20 ; let's get to know eachother

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Somehow, the end of the week managed to be calm enough.

Now, the next thing the four males know is that they're all back to university, wishing they weren't.

"Felix!" Jisung exclaimed, running up to Felix as the younger turned around, abruptly encaged in Jisung's grip.

"No, I'm not going to go to a lesson with you!" Felix whined, knowing already why Jisung came up to him so excited.

"Yes, you are." Jisung mumbled, letting go of Felix.

"Hyunjin, tell him something – he's your friend." Felix uttered, walking over to Hyunjin, who was sitting and somewhat studying.

Hyunjin looked up, seeing Jisung and Minho probably talking about how Jisung is mainly annoying Felix the past week.

"What do you need me to do? He's already getting scolded." Hyunjin chuckled, placing his glasses down.

Jisung whined as Minho shook his head, Jisung clinging onto his arm right after.

"Why do you wear those glasses? You look even more nerdy." Minho spoke, walking over and sitting next to Hyunjin.

"You're jealous you look worse." Hyunjin stuck his tongue out, putting the glasses back on only as an antic to annoy Minho further.

"Sweet – I guess I'm not going to a lesson with you." Felix smiled, noticing how Jisung stopped bothering him about it.

Jisung gently hit Felix on the arm, "Shush. Minho said he'll scold me again if I don't stop insisting on taking you with me." He whispered as Felix giggled.

Felix caressed Jisung's back whilst still laughing at him, as the other two – Minho and Hyunjin – continued arguing about who looks better, fashion-wise.

"Hey." Felix spoke out, the three looking at him in return, "Why don't we just all skip?" He suggested.

"I'm up, I guess. If I can't take you with me, I'll stay with you!" Jisung exclaimed, happily finding a solution for himself.

Minho nodded hesitantly, supposedly agreeing with the idea atleast a little bit.

"You want me to skip..? I haven't been in the last week." Hyunjin uttered, worrying about his grades and reputation.

"You don't have to. We're fine without you, ne-" Minho admitted, smiling lightly before trying to insult Hyunjin again, getting interrupted.

"Stop insulting me! I'll come along, I'm worried." Hyunjin whined, deciding that he will go – worried about Felix, really.

Felix smiled, content that he doesn't have to skip lessons alone, like always, instead having the three males that caused a rather healthy amount of entertainment.

"Where do we skip?" Jisung inquired, knowing they probably can't afford to roam around the hallways and get caught.

"Here, of course. I skip here all the time. No one ever comes up here." Felix hummed, referring to the rooftop, "Unless they're currently worried about getting pushed off and dying." Felix mumbled, rolling his eyes as he intended his situation as a joke.

Minho and Jisung just lightly ignored the implied joke, feeling bad for Felix. Hyunjin frowned softly, only becoming more worried as if the 'joke' could happen to visualise in Felix's case.

"Isn't it going to be boring sitting up here and doing nothing?" Hyunjin inquired, already feeling the boredom get to him after a single five minutes or so.

"Right – I'm hungry." Minho agreed as Jisung's attention perked up to being hungry.

"I mean, you could go get something." Felix hummed, easily finding a risky solution to Minho's and Jisung's mood.

Minho did indeed start thinking about it but trashed the idea, only imagining how he could get caught and sent to his lesson by a staff member whilst the very three males here are probably laughing at his zoned-out antics – if that happened.

"If you're not willing, why not send Jisung?" Felix giggled, "He got sent out of class and went to the cafeteria. Let's just have him say he got sent out." He finished, Minho too, laughing at that catchy solution.

"Hey! But that was your fault!" Jisung whined as Hyunjin understood absolutely nothing because of his unwanted absence that week.

"I hope you're rather fully aware I don't seem to understand what's going on." Hyunjin smiled, waiting expectedly for an answer.

"Ah, Jisung convinced Felix to throw a pen at someone's head, but it landed on their desk. The lecturer saw that and assumed it was Jisung as she's apparently seen him do so before." Minho explained as Hyunjin nodded, understanding more of the situation.

"I see... That's interesting. So Jisung got sent out because of Felix. Now, as I assume – his grades are falling?" Hyunjin summarised, laughing slightly.

"Don't mention my grades! You waste your time studying for your A's whilst you pay no attention in lessons whatsoever." Jisung whined once again, annoyed by all the criticism towards his grades, which are most likely lowering currently.

"Alright. Jisung, we're hungry. Go get us some food, baby." Minho pleased, grabbing Jisung's hand and leaning his head back against the wall.

"Fine, fine. I'll get you cowards some snacks. Surely, I'll get the same thing for you two, Felix. What do you want?" Jisung inquired, finally giving up and deciding to get the other's snacks.

"Flavoured milk is fine." Felix smiled, not wanting to tire Jisung out, especially if he managed to get caught.


"Hey – do you think Jisung got caught?" Felix suggested, seeing how the slightly older didn't make or back for about ten minutes now.

"Possibly. But I sorta doubt-" Minho hummed, getting interrupted by the younger who came in with a puff, gently throwing the snacks and drinks on the floor.

"Isn't that too much?" Minho stated, looking at the overload of food.

"Right, that lasts probably a few days." Hyunjin admitted, leaving a disappointed Jisung with a frown;

"Then what did I waste all my money on!?"

Felix shrugged, "Share it out. It doesn't matter." He replied, finding an easy enough solution to the problem.

"I guess. But Ji, this really wasn't necessary. We're only skipping a single lesson. Otherwise, you'll surely be at an F-" Hyunjin uttered, scrolling on his phone.

"Alright, whatever. It's alright." Jisung reminded himself, calming down slightly after spending almost his whole life saving only to feed the three, finding out it's 'too much' for them.


Finally, the day ended, Felix skipping all of the lessons and the other three actually educating themselves.

The next thing you know, it's surprisingly the next day, everything speeding past, suppressing their free time after university.

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