Chapter 72

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October 17th, 1997
*Michael's POV*

We are now back in Myra's apartment, my Tour is now officially over. She is going to pack her stuff, so that she can move back in with me in Neverland by tomorrow.

Debbie is not living there anymore, but we still do talk over the phone here and then because of her pregnancy, and I also go with her to the doctor's appointments. Myra knows about that and she is okay with the situation.

Once she finished packing all her stuff, we had dinner with Tala.

"So... you two are back together now? And you're gonna leave me again?" Tala asked, we both giggled.
"Yea..." Myra replied and sighed, "I'm sure you can survive without me." she then added and grinned,
"Oh, sure I can. I just hope that this time it's going to work out for you guys." Tala replied and looked at me, I smiled.
"Of course it will, don't worry." I said, reassuring her.

After dinner, we walked into Myra's room and cuddled in her bed watching TV, until we both fell asleep.

October 18th, 1997

My securities were now helping us to put Myra's stuff in the car, and at some point it was time for her to say goodbye to Tala.

When she was ready, we both stepped into the car and got escorted to Neverland.
For the entire ride she was silent.

"Everything okay, baby?" I asked, she looked at me and smiled.
"Yes, I'm good don't worry." she said and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers.
"Are you sure? I know it's not going to be easy to go back to Neverland after what happened last time, but I promise this time it will be different." I said,
"I know, baby, don't worry." she replied softly and pecked my lips.

After a two hours long ride, we finally arrived.
We stepped out of the car, and I immediately grabbed her hand while walking inside. The maids were surprised to see Myra again, but greeted us both gently.

"Mrs. Diaz, it's nice to see you again." one of the maids said, and Myra smiled brightly.
"Thank you, nice to be back." she replied.

I then grabbed her luggage and brought it upstairs into our bedroom, followed by her. She looked around. I placed her stuff down and walked closer to her, grabbing her hips and pulling her close to me.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, she forced a smile and nodded. "No one else slept in here besides you, since last time." I then said, knowing that she might be thinking that. And she was indeed surprised when I said that.
"Really?" she whispered, I smiled and nodded.
"Really." I replied, she also smiled and cupped my face, locking our lips in a sweet kiss.

We ended up taking a shower together, making love to each other, and cuddling in bed, trying to get some rest. That's how we spent most of the day.

*Myra's POV*

I have to admit that it feels kinda weird to be back in this house, after what happened last time. But this time I feel like it's going to be different, this time it won't be a nightmare, it's going to be a dream come true. That's what I hope at least...

After having some dinner, we both cuddled on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"Where is Prince by the way?" I then asked,
"With my family in Hayvenhurst, I'm going to pick him up tomorrow, you can come with me if you want." she softly replied, I looked up to him and smiled.
"Really?" I asked excitedly, he chuckled.
"Of course. My family adores you, Myra, and Prince misses you." he said, and pecked my lips.
"I feel the same." I replied, smiling widely. "How is..." I started and cleared my throat, "how is Debbie's pregnancy going? Do you know the gender already?" I asked,
"It's going good, and no she doesn't know yet. Baby, are you sure that you're okay with this situation? If you feel uncomfortable please tell me..-" he started but I interrupted him with another kiss,
"Stop asking me these questions over and over again, I already told you... it's okay, I'm good. No need to worry." I replied and smiled at him. He smiled back and cupped my face.
"One day, me and you are going to have a child too... I promise." he whispered softly,
"Of course we will." I said and we both smiled at each other.

We spent the entire night in front of that fireplace, talking about life... until we got tired and went to bed, falling asleep in each other's embrace.

October 19th, 1997

I woke up the next morning, and Michael was still peacefully sleeping. I slightly smiled and slowly snook out of bed. I took a quick shower and started getting ready, nothing special just a pair of jeans and a pullover, paired with some boots. I did my hair and makeup and silently walked downstairs, to help the maids with breakfast.

They know me, they know I don't like being served.
And they tried to get me out of the kitchen, but I would refuse every time.
In the end, I helped them with breakfast, and at some point I heard a male voice behind me.

"Good morning." it said, I knew it was Michael.
"Good morning, Mr. Jackson." the maids said, I then turned around and smiled.
"Good morning, applehead." I said and he chuckled, walking closer to me and placing a soft kiss onto my cheek.
"Why are you in the kitchen?" he asked,
"We told her that she doesn't have to help, Mr. Jackson, but she's really stubborn." one of the maid said, and the rest agreed, I smiled and rolled my eyes, while serving the breakfast in two dishes.
"I know she is..." Michael teased,
"Breakfast is ready, boss." I joked and brought the dishes with me, and placing them on the dining table.

We then both took a seat, and he wouldn't stop starring at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked and giggled,
"You know that it's the maid's job to work in the kitchen, right?" he said in a playful tone, smiling at me.
"I know that, but you know me, you know I don't like being served. You wanted me to live with you again? Than you have to let me cook sometimes. Simple." I said, making him chuckle.
"Alright, alright... how about we set up a plan, on what days you can go into the kitchen? The maids really need to work, too, you know..." he offered,
"Fine." I replied and rolled my eyes.

We then started eating our breakfast, and afterwards he walked upstairs to get ready, while I helped with washing the dishes.
After a few minutes he walked back downstairs, fully dressed.

"Are you ready?" he asked me with a grin plastered on his face, I smiled widely.
"Yes." I replied, he then grabbed my hand and we both walked outside, stepping into the car while his securities escorted us to Hayvenhurst.

I can't wait to meet baby Prince again, that kid reminds me so much of his father. I love them both so much.
I really can't explain what I feel nor why I have this special bond with his son, I'm not even his mother... but that's just how it is, I guess.

Once we arrived, we got greeted by the entire Jackson Family, they were all happy to see me again. They then welcomed us inside, and Janet appeared while holding baby Prince. I smiled brightly and walked closer, taking Prince in my arms and placing tons of kisses over his face.

"God, he grew up so much..." I said, Michael, Janet and Katherine giggled. "And the more he grows up the more he looks like you!" I said looking at Michael,
"You think so?" he asked and smiled shyly,
"Absolutely!" Janet commented.

I then walked over to the living room and sat down on the sofa, placing Prince on my legs and playing with him. I haven't been around children in so long... I miss the children from kindergarten so much, I would have never thought that one day I would stop seeing them. At least I have Prince now.
Without even noticing a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Michael asked as he stepped inside and sat down next to me, I looked up to him and smiled.
"Yea, more than okay." I replied and looked back to Prince.
"Are you crying?" Michael asked and put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. I sighed. "Myra, why are you crying?" he asked worried,
"Nothing... I was just thinking about the children from kindergarten... I haven't seen them in so long." I confessed, he slightly smiled and embraced me in a hug.
"You know you can invite them over whenever you want, right? Even Prince would enjoy it." he then said and I smiled like an idiot.
"That actually sounds like a good idea..." I said and we both giggled.

After spending the entire day with the Jackson's, we grabbed Prince and made our way back home.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now