19 ; decent

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Hyunjin groaned as he entered the living room whilst rubbing his eyes.

He did completely forget about how he let Felix stay over.

Well, it's literally night now;

Of course, he wouldn't expect a single soul except himself in his house.

"You're awake?" Felix inquired, sitting up and putting his phone to the side.

"Yeah – I guess I am." Hyunjin hummed as his voice cracked.

Hyunjin didn't even mind Felix in his house at this point. He got reminded of it as he stopped midway through walking and stopping as he saw him.

"Did you not sleep?" Hyunjin questioned, grabbing a drink for himself.

"No. I'm not tired." Felix shook his head.

"It's night now. Should I take you back home?" Hyunjin spoke, sitting down next to Felix.

"I'm fine to go alone." Felix insisted, brushing his bangs away.

"Or you could stay here." Hyunjin uttered, giving Felix another choice.

"Alright – if you want me to." Felix mumbled, accepting it as he knew that'd cause Hyunjin the least of worry;

Knowing he's safe, hopefully purely safe.

Without being in contact with Jae-Hyo.

Unlike how Hyunjin insisted on taking him back home that time after dinner – but he declined, then a result of that being that he met Jae-Hyo and had a relapse.

"How was your week, then?" Hyunjin questioned with his voice laced in curiosity.

"Decent." Felix answered in almost a whisper.

"What happened?" Hyunjin questioned once again, hoping only that it wasn't anything bad.

"My scars opened. Two or three times." Felix whispered.

Hyunjin's breath hitched. That was the thing he wanted least to happen.

He felt bad for the male – that he wasn't there physically to support and comfort him with it.

One time seems okay, but two – or three, as Felix said, that's just about too much, isn't it?

"Let me see." Hyunjin uttered, leaning closer to Felix, who rolled up his sleeves;

Luckily, his arms were how Minho left them, plasters covered with bandages, a clear coat of something that's quite secure.

"Minho?" Hyunjin inquired, smiling just slightly.

"Yeah." Felix hummed, nodding his head as Hyunjin gently traced his fingers over the now patched skin.

"You should reapply the plasters and bandages in the middle of the week atleast." Hyunjin advised, not wanting Felix's scars to get infected in any way.

"Will you help with it? Or Minho? I don't know how. I watched Minho do it but... I forgot." Felix asked, chuckling lightly.

"Yeah, that's fine. Or you can ask Minho, He knows more than me about patching scars up." Hyunjin hummed, taking his hand away as Felix rolled his sleeves back up.

"Right. I also wanted to ask you if you know what got you sick. It's certainly not as light as you were absent for the week." Felix mentioned, wanting to find out more about Hyunjin's state – maybe only so that he could scold him for it.

"Ah, I think it's because I was out with Minho and Jisung. I had no hood and didn't decide to zip my coat up." Hyunjin mumbled with a chuckle, wanting to brush the matter off instead of worrying Felix any longer.

"It's winter, so why don't you?" The younger inquired, knowing that Hyunjin clearly knew the season it happened to be.

"...I thought I was completely immune to becoming sick." Hyunjin whispered, finding the reason slightly embarrassing and funny himself as Felix giggled softly.

Why did Hyunjin think he was immune to being sick?

As he mentioned whilst he was out with the other two – he very rarely got sick.

"Mmm, I don't think I can blame you myself, I also thought so a few years ago. Just be careful as the weather changes and you won't get sick." Felix smiled, reminding Hyunjin to probably not always think he's entirely invincible.

"What did you have – as in what were you sick with, if that makes sense?" Felix questioned, reminding himself.

"Fever. It's better now. Especially better as you've come over to take care of me." Hyunjin answered, knowing himself clearly that he's gotten less sick.

"I'm glad." The blonde smiled, happy that he's indeed helping with Hyunjin's state.

"You haven't slept." Hyunjin silently uttered, worried about how Felix managed his sleep schedule.

"Ah, right." Felix chuckled, "But believe me when I say I'm not tired!" He exclaimed, pouting slightly.

"Why wouldn't I believe you? But you need to sleep. Where? My room or here?" Hyunjin inquired, still wanting the younger to sleep as it is necessary for the both of them.

That's unfair;

For Felix atleast.

He just seriously doesn't understand the single need to. He'd be perfectly fine if he didn't sleep for a day, right?

"I don't feel like sleeping, though. You know I'm not tired!" Felix whined, still highly against the idea of sleeping.

"Come on, Felix. You know you have to." Hyunjin sighed, doing his best to get Felix to rest even if it's for a small while.

"Technically, I don't." Felix hummed, crossing his arms.

"Alright, you'll sleep in my room." Hyunjin mumbled, grabbing Felix by the wrist lightly and taking him to his room.

The younger pouted and leaned his head back, rolling his eyes as they entered Hyunjin's room.

Hyunjin gently sat Felix down on his bed as he looked up at him and blinked blankly.

"What clothes do you want?" Hyunjin asked, looking through his closet.

"Anything, It doesn't really matter. Just something I'm comfortable sleeping in." Felix answered, shrugging his shoulders as Hyunjin picked something out fairly quickly.

"Here." Hyunjin uttered, throwing some clothing.

"Thanks." Felix hummed, getting changed as Hyunjin took some clothing out for himself.

Hyunjin exited the room and got dressed as it would seem like they're almost invading eachother's privacy.

"How is it? Are the clothes alright?" The older inquired, throwing his clothes at the bottom of his closet as a reminder to wash them later.

"A bit... too big. But other than that it's fine." Felix giggled, toying with the hem of the sleeves.

Hyunjin hummed – expectant of that outcome.

It's not like he could do anything about it, though.

"Oh. And when you went out, I noticed this. It's pretty." Felix smiled, picking up a small painting of a sort of flower.

"Right. Thank you." Hyunjin chuckled, admiring the piece he made himself.

"Do you like painting or drawing on a basis?" Felix questioned, looking around at more hung up paintings around the room.

"It's fun and detailed." Hyunjin nodded, agreeing fully to the question.

"So-" Felix started, only to get interrupted by the other;

"No more. Go to sleep."

Felix whined but did end up complying perfectly as Hyunjin exited the room.

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