12 ; park

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"Hey." Hyunjin greeted over the phone.

"Oh? What happened that you start talking to us, Mr. Hwang?" Jisung teased with a surprised tone.

"Gosh, what do you mean, Jisung? I always talk to you two." Hyunjin sighed, denying the claim.

"Not lately, you don't. You've forgotten about me and Minho for the past three days…" Jisung spoke, hoping to receive pity from Hyunjin.

"It's three days, give him a break, Sung!" Minho's voice spoke from afar.

"Shut up, Minho! I miss him!" Jisung yelled out, claiming so with a crying tone.

"Alright, well. I've called because I wanted to ask you to go out with me." Hyunjin offered, getting dressed as if he knew the answer.

"Where?" Jisung asked with excitement laced in his voice with Minho listening along carefully.

"Park – or anywhere, really." Hyunjin hummed.

"Alright! Park it is, give us like, twenty minutes." Jisung pleased, ending call with Hyunjin.


"Yo." Minho uttered calmly, putting his hands in his pockets, walking over to Hyunjin with Jisung.

"Hey, how are you two?" Hyunjin inquired, sitting down as the two males walked up to him.

"Fine-" Minho answered, interrupted.

"Hyunjin!" Jisung whined, "How could you ignore us for three whole days! You're so mean!" Jisung stated as he fake cried.

"You two are always so lovey-dovey with eachother it's disgusting." Hyunjin sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. How come you've been so busy all of a sudden?" Minho mumbled, impatient for the answer.

"Nothing much – just taking care of someone." Hyunjin hummed, looking down and smiling softly.

"Well, I bet they're special or something because you're smiling." Jisung laughed as he noticed, not meaning the laugh in any mocking manner.

"Don't tease me about it. You're younger than me." Hyunjin complained, giggling too.

"That doesn't matter! Unless, what? You want me to call you 'hyung' or something?" Jisung questioned, laughing even harder.

"You can't call him that." Minho stated silently.

"Don't worry, Min, I'm joking." Jisung hummed, ruffling Minho's hair, him pouting in a way that made him look more like a cat.

"Awh, is Minho a bottom now?" Hyunjin questioned with a teasing manner.

"No, both of us are switches." Minho replied gently.

"Nevermind I asked." Hyunjin muttered under his breath.

"How do you even survive without zipping your coat and no hood, idiot?" Jisung asked with a sigh at Hyunjin's horrible antics.

"I'm not as cold as you. I'm fine. Besides, I barely get sick." Hyunjin spoke with the lightest slur of his voice.

"Alright, whatever you say." Jisung hummed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hyunjin. Originally, why did you tell us to come to the park? This is boring as shit." Minho complained, toying with the hem of his jacket.

"For fun. And to stop Jisung's endless whining about me forgetting about both of you." Hyunjin uttered, "Even though I bet you would rather fuck him relentless."

"Exactly, then-" Minho admitted, interrupted by Jisung yet again.

"Shut up, Hyunjin- why are you like this!" Jisung exclaimed, hiding his face in his hands as it tainted pink.

"You'd rather you top me, right? I knew that all along." Minho muttered, revealing how Jisung would much rather have that type of fun with him.

"Maybe, just a little…" Jisung admitted lightly, Hyunjin listening to their conversation in disbelief.

"Ok, stop, no more of this random conversation about sex." Jisung stated, shaking his head.

"Ah, right. Sorry Hyunjin, I don't mean to make fun of how you don't have intimate relationships." Minho quickly apologised, probably making even more fun of Hyunjin for that specific cause.

"God, stop talking for all I beg, Minho." Hyunjin whined, taking his head into his hand and sighing.

"It's a better topic than what we had slightly earlier…" Minho pouted, upset at the lack of 'interesting' topics to talk about.

"Certainly not for me. As for Jisung- he's only enjoying it because you're talking about it non-stop!" Hyunjin chuckled, "This is another example of how you two are so lovey with eachother."

"Hyunjin, you know that Minho's starting this! Who am I to reject anyway?" Jisung giggled, admitting to having the lightest favour to such immense topics.

"Really, I don't understand you two. But please, have these conversations in private. I have no interest in them whatsoever." Hyunjin declared politely.

"We're getting you prepared for your future lover." Minho hummed, titling his head.

Hyunjin silently muttered a small word of insult, Minho chuckling at him lightly.

Yeah, pretty sure Hyunjin doesn't need these topics, atleast for now, he doesn't.

He'd very much rather stay away from them for the longest time possible.

Hyunjin just doesn't understand the concept of aggressively slamming bodies against eachother and the very high-pitched sounds that are described as absolutely blessing.

But then again… if you put it that way – it's a bit hot

That's surely something Hyunjin couldn't deny even if his life is on the line.

Talking about it, it seems strange and a bit uncultured.

But, thinking about it in that way – listed above. Seems like a dream.

Just tell me you wouldn't want to have something as pleasuresome as that.

It's above feeling glory.

"Alright, how are you then?" Minho asked with a small sigh.

"Better." Hyunjin uttered, "Much better, I think. I've stopped so it's fine." Hyunjin smiled and nodded lightly.

"Really?" Jisung inquired, a smile also forming on his face.

"Yeah. Thank you, both." Hyunjin hummed, thanking the other two for their whole comfort.

"We barely did anything much." Minho whined, not wanting all his precious thanks.

It is slightly true, him and Jisung aren't that worthy, they've helped in a way they didn't notice themselves lightly.

"Right, Minho only treated everything for you as you were unaware of how to." Jisung explained, not understanding how he especially was included.

"Mhm. I know – you two also scolded me a lot for it, that also helped me, didn't it?" Hyunjin hummed, asking a question only he knew the answer to.

"We didn't realise that originally, but we're glad." Jisung giggled, happy their unknown antics helped the older with his health.


They've spoke for several minutes more, before two of them decided to make the conversation come to an end and go home.

"Ok, we'll go then." Minho uttered, standing up and Jisung right after.

"Ah, alright. I'll sit here for another bit and go home, too." Hyunjin replied, wishing the others goodbye.

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