24 ; rings

184 15 1

"That was pretty quick." Felix giggled as he stretched his arms.

"I told you it'd be quick." Hyunjin chuckled, smiling slightly.

The two were currently sitting and waiting for Minho and Jisung to arrive;

They've decided to meet together near one of the shops planned.

“When are they coming?” Felix whined as Hyunjin looked around.

“Isn’t that them?” Hyunjin mumbled, looking somewhere as Felix struggled to see.


“There.” Hyunjin mumbled, taking Felix’s hand and pointing to where he was looking – Jisung waving at them vigorously in return.

“It is!” Felix smiled, standing up and dragging Hyunjin, who somehow still didn’t let go of his wrist.

“Oh- sorry.” The younger giggled after hearing Hyunjin let out a small curse.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry ‘bout it.” Hyunjin uttered as Minho and Jisung greeted them.


"Yo! How are you?" Jisung exclaimed, waving his hand even more as Minho sighed.

"Why are you always so loud while greeting people?" Minho inquired, rubbing his eyes.

"Because they need to know I want to see them." Jisung hummed, putting his hands in his pockets.

"You don't greet me like you want to see me." Minho whined gently, pouting.

"I see you everyday, it'll be unnecessary to do so!" Jisung replied, "When are we going? It's boring standing here, come."

"It really is boring looking at the two of you." Hyunjin muttered, agreeing with Jisung as he ran off into the nearest shop – Felix following him hastily out of excitement.

"Alright, let's not lose them." Minho sighed, dragging Hyunjin along with him to go with the youngest of the four.

"No. Definitely not- that looks bad." Jisung spoke, shaking his head, looking over at what Felix pointed out.

Felix, too, winced at the clothing, also acknowledging the plain fabric.

"What are you looking at." Minho mumbled, walking over next to Jisung.

"Clothes. Obviously – it's a clothing store." Jisung chuckled, quickly looking through the different clothes on the racks.

"Take that." Minho pointed out.

"For who?" Jisung inquired, picking the clothing up.


Yeah… it's helpful advising people what to choose whilst shopping;

But not something like this. It looks like a bit too much.

"What the actual heck. Surely not." Jisung grimaced, hanging the bright graphic shirt back.

Bright clothes – alright, they're nice. Just mot when it's not in Jisung's taste.

Actually, nothing bright seems to be Jisung's taste.

"What about this?" Felix smiled, picking out a dark turtleneck for Hyunjin, "You look good in turtleneck shirts."

"Really?" Hyunjin mumbled, looking at the clothing closely.

"Mhm!" Felix hummed, nodding his head.

"It's spring soon, though. I'll overheat if I continue wearing it 'till the start of summer." Hyunjin stated, not specifically denying the offer.

"Buy it for next year. We'll look for something appropriate." Felix uttered, giving Hyunjin the shirt and walking over to another section.

"This." Felix spoke, picking the shirt up and licking his lips slightly.

"That's fine." Hyunjin nodded, agreeing to the somewhat fancy blouse.

"Great – let's go find Minho and Jisung." Felix smiled, walking back to where the two were last seen by them.

"Are you not getting anything?" Hyunjin questioned, tilting his head as Felix seemed so excited to go shopping, slightly yearning for the week to go by fast.

"Ah. No, not really. Just want to hang out, mainly." Felix hummed, noticing Minho and Jisung arguing about which piece of clothing the other should choose.

"But that one looks ugly!"

"It'll look good on you – I have, like, years of fashion sense!"

"That's a lie."

"You're a lie! You should take this one."

"Just take them all." Hyunjin muttered, somehow already having enough of the two, although he's just seen them again after a while.

"Maybe." Minho tilted his head as Jisung sighed.

"Alright, take them all. Let's pay." Jisung spoke, giving in to the rather expensive suggestion.

"Too expensive." Jisung whined, looking at the receipt.

"Let's not do that again." Minho offered, passing a bag over to Jisung.

"Let's return it."

"You've just bought it. Stop having such a financial and fashionable crisis!" Felix exclaimed, frowning at the sort of stupid solution.

"Right – you'll earn the money back in no time if you manage." Hyunjin nodded, agreeing with Felix only to stop the headaches from Minho and Jisung.

"I'll sue you if not!" Jisung retorted, pointing at Hyunjin.

"You can't sue me if you don't earn the money back. What will you sue me with?" Hyunjin chuckled as Jisung thought about it again while the other two laughed.

"No laughing!" Jisung shushed, "I hate you, Hyunjin!" He complained, frowning and crossing his arms.

"Do you even know how to sue someone-" Minho asked, getting interrupted by none other than Jisung.

"Shut up, Minho! I hate you too!"

"Hate is a strong word-"

"I said shut up, Minho! I'll break up with you!" Jisung repeated, whining once again.

Minho laughed at the statement, knowing of course that it was only because of Jisung's uncontrollable outburst whenever Hyunjin mostly annoyed him.

"Damn." Felix quietly uttered, "Don't tell me to shut up – I beg you." He pleased with his hands in a praying motion.

"No, you're the best here. I love you." Jisung shook his head, hugging Felix abruptly.

"More than me?" Minho inquired with a gasp.

Jisung didn't answer Minho, only letting out an annoyed groan before Felix gladly hugged him back.

"Well, now you know what works for Jisung's tantrums." Hyunjin stated, laughing – referring to Felix hugging him wholeheartedly.

"Gosh, I guess." Minho whispered with a sigh.

Hyunjin looked around, noticing a rather interesting jewellery store, quickly grabbing Felix by the wrist lightly to take him over and potentially get him something as Jisung whined at Hyunjin.

"Why did you take me here?" Felix questioned, walking behind Hyunjin when they entered.

"Want to look around. Then maybe get you something." Hyunjin mumbled, finding two pairs of homaika rings.

Hyunjin didn't even hesitate, taking the two pairs of rings and walking up to pay, Felix was very visibly confused as to what was even happening.

"Give me your hand." Hyunjin whispered after they walked out, putting the two rings on Felix's hand and then putting his own on.

"They're pretty." Felix complimented, tracing his finger on the rings.

"You deserve them."

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