arrived, Myra and the kids came running towards me, hugging and kissing me.

Myra looked a little pale ... I knew she wasn't feeling very well yet.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked worried and cupped her face, she flashed me a weak smile.
"Yea, don't worry." she replied.
"I do worry, because I can see that you're not doing good, what's wrong?" I asked again,
"Michael, I-..." she started but immediately left running upstairs.

I followed her and noticed that she was bending over the toilet, throwing up. I quickly walked closer and held her hair back, gently caressing her back.

"Myra, what is going on here?" I asked worried as soon as she stepped back, and walked over to the sink to wash her mouth. Once she was finished she turned around to face me.
"Michael..." she started and walked closer, grabbing both my hands. She then looked up to me and smiled. "I-I'm pregnant." she whispered. My heartbeat started to speed up.
"P-pardon?" I whispered completely out of breath,
"You heard me.... I'm pregnant." she repeated and smiled widely.

I immediately embraced her, holding her tight and spinning around. She chuckled. I then put her down and cupped her face.

"For real?" I asked, she smiled widely and nodded.
"I took a pregnancy test with Tala ... it came out positive. But we'll need to see a doctor to confirm that." she whispered. Soon a big smile found its way on my face and I immediately pressed my lips onto her's.

Our dream is now becoming reality... we are having our child. She's becoming a mother.

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