18 ; care

191 15 0

Felix hesitated before finally knocking on Hyunjin's door with slightly pursed lips. Hearing a little hum come from the other side, he slowly entered.

Hyunjin was surprised. He never exactly expected Felix to come over when he's in such a state.

He especially didn't know from where he got his address – but that's something he could guess, really.

"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin cleared his throat, the small speech still coming out raspy.

"What do you mean?" Felix questioned, walking in and placing the soup on the table, "You're sick."

"Are you worried?" Hyunjin uttered, joking lightly (or flirting), but somehow the younger male didn't get it;

"Yeah. I am. Seeing it's bad enough, you're absent for the week." Felix truthfully admitted as he went off to heat the soup up for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin was flushed. He found it sweet that someone cared for him fully.

"What are you living off? Tablets?" Felix mumbled, looking at the numerous empty packets of tablets laying around on the counter.

"Supposedly." Hyunjin replied, leaning against the wall and watching the male.

"Is it helping?" Felix inquired in search of the smallest 'yes', but also searching for a 'no', wanting to complain about how Hyunjin should take his health more seriously.

"Not really. But it's fine." Hyunjin stated honestly, taking the empty packets and throwing them into the nearest bin.

"What do you mean it's fine? Do you really want to be sick for another week? Seeing how worried you were that time on the rooftop, don't you care sincerely about your grades?" Felix inquired with a small scoff, showing clearly he was worried.

"I do care." Hyunjin muttered, feeling lightly ashamed about how he doesn't care about himself enough.

"That's why I came over – to take care of you." Felix mumbled, slowly feeling relief.

"You didn't have to come over, though." Hyunjin uttered, looking at Felix, who handled everything almost as if it was his own apartment.

"You didn't have to save me either." Felix muttered without thinking.

That hurt.

Only a few seconds later, Felix realised what he said, pausing with a breathless sigh.

He really didn't mean it, really. It just quite literally came out on its own.

But that small statement got both Felix's and Hyunjin's heart beating.

It was worrying for both of them.

"Sorry." Felix apologised faintly as Hyunjin slowly hugged him from behind;

He wanted to do anything to comfort the younger by all means.

Hyunjin certainly didn't like how Felix talked about topics like this, almost thoughtless, doing them almost thoughtless too.

"I didn't mean to." Felix whispered, swallowing lightly.

Hyunjin didn't reply at all – he only caressed Felix's waist and rested his head on his shoulder, calming both his and Felix's hearts.

"Sorry." He apologised again, feeling like he didn't say it enough.

He didn't mean it – he didn't. He'll apologise even a thousand times for Hyunjin to realise he didn't purposely let it out.

"Don't worry. It's fine." Hyunjin whispered, forgiving Felix. He could tell by his apologies that he didn't mean it.

Well, he could be wrong;

But surely, Felix wasn't like that.

They've stayed in the same position, both not speaking a single word at all.

"Go sit down." Felix uttered lightly as Hyunjin pulled away from him, complying with what he was saying.

"Here." Felix mumbled in concentration, carefully placing down the soup infront of Hyunjin.

"Thanks." Hyunjin smiled, eating a little bit before sneezing.

Alright… the thing that happened wasn't expected.

"It's hot. And how much pepper did you add?" Hyunjin exclaimed, turning his head to the side as he sneezed again.

"I don't know." Felix shrugged, "Whatever, just eat it all. But if it's hot, then maybe wait until it cools down." He stated as Hyunjin sighed.

"Do I have to?" Hyunjin whined as Felix stared at him with a look that said, if he doesn't do so, he won't be able to do anything at all.

Hyunjin waited for over three minutes atleast before eating another bite, still dropping the spoon completely and turning his head, the food still being too hot.

"Felix! I won't eat this." Hyunjin stated, tilting his head.

"Who said? You're eating all of this." Felix stated, sitting opposite Hyunjin and crossing his arms, not a single smile painted on his face that could show it was a joke.

From this reaction, you could tell he wasn't joking.

Really – he was truly serious about this.

Supposedly, you are meant to be kind and soft when you're caring for someone sick, but Felix just decided that Hyunjin's been sick long enough and he won't go soft on him.

Felix wanted Hyunjin to get better. It wouldn't seem so too much, but he did.

"Come on, I want you to get better." Felix uttered, pushing the soup towards Hyunjin, who sighed.

Hyunjin mumbled quietly and began eating whilst grimacing with every bite he took.

"It's not that bad!" Felix insisted as Hyunjin looked at him.

"Try." He mumbled, feeding Felix a bit before he coughed.

"Alright, sorry, sorry." Felix faintly apologised, seeing how much he did infact season it.

"Exactly. Are you still gonna force me to eat it?" Hyunjin inquired, having enough of the food already, also looking at how Felix's reaction seemed disgusted.

"Yeah." Felix smiled, "Half atleast!" He exclaimed as Hyunjin pouted a little.

"Fine – that's decent enough…" Hyunjin muttered, deciding to eat it calmly.

"That's half." Hyunjin stated, pushing the bowl towards Felix, who looked at it and nodded.

"Season it yourself next time." Felix hummed, putting the bowl away.

"What now, then?" Hyunjin questioned, curious for what to do next.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" Felix inquired, sitting back next to Hyunjin.

"Sleep." Hyunjin mumbled, tired of already being with Felix, not tired of Felix;

He was just tired of how he forced him to eat some over-seasoned food.

"I'll stay with you, then." Felix hummed, "Let me, please." He smiled as Hyunjin stood up.

"Yeah, alright." Hyunjin agreed, walking over to his room, "Do whatever you want. Just don't look in my stuff, I beg."

"Mhm, don't worry." Felix nodded, laying down on the sofa and taking out his phone.

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