Chapter 58

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January 5th, 1997
*Myra's POV*

Today, Michael flew back home with me, and dropped me at my apartment. I spent these two days with him in Honolulu, I watched him perform on his two shows, we talked a lot, we goofed around like we used to do before, and of course we had a lot of intimacy...

Yes, we decided to try and pick up the shredded pieces one by one, and see if we can somehow rebuild what we lost. In the end, I have to decide whether I want to give him another opportunity. And normally, we aren't supposed to be that close, but we can't help it. Because in the end, he's a man and I'm a woman, we still love each other and the sexual attraction that we have for each other is simply way too strong. I know that it's wrong... but like I already said, I can't control it.

Once he dropped me at my apartment we said our goodbyes and he left, while I stepped inside. Tala was in the kitchen, washing the dishes. As soon as she heard me she quickly walked towards me.

"Hey, you're back! Finally!" she exclaimed,
"Yea.." I simply replied and walked into the living room, sitting on the sofa. She sat down next to me.
"And? Spill the tea." she said impatiently and excitedly. I giggled.
"There's not much to say..." I replied and sucked my teeth, blushing hardly.
"Oh there is, I can tell by the look on your face. Tell me." she said as she sat in a more comfortable position, ready to listen to me.
"We decided to try and pick up the shredded pieces one by one, to see if we can rebuild what we've lost. In the end, I have to decide whether I give him another opportunity or not." I explained in a calm tone,
"So... now you're friends again? Sort of?" she asked confused,
"Sort of..." I replied and chuckled, and there it is... I was blushing again, so hard that I was forced to cover my face with my hands.
"Oh my... don't tell me you- MYRA!" she exclaimed almost shouting.
"Shhhhh!" I then whispered,
"You had... sex with him... didn't you? You're not just regular friends!!" she said as her eyes grew wider, I sucked my teeth and grinned.
"Well, yea... I can't help it, we both can't." I replied while shrugging my shoulders. She simply starred at me and shook her head, before releasing a giggle.
"Myra Diaz you're crazy." she then said, making us both laugh.
"For now that's the situation. I'm enjoying the moment, then we'll see how it goes..." I said almost whispering.

After chatting for a while, I decided to go take a shower, and right after I tucked myself under the bedsheets and starred at the white ceiling, thinking about the last two days. So many things happened lately, and my mind is in total confusion. I feel like my head is about to explode.

*Michael's POV*

Once I've dropped Myra at her apartment, my securities escorted me back home in Neverland, where Debbie was waiting for me.
As soon as I arrived, my maids greeted me, and shortly after Debbie walked down the stairs while holding her belly and smiling brightly at me.

"You're back!" she said, I slightly smiled and nodded.
"Yes. How are you doing? Everything okay?" I asked as I gently caressed her belly,
"Yes, everything is perfectly fine. Just one more month." she replied, and I smiled brightly too.

We then walked into the living room, and sat down on the sofa, talking about the pregnancy and how the Tour went so far.

"Michael, can I ask you something?" she then said, I looked at her and nodded. "You've been with her, didn't you?" she then asked in a calm tone, I gulped.
"How do you know?" I replied clearly surprised, she giggled.
"I've seen the News, how a disguised young woman walked into your Hotel... I just guessed it was her." she said while releasing a sigh.
"Oh..." I simply said and looked down at my hands, "well, yes, it was her." I then added, almost whispering.
"You still love her don't you?" she whispered in a cracked voice, I then looked over to her and noticed that her eyes were now filled up with tears.
"Yes, I can't help it, Debbie. She has awakened something inside of me, I can't explain it. The only thing I know is that I need her... for now, we are just friends, since she isn't sure if she wants to give me another chance. And that's enough for me right now." I said in a soft tone, that's when I noticed that she forced a smile and nodded, while a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Well, if you're happy, then so am I. Please excuse me, I'm going to get some rest, I'm exhausted." she whispered, and left.

I released a heavy sigh and covered my face with my hands. I know very well that Debbie is starting to develop feelings for me, I can tell and I can see... but she knows how I feel about her and how I feel about Myra.
She knows that the purpose of this marriage is just for the sake of the baby...
I don't want to hurt her, but she has to accept the truth. She has to face reality. I can't change the feelings that I have for Myra... she is a part of me, an essential part of me, I don't live without her.

After I sat there for a while, lost in my thoughts, I decided to walk upstairs into my room and took a long warm shower, before putting on some comfortable clothes. I then sat on my bed, grabbed my phone, and thought about either I should call her or not...
Maybe I shouldn't rush things. Maybe she needs some space.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now