16 ; bandages

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"Where's Jisung, then?" Felix uttered, following Minho.

"Cafeteria. I bet." Minho chuckled, walking to the cafeteria.

"Gosh, how far is the cafeteria then?" Felix sighed, already tired of the walking beforehand.

"It's right here, don't worry." Minho hummed, walking in.

The first view seen was Jisung crouching against the wall drinking flavoured milk and watching videos on his phone, giggling at them nonstop.

"Jisung." Minho uttered, holding his hand out for Jisung.

"Oh. Is the lesson done?" Jisung questioned, checking the time.

"Yeah. Sorry for getting you sent out." Felix apologised lightly, not wanting to feel too guilty.

"It's fine. My grades are just gonna go down as I'm picking them up – no big deal." Jisung smiled, not especially caring about it.

"That's making me feel bad. I don't want you to fail!" Felix whined, pouting softly, "Or I can tutor you!" He suggested with a smile.

"Don't feel bad, you don't have to, I was the one convincing you to throw pens. And I don't need a tutor – you'll be wasting your time purely." Jisung answered, waving his hands in a sort of 'no' motion.

"I try to tutor Jisung anyway." Minho hummed, still standing beside the two, being slightly forgotten.

"Right, he does. Not so often, but he does." Jisung confirmed, nodding his head.

"Somehow, in English, you still have a D+. I think he's tutoring you weakly. He's keeping his good grades to himself. Haven't you heard about his B-?" Felix giggled, making the slightest joke about Jisung's grade.

"Yeah – that's because Jisung says I'm wasting his time tutoring him." Minho sighed softly.

"That's true!" Jisung whined, giggling along with the other two, "Right, we have more lessons, come on." He reminded, as much as he didn't want to go.

"Wow, you finally pay attention to education." Minho laughed, following Jisung and signalling Felix to also do so.

"And? How was everything, then?" Jisung questioned, wanting to hear a positive answer from Felix.

"Decent enough. I don't want to do it again, though." Felix answered honestly.

"Well, if you just keep skipping, they'll probably expel you or something." Minho sighed.

"Oh. Well, that's whatever. I want to go home now." Felix hummed, not paying much care or attention into that outcome.

"Yup. Bye." Jisung exclaimed, stretching his arms as Felix walked in another direction than him and Minho.

"But- we can't make the plan for tomorrow without Minho, right? Isn't that what you said earlier?" Felix questioned with a small giggle as Jisung forgot what he, himself, said.

"Yeah… I guess. I did say that, too." Jisung mumbled, remembering slightly.

"Well, then?" Felix inquired, expecting Jisung to go get the older male.

"Wait here, I'll get Minho." Jisung groaned, standing up and rushing away.

Felix sat there, letting out minimum noise, but still, of course, he had to come along.

"Hey there, blondie." Jae-Hyo uttered, gripping Felix's forearm as he dug his nails into it, wanting to trigger something potential.

"You know, I haven't done anything to you for such a long time now. That's getting on my nerves." Jae-Hyo scoffed, taking Felix by the jaw, making him look up.

Felix winced, feeling as Jae-Hyo ripped quite a few scars open, the ones that bled especially earlier.

"What do you-" Jae-Hyo started, snickering as Minho hit both of his hands away from Felix.

"What are you doing?" Minho uttered quietly enough, standing infront of Felix as Jisung sat next to him.

"What are you doing?" Jae-Hyo questioned in return, "Are you his boyfriend or something?"

"I already have a boyfriend. Sorry if your crush on me is quite immense in value." Minho mumbled, wanting to piss Jae-Hyo off as much as he could only so that he could leave.

"You wish." Jae-Hyo spoke, sighing, "Whatever, I can't manage to stand you." Jae-Hyo whispered, walking away.

"Are you alright?" Minho inquired, crouching infront of Felix, "Oh, fuck." Minho silently uttered as he rolled Felix's sleeve up.

"Why did you take the plasters off?" Minho sighed, patting his arm with tissue carefully.

"It stopped bleeding." Felix whispered, looking at his arm.

"I put them on yesterday." Minho replied, looking up at Felix, who felt slightly guilty.

"Do you have any water, Ji?" Minho asked with a mutter.

"Here." Jisung mumbled, reaching into his bag and handing the water over to Minho.

Minho hummed, taking some tissue and wetting it before just barely dabbing Felix's skin with it.

"That stings." Felix complained, pulling his arm away before having it taken back by Minho, "It didn't sting when Hyunjin did it, he didn’t even use water." He pouted.

"Probably because Hyunjin didn't want to hurt you then." Minho whispered, trying to finish off as quickly as possible – to minimise the pain for Felix.

"Quick, I don't want it to hurt." Felix whined silently.

"Mhm. I'm done." Minho hummed after a while, once again, putting on some plasters.

"God, did none of you have bandages, like, rolls of bandages?" Minho muttered out as he sighed.

"No. I don't have any and Hyunjin didn't bring any either." Felix hummed.

"Sungie. Could you-"

"Huh? Yeah, sure." Jisung answered, walking away.

"How does Jisung know what you were going to ask?" Felix questioned, seeing how Minho didn't even finish asking his question.

"He was still listening." Minho hummed, screwing the water back up.

"Oh." Felix uttered, yawning shortly after.

"Yeah, he's like that, usually. When it comes to these things." Minho mumbled, "Do you have any on the other arm?" He questioned, referring to the scars.

"A little bit. They're not bleeding, though." Felix answered, rolling his other sleeve up.

"That's good, I'll still bandage it up in any case." Minho smiled lightly, decorating Felix's skin with plasters again – waiting for Jisung to bring the needed bandages.

"Here." Jisung muttered, giving the bandage roll to Minho, him holding Jisung's hand for a little bit, seeing how he kept zoning out throughout the whole thing, brushing his hand against his thigh in a comforting manner.

"Done." Minho sighed after a while, standing up and stretching slightly.

"Thank you." Felix thanked as he rolled his sleeves down.

"Alright. Me and Jisung will be back. If anything, call me. We'll be like, right outside." Minho sighed, taking Jisung by the hand and walking out as Felix nodded.

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