Chapter 92

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September 7th, 2001
*Myra's POV*

Javon pulled me with him. I was now sitting in his car, while he was driving God knows where.
The last thing I remember, is that he slapped me and I became unconscious. I woke up just now, and noticed that I was in the car with him.

"Where are you taking me?!" I hissed,
"Calm down, Myra. I won't do anything, I just want to talk to you." he said in a calm tone while he kept driving.
"Let me out right now." I said firmly. He looked at me through the rare view mirror.
"I said. Calm. Down." he said in a serious tone. I gulped.
"Michael and the rest are probably looking for me right now... it won't take long until they call the police. I recommend you to stop the car and let me out." I said in a shaky tone, he giggled and shook his head. "Stop the car, Javon." I repeated firmly. Still nothing. "Javon!!!!" I yelled.
"Shut up!" he yelled back at me.

I'm probably going to regret what I'm about to do, but it's the only way out for me. I leaned over to the driver's seat and rotated the steering wheel... the car now drove out of the road, and next thing I knew was we hit something and the car finally stopped.
I looked at him, and he was now unconscious since he hit his head.

I took this opportunity to step out of the car, quickly took my heels off and started running. I don't know where I am, but I'm just going to run for my life until I find something...

After God knows how much time, I finally found a diner. I entered it and walked closer to the counters.

"I'm sorry... may I please use the phone?" I shyly asked,
"Sure, m'am. Right over there." the young man said, I slightly smiled and nodded. I then walked over to the phone and started to digit Michael's number.

"Jackson." he answered in a shaky and frustrated tone,
"M-Michael?" I whispered,
"Myra?! Are you okay? Where are you?" he asked starting to panic,
"Calm down... I'm okay... grab a piece of paper and a pen, write down the address and come pick me up as soon as possible." I replied, and that's what we did. I gave him the address and hung up, waiting for him to arrive.

In the meantime I sat down by a table, literally shivering. The young man who was behind the counters earlier came to me...

"M'am, are you okay? Do you need a Doctor?" he gently asked,
"Pardon? No, why would I need a Doctor?" I asked confused ,
"Your forehead is bleeding, m'am." he then said, I touched my forehead and looked down at my fingers. I probably hit my head when the car drove out of the rode...
"No, I'm good. Thank you." I replied, he nodded and left.

After a while, Michael and his securities entered the diner and soon enough everyone started recognising him, going completely crazy.
I stood up and ran towards him, hugging him tight. That's when I lost it and broke down in tears.
The police was also waiting outside, to ask me some questions.

"Mrs. Jackson, would you mind coming with us to the police department and tell us what happened?" one of the police officers said, I simply nodded.

Me and Michael stepped inside the car with his securities, and followed the police to the department.

"Baby... what happened?" Michael asked concerned,
"That asshole came backstage and said he wanted to talk to me... he started saying how sorry he felt for what he did to me, and that he still loves me... I then tried to walk away, but he grabbed me... he slapped me hard and from there on everything went black. Next thing I know is that I was in the car with him, and he wouldn't let me out." I explained, whispering, while more tears started rolling down my cheeks. Michael then hugged me tight...
"You're safe now. I won't leave you alone. We're going to put that bastard back in jail." he whispered before placing a soft kiss onto my head.

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