10 ; argument

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"What?" Felix asked, acting purely confused.

"Why are you acting like you don't know at all? You said you stopped around four or five months ago." Jeongin explained, glancing at Felix's reaction and how his face only confirmed it, how he lied to Jeongin.

All three of them sat in total silence, not uttering a single word.

"I'll wait outside." Hyunjin silently spoke, getting up and going outside.

He really didn't want to be part of this conversation or argument if it gets to that.

He thought sitting outside and leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette was another ultimatum for him.

If Hyunjin had to be honest, he doesn't usually do this. Only unless he feels that something is stressing him entirely.

"Fuck! Why do you keep lying to me about your health?" Jeongin yelled out, "I know I'm younger than you, but that doesn't mean you have to hide this from me."

"Jeongin- I just don't want you to worry about me. I've said that a lot of times." Felix mumbled out.

"You don't understand that you're worrying me more when you don't tell me these things." Jeongin explained lightly, not truly wanting to yell at his cousin.

"You know already I don't tell you so that you can focus on yourself only! I don't mean all of this extra stress for you." Felix spoke as his voice cracked.

"I know you don't, but that doesn't matter if you'll go." Jeongin replied, pausing as Felix looked at him, ashamed, "I don't want you to leave me, too. You care for me but what's the point when you're not safe yourself."

"Don't say that, Jeongin. You know I won't leave you!" Felix cried out, he never really favoured touching up on these topics with Jeongin.

What Jeongin said was true, though.

What is the point of caring about him when he doesn't care for himself?

"But it's true!" Jeongin exclaimed, both staying silent as Felix sobbed about it.

"Don't be responsible for me if you can't be responsible for yourself." Jeongin whispered carefully.

Jeongin sighed and walked to the door.

Hyunjin quickly threw the cigarette on the floor, seeing the door open.

"I still feel the need to take care of you. Not me."

Hyunjin heard Felix sob out before coming in.

He didn't even try to ask any question about what managed to happen as it wouldn't fix the atmosphere.

It could also cause Felix to break down more, seeing it was an argument about something mostly about him, a personal argument.

"What do you want to drink, Hyunjin?" Jeongin questioned calmly as he walked to the kitchen, "I have almost everything, so don't tell me to list it." Jeongin spoke, his tone laced with a type of answer that was probably usually asked.

"Do you have americano?" Hyunjin asked, Jeongin nodding his head in agreement.

The youngest quickly went on to making americano for Hyunjin and chamomile tea for both himself and Felix.

Alright, they argued. He was being purely honest. But he does still care and worry about him.

Hyunjin on the other side, moved just slightly closer to Felix, caressing his back the exact same way he did on the rooftop when he broke down because of his actions.

And luckily it did work, hearing his cries quiet down shortly after.

"Here. For you two." Jeongin spoke, placing down the three drinks carefully with sugar and honey on the side.

"Which one is it?" Felix silently inquired, picking it up.

It seemed he's been here lots of times for Jeongin to have different teas for him.

"Chamomile." Jeongin answered, drinking his, "Don't get annoyed, I have the same one."

The reason Felix would possibly be annoyed at Jeongin, would be because they both know it relieves stress – and if Jeongin gave it to him only, Felix would take it as Jeongin seeing that he overreacted.

But honestly, you could say both of them reacted almost in the same way.

You wouldn't want to let go of someone you care about, them doing the same in return.

"Let's get to know eachother on good terms." Jeongin hummed, "Do you have any questions or something?"

"Not mainly, just one I've been wondering about. You two live alone, right? Wouldn't it be easier to move in together?" Hyunjin questioned, hoping it wouldn't make the situation more dramatic in any way.

"No, it's the educational schedules. Besides, I usually go out more." Felix gently answered, wrapping his hands around the cup, relaxed at the warmness it was emitting.

"Mhm. I go four days a week, he goes five, like you, I think." Jeongin added, trying his best not to hold a slight grudge against Felix and to form a conversation properly, "I also don't go out as much as Lix does."

"Ah, I see. Where did the nickname come from? Is that fine to ask?" Hyunjin hummed, smiling lightly.

"I've called him that since we were young." Jeongin answered as Felix nodded.

"That's sweet." Hyunjin mumbled as he chuckled lightly, the comment being inaudible.

"Right, I call Jeongin Innie sometimes, but that's slightly rare!" Felix exclaimed as he smiled widely.

As to what it looks like, the tea helped, or it was them feeling too guilty and stopping almost instantly.

But honestly, Jeongin and Felix were usually like this – after they've had an argument, they forget about it slightly and start bonding all over again.

"You two are so adorable with eachother." Hyunjin complimented, nearly dreaming of the same close relationship with someone.

Felix hummed, "You don't have nicknames, from what I hear, right?" He questioned, seeing how Hyunjin admired only nicknames for now.

Hyunjin shook his head lightly as Felix smiled, Jeongin giggling as he already knew what Felix would do.

"Jin or Jinnie." The blonde whispered softly, Hyunjin looked at him and smiled faintly;

"They're both pleasing."

"Fuck, I don't care you two just met, you're so damn endearing together." Jeongin commented inaudibly as he kept looking how the two other males smiled at eachother, he's already melting at them.

"Alright, we should go now, then." Felix giggled as he stood up, taking both his and Hyunjin's cup and placing them on the table.

"Oh, alright. Have fun." Jeongin answered, standing up and taking Hyunjin and Felix to the door.

"And- sorry, Lix." Jeongin apologised, referring to their argument earlier.

"It's fine, I probably deserved it anyway." Felix hummed, apologising to Jeongin right after.

The males walked out, waving goodbye to Jeongin.

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