11 ; snowfall

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"It's so dark out…" Felix mumbled as he walked up to the window, looking outside.

"It's winter, that's what's most expected." Hyunjin hummed, standing right behind Felix.

"Oh! Wait, it's snowing!" Felix gasped, pointing outside as if Hyunjin couldn't see.

"I want to take you somewhere I usually went." Hyunjin quietly suggested, walking downstairs, waiting for Felix.

"Eh? Right now?" Felix questioned abruptly, following Hyunjin, who indeed started walking towards an unknown direction to him.

"Yeah, don't you want to keep admiring this atmosphere and have more fun experiences? It's only late November, and we both know the first snow will melt soon enough." Hyunjin explained as he continued walking, Felix not doing anything to stop him as he himself went along with it.

"Where is it exactly, though?" Felix inquired, running to Hyunjin as he got caught up behind.

"Ah, it's somewhere special. I feel certain you've never observed such a view." Hyunjin smiled, looking back at Felix and pulling his hood up.

"Thanks. But – how do you know such things? Maybe I know that place perfectly!" Felix exclaimed.

"It's slightly hard to get to. The first time I went there was at night when my father took me there." Hyunjin whispered, "He said it was the first and last time he could take me to a wonderful view. It's a shame I knew what he meant a day later."

Felix didn't say anything in return because if anything, he would probably start apologising for it and have pity on Hyunjin.

Then Hyunjin will tell him it isn't his fault in any way and that he should stop apologising so much.

Besides, at the same time, Felix had nothing to say, really.

It's not both of their faults that something so misfortunate happened to their families.

"When are we going to get there, anyway?" Felix questioned, not patient with walking to the desired destination.

"It's about ten minutes away, not that long, I think." Hyunjin answered, looking down at how some of the snow lightly melted when it hit the ground.

"That's alright." Felix hummed softly, outstretching his hand slightly to catch a single snowflake.

They walked in silence, still admiring how everything looked so amazing, tainted in white.

"What do you think about it snowing?" Hyunjin asked quietly, waiting for Felix to walk beside him.

"It's fun. It's delightful." Felix whispered back, smiling, "You?" He asked in return, awaiting the older's answer.

"The same, practically. I like it, it's quite enjoyable." Hyunjin sighed, laughing just slightly.


"Are we-" Felix inquired, interrupted by Hyunjin.

"This is the third time you ask in the span of five minutes." Hyunjin replied, "It's only up here, come on." Hyunjin stated, taking Felix by the wrist lightly.

"I'm tired already…" Felix mumbled, referring to them walking all the way.

"That's fine, we're here." Hyunjin uttered, showing Felix the view.

"If I'm being honest, it looks better than expected." Felix hummed, walking forward slightly and sitting down.

"That's what's intended." Hyunjin smiled, "Just don't fall. Be careful." He reminded, sitting down next to Felix.

"Yeah, I won't. I'll try not to." Felix sighed, leaning back slightly.

They were pretty high up, but such lengths are most likely worth such immense views.

It was surely stunning.

You're able to see most of the city from this height.

"It's so quiet here…" Felix whispered, not wanting to ruin the relaxing silence.

Hyunjin hummed as he laid down, resting his head on Felix's thigh.

Felix didn't mind it but looked down at Hyunjin anyway;

"Let me." Hyunjin whispered softly, closing his eyes.

"Are you going to sleep?" Felix questioned with a whisper, brushing Hyunjin's hair out of his eyes.

"I'm tired." Hyunjin admitted with a small whine.

"It's going to snow on your face." Felix spoke with a small giggle.

"Then do it so that won't happen!" Hyunjin whined, taking Felix's hand and holding it above his face.

"That's going to hurt my hand if I strain it." Felix admitted, "Do this." Felix suggested, turning Hyunjin's head slightly to the side of his stomach.

"You're so warm." Hyunjin muttered, huddling closer to Felix.

"Really? I'll cover your hair too – you have no hood, so it'll get snowed on." Felix gently stated, covering Hyunjin's hair with his hand as he massaged his head softly.

"You're so sweet, it gives me butterflies." Hyunjin whispered, taking a whiff of Felix's perfume.

Felix smiled faintly. He didn't exactly know how to feel. He was blushed by this skinship and comment.

Felix, too, sighed as he leaned back as lightly, closing his eyes.

They both fell asleep unintentionally, atleast one of them would end up getting a fever or a cold – seeing it was still snowing and the temperature was getting much colder as time flooded into midnight.


Felix was the first to wake up this time, a bit surprised and shocked at where he found himself.

He looked down, feeling a slightly heavy weight on his thigh, and it was still indeed Hyunjin.

"You look so ethereal, and I don't understand why." Felix whispered, blinking at Hyunjin's face.

"Do I now?" Hyunjin whispered, back lifting a hand to caress Felix's jaw.

Maybe he wasn't asleep this time, he could've been resting his eyes for the time being, waiting for Felix to wake up without disturbing him.

"Oh- you're awake?" Felix abruptly questioned, pulling away instantly.

"Mhm. So – what was that about you saying I'm 'ethereal' ?" Hyunjin asked as he opened his eyes and took his hand off the blonde's jaw.

"I've never said anything similar." Felix groaned, trying to conceal the truth.

"Are you suggesting I've heard wrong?" Hyunjin teased, giggling lightly at Felix.

"Well, maybe so." Felix hummed, brushing his bangs from his eyes.

Hyunjin didn't reply, he just smiled at Felix and got up shortly after, stretching as he looked at the view.

"Alright. Should I take you home?" Hyunjin offered as Felix stood up.

"Sure, if you want." Felix nodded, waiting for Hyunjin to lead him back home as he didn't know where he was whatsoever.


"Please, make sure to call me the first time you're planning on doing something harmful, not the second." Hyunjin reminded with a soft tone as he took Felix to his apartment.

"I'll try my best to do so. Thank you for this whole thing, Jin." Felix mumbled and thanked the older.

Hyunjin smiled and went back to his house.

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