Chapter 79

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April 2nd, 1998
*Michael's POV*

It's now 8 p.m. and me and Myra were now laying in bed, cuddling and watching a film, when suddenly I heard my phone ringing.

I snapped and immediately grabbed it, picking up the incoming call.

"Jackson." I said, for a moment the only thing I heard groans, and finally a female voice spoke.
"Michael? Michael, I-I am now going to the hospital!" it was Debbie,
"Debbie?! Hospital? Why?" I asked worried and sat up on the bed,
"I'm having contractions... I think I am now in active lab-" she started and stopped because of a contraction, "active labor... are we going to meet there?" she then said,
"Yes! Of course. Just tell me in which hospital you're going." I quickly replied and stood up to get ready,
"I'll go to the Spaulding Pain Medical Clinic, in Beverly Hills." she said,
"I'm on my way!" I replied and hung up, while putting my clothes on as quick as possible.

"Michael, what is going on?" Myra asked worried,
"Debbie is in active labor, she's having contractions, I have to go!" I said in a hurry, she then stood up and walked closer to me.
"Hey, baby, calm down.... everything will be fine. I'll stay at home with Prince and I'll also call Janet to see if she can come over, if you need me just call me and I will come while Janet looks over Prince, okay?" she softly said, I looked at her and smiled.
"Will do. Thank you so much, Myra. I love you." I said and pecked her lips.
"Keep me updated okay?" she then said, I nodded and walked out of the bedroom.

I made my way outside and told my securities to escort me as quick as possible to the Hospital that Debbie was going to, and that's what they did.

After good 2 hours we finally arrived, and people started recognising me and going crazy, but I didn't have time for that right now. I immediately rushed inside and asked for Debbie, and followed the directions that they gave me.
Once I've been escorted into the delivery room, I noticed Debbie laying on a stretcher, cables attached to her, and the Doctor was now visiting her.

I walked closer and held her hand tight.

"Mrs. Jackson you are now 6 centimetres dilated, which means that you're in active labor. It's going to take quite some time until you reach 10 centimetres, if you want I can give you something against the pain." the Doctor explained, Debbie immediately agreed and they provided to give her the medicine she needed.
"Thank you so much!" I then said, and the Doctor smiled and nodded before leaving the room.

I then tried to calm Debbie down, trying to reassure her that everything is going to be fine.

April 3rd, 1998

The hours went by, and still Debbie hasn't reached the 10 centimetres.

Around 2 a.m. I called Myra for the second time, since I knew that she was anxiously waiting for some News.

"Baby?" she said as soon as she picked up,
"Hey..." I replied,
"Everything okay?" she asked,
"Yes, everything is fine. Debbie is now 8 centimetres dilated, it will still take some time... but she's doing okay so far." I replied and took a seat on a chair outside in the corridor.
"And how are you doing?" she then asked,
"Tired, but good. I wish you could be here with me..." I whispered and leaned my head back against the wall.
"I can still come if you want... Janet is here, even the Bhatti's came." she replied,
"No, baby... it's okay, it's late..." I replied and released a sigh,
"Michael... if you want me to come, I'll come. Tell me what do you want?" she softly said, I remained silent for a few seconds. "Baby..." she said.
"I want you to come." I said,
"I'll be there as soon as possible." she replied and hung up.

*Myra's POV*

As soon as I hung up with Michael, I quickly changed my clothes and walked downstairs.

"Guys, I'm going to Michael in the hospital, he needs me. Are you going to be okay on your own?" I asked them,
"Of course, don't worry, go. And keep us updated, okay?" Janet said and the rest agreed,
"That's for sure. Please keep an eye on Prince..." I replied,
"Don't worry." Janet reassured me and smiled. I nodded and quickly walked outside.

I then told the securities to escort me to the Hospital where Michael and Debbie were, and they did.

It took us 2 hours to arrive, and when I was finally there I asked for directions. I then made my way through the corridors, and when I reached the right room I knocked two times. After a few seconds Michael opened the door, he smiled widely and stepped outside, closing the door behind him before embracing me in a sweet hug.

"How are things going? Still nothing?" I whispered before stepping back and cupping his face, looking deep into his eyes.
"She's in bad pain... still nothing." he whispered and released a heavy sigh, I then grabbed his hand and walked him over to the chair making him sit down.
"Don't worry too much, you'll see everything will be just fine. You want me to go inside for a while so you can take some rest? I promise I'll call you as soon as something happens." I softly said, he looked at me with a surprised look.
"Are you sure?" he asked, I smiled brightly.
"Take some rest. I'll call you in." I then said and pecked his lips, before walking inside the room.

Debbie was laying on the stretcher, groaning because of the pain. She was also surprised to see me there.

"Myra?" she asked completely out of breath, I smiled and walked closer, grabbing her hand.
"Hi Debbie... how are you doing?" I asked, and she chuckled.
"Bad..." she replied, I then caressed the back of her hand with my thumb.
"Everything will be fine... try to relax." I softly said, "take some deep breath's from the nose, and let it come out from your mouth." I added, and she did. After a while, it seemed like it helped.

Around 6 a.m. the Doctor came inside to visit her, and she was now finally 10 centimetres dilated!

"I'll call Mr. Jackson inside. Don't worry, Debbie. You'll do a great job." I said and flashed her one last smile, before walking outside. "Baby? Go inside... it's time." I said, his eyes grew wide and immediately walked towards me.
"Really?" he asked in an excited tone, even though I can tell by the look on his face that he's tired. I smiled and nodded. He then pecked my lips and walked inside.

I decided to call Janet and tell her that it's time and that in a few her niece will be born.

Around 6:26 a.m. Michael walked out of the delivery room, holding his baby daughter wrapped in a towel. His eyes were red and puffy, and still full with tears... I smiled brightly and walked closer.

"Myra... meet Paris Michael Katherine Jackson." he softly whispered, I then gave a glaze at her and noticed that she was still covered in placenta. She still looked gorgeous though. I teared up as well.
"Hi princess..." I softly whispered,
"Let's go." Michael then said after a few seconds, surprising me.
"Wait, what? You're going to take her home like that?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled.
"Yes, c'mon." he replied and we immediately walked outside, into the car, making our way back home.

For the entire ride, we both couldn't take our eyes off of that beautiful little human being.
Yes, it did surprise me that he decided to take his daughter home while still covered in placenta. But did I think that it was crazy? No, I didn't.
I think it's a beautiful thing... a very beautiful and spiritual thing.

After a long ride, we finally made it back home. Everyone was waiting excitedly to take a glimpse of baby Paris, but Michael said that he needed to bath her first, and that's what he did. About thirty minutes later, he walked back downstairs... Paris was now all cleaned up and dressed up. She was peacefully sleeping in her father's embrace.
He wouldn't stop smiling and tearing up...

Even I got emotional... what a night.

 what a night

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