2 ; necklace

506 22 4

Truly, the rumours spoken of are the first thing Felix hears whilst walking along the crowded halls.

It's pleasant, really - it's like, the only time someone knows of his existence.

But then, if you think about it again, why and how are people still thinking about that incident?

It's been months since he's been in that hell of a coma.

That gives them a heck load of time to stop acknowledging what happened.

It seems pleasant but annoying, alright, someone remembers him, why do they remember him? Why do they talk about him, especially?

He doesn't want to know their opinions about him living or dying;

He jumped, he jumped.

It's no difference if he'd be dead or alive.

Well, maybe except the students guilty would be highly punished for the murder of a 19 year old.

That interests Felix quite a bit, if you say.


Of course, one of the first places he'd visit is the rooftop.

It kindly reminds him of what happened, which makes him want to do it all over again.

But if you're being honest, that would cause even more drama in the university, wouldn't it?

Maybe he should be focusing on who tried to save him that time - or on his studies, to say the least.

Because then again, if you're missing over 3 months, you have shit to catch up on...

Which for Felix isn't the main thing to focus on, he completely forgot everything he was taking and doesn't have the motivation to go back to relearn it.

Even sitting on the edge of the rooftop gives him enough adrenaline.

The long-wanted adrenaline of reliving ( or dying ) the jump.

Just that now it's from a higher distance, which gives him a higher chance of dying.

But maybe that's not the appropriate thing to be thinking of right now.

God, but how much does he want to lean back with his eyes closed?

When it seems like flying, it's an utterly light sensation.

You know you want to leave everything behind atleast once; you just don't have the courage to do so.

Of course, that feeling has to be stopped as someone steps a foot on the rooftop.

Felix quickly sits back up, looking at the door impatiently, only hoping that it's not that one - or three - people that made his life a gossip story.

You'd be glad to hear it's not.

After hearing a much more gentle sigh than Jae-Hyo, Xujuan, or Tae-Yoon would've let out, Felix lays back down with his hand hanging down the opposite side of the building.

The side that calls him to await another mysterious question of 'will he make it or not?'.

"What're you doing?" The voice quietly utters with a slightly tense tone.

The next thing Felix knows is that someone's taking him by the wrist to stand him up away from the edge of the rooftop.

"You're not trying to take your own life again, are you?" They whispered, looking at Felix with only sudden guilt.

on the edge // hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now