Chapter 57

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January 3rd, 1997
*Myra's POV*

When we arrived in our Hotel Room, the lights were shut down, the only lights that were lighting the room were the candles burning on the dining table.
This was entirely decorated with candles, food, flowers, and a bottle of champagne. My jaw literally dropped to the floor...

"Did you organise this?" I asked shocked, he chuckled.
"Yes, I did." he replied honestly, smiling at me. "I had to find a way to... impress you. Myra, this is way of showing you that I still love you, and that I need you. My life doesn't make sense without you... I feel lost and cold inside." he then explained in a soft tone, while grabbing both my hands. I looked deep into his eyes, while my heart started pounding fast. I didn't know what to say...
"Michael... I... don't know what to say." I honestly replied, he smiled.
"Don't say anything, let's have dinner, we'll talk later. How 'bout that?" he said, and we both chuckled. I nodded.

We then made our way towards the dining table and sat down in front of each other. The food was delicious, like, literally over the top. During dinner, we talked and chatted, like we used to do back then. For a moment, it felt like nothing ever changed... we were back into our world. A world where we felt safe, where we felt like ourselves, a world where we fell in love with each other.

After dinner, he poured some champagne in two glasses, and signed me to follow him outside the balcony. The night sky was now covered by beautiful sparkly and shiny stars, it was amazing... we sat down and I took a sip from my champagne... and damn, this is what I call a champagne of good quality.

"So..." he whispered and released a sigh, I looked over to him, our eyes locked. "Myra... I truly miss you. I miss the bond that we used to have, remember? When you came over to my Ranch, and we used to have a lot of fun? Playing water balloon fights, going on rides, watching films and cuddling. Oh, you remember when you broke my record on the Zipper?" he said, and we both laughed at his last sentence.
"Yes, of course I remember... these were the good old days, that made me really happy. You've opened a world to me that I didn't knew could exist. It was like the real me came out... and I enjoyed every moment of it." I replied, smiling like an idiot.
"I miss those days... where there was just me and you... Michael and Myra." he whispered softly, I looked down at the glass full of champagne that I was holding in my hand. A lot of thoughts started travelling through my mind, I also felt tons of emotions... sad and happy, angry and disappointed... "Myra? I don't want to lose you... I can't..." he whispered once again, caressing the back of my hand. I then looked up to him, and his beautiful chocolate brown eyes were now filled with tears, just like mine.
"Michael, you don't understand... something broke the day I found out about you and Debbie through the News Channel. That day changed my life completely. It destroyed the wonderful world I was living in. I felt betrayed... cheated on... used. I trusted you with all my heart, and I loved you so immensely I've never experienced anything like this before, and I still do... but something did break that day. How can you think that we could... rebuild all that?" I whispered in a cracked voice, while a tear started rolling down my cheek.
"We are going to pick up the shattered pieces, one by one. It will take some time, and a lot of patience, and a lot of hard work. But we can do it, I believe in it. I believe in us." he whispered softly, smiling through his tears, while he wiped away the tear that was rolling down my cheek with his thumb. "I am willing to fight for us... it's all up to you. We have to do this together, not just me alone." he added. I took a deep breath and stood up, walking closer to the balcony railing, looking up at the stars.

He was right, and the words that just came out of his mouth touched me profoundly. But there are so many other things that he is completely ignoring...

*Michael's POV*

I watched her carefully as she walked closer to the balcony railing, I then decided to stand up and walked closer to her, placing my hand on her lower back.

"Please Myra... try to give us one last chance. One more chance at our love." I whispered, she then turned around to face me.
"There are so many other things that you're completely ignoring, Michael..." she whispered while more tears started rolling down her cheeks. I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"What is it?" I asked,
"First of all, your marriage, and a child on the way. Second, you did me dirty in front of the entire world. The entire globe is sitting in front of their television, and are laughing about me. Third, your family. Do you have a clue how embarrassed I feel to think that they found out what you did to me? They probably think I'm an ignorant. It's not so easy for me, Michael." she explained, trying hard not to sob. I put our champagne glasses down, and grabbed both of her hands, pulling her closer to me.
"Listen to me... I know what I did to you was ... horrible. And believe me when I say that I feel like the worst idiot on this planet... but everything is going to be fine. We'll find a solution for everything. First of all, stop thinking about Debbie and the pregnancy. I already told you that I don't have feelings for her, and she knows that too. I didn't marry her because I love her, I married her for the sake of the baby. Secondly, you know that the press is good at manipulating things, at mocking people and making fun of them, I have been living this kind of life my entire life. And third thing, my family adores you. They know the truth, and they definitely don't see you as an ignorant. Stop complaining, Myra, don't think about the others, think about us." I explained in a soft tone, she then broke down and started sobbing, and I immediately embraced her in a warm and sweet hug.

Once she calmed down, she slightly stepped back and looked up to me. I flashed her the sweetest smile I could give her, and gently cupped her face, looking deep into her eyes.

"In those eyes... I see my future. I see love. I see affection. I see everything I need. Give us one more chance, Myra, please." I whispered, while a tear finally rolled down my cheek. She slightly smiled.
"And what if it won't work?" she whispered in a shaky and weak voice,
"It will work." I whispered and smiled brightly. "One more chance... just try... let's start by picking up the shredded pieces one by one. No rush." I explained in a calm tone. She then sighed.
"Fine..." she finally whispered. We both smiled at each other.

I then slowly leaned closer and pressed my lips onto hers, while the stars and the moon were shining upon us. The entire world around us disappeared, in this very moment there was just me and her. Michael and Myra.

We ended up finishing the entire bottle of champagne, we joked and goofed around like we used to do... and finally, we made love to each other the entire night, until we were both exhausted and collapsed in each other's arms, cradled by our embrace.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now