15 ; lesson

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"Which lesson are we attending anyway?" Felix inquired lightly, following the two males closely.

"You don't know?" Jisung asked in shock. He didn't expect Felix to not know his schedule so far in the year(s).

"No? What is it for me to know when I haven't been in for over three months? You know something about that, don't you?" Felix chuckled lightly, thinking Jisung's forgotten everything beforehand.

"No, I do! I'm just shocked, you know." Jisung mumbled softly, pouting the slightest.

"Which day are you even in, now?" Minho asked, seeing how Felix barely made his way around the school either way.

"It's only my second day…" Felix spoke with a small sigh and giggle at the end.

"Second!? Only?" Jisung questioned with a slight outburst, stopping completely, Minho too, abruptly stopping in his tracks.

"Yeah." Felix nodded, waiting for the two infront of him to move again.

"Oh my god, man." Minho muttered, almost inaudibly, taking Jisung's hand again and along the hallway, Felix still following them – luckily.

"Ok! You haven't answered me yet! Which lesson?" Felix inquired suddenly, reminding himself of the conversation before.

"Ah, right! Uh…" Jisung uttered, forgetting himself, "Which lesson, Minho?" He muttered quietly, leaning towards Minho.

"English." Minho replied, giving the answer to both of the males.

"Oh, that's easy!" Felix exclaimed with a faint smile plastered on his face.

"Easy? You call English easy?" Minho complained, turning his head around and making a disappointed look at Felix.

"Well- Yeah." Felix answered as if it was completely obvious.

"What about English is easy?" Jisung questioned, sighing in exhaustion.

"I'm Australian. What's not easy about English?" Felix muttered, brushing his bangs away.

"You're Aussie?" Jisung exclaimed with a gasp that lingered excitement.

"Mhm." Felix hummed.

"That's why you're so hot and adorable at the same time, oh my god." Jisung spoke, finally finding an answer to his own question.

"Really? Thank you." Felix replied, chuckling at the compliment.

"Why do you call everyone hot nowadays, I don't understand. If it's not hot, it's something similar that makes me jealous." Minho sighed as he mumbled, pouting.

"Sorry, Min. I don't mean to." Jisung apologised, caressing Minho's head and then resting his hand on his shoulder.

"Alright, are we there yet?" Felix questioned with a boring tone.

"Yeah, right here." Minho mumbled, opening the door – Jisung going to the back and Felix following him, along with Minho.

"You're actually listening to her?" Jisung chuckled, referring to the lecturer that was teaching them at the moment.

"I don't know. I guess, I have nothing to do." Felix whined as he stopped peeling the edge of the table.

"You're like Minho, always claiming you have nothing to do, which is why you listen to the boring lecturers instead!" Jisung whispered.

"I hear you, Jisung. I'm sitting right next to you." Minho muttered, glancing at Jisung.

Jisung mumbled something inaudible before Felix spoke up.

"What am I supposed to do anyway?" He asked with a pout.

"Alright, look. What I usually do is something like… I don't know, I throw pens at people's heads. Then Minho starts scolding me, but that's whatever." Jisung spoke, showing Felix an example and giggling as he hit someone.

"But sometimes I throw paper on their desks that says absolutely nothing, just wastes their time from studying. Better for me anyway, atleast I have fun." Jisung continued, taking out a handful of paper from his bag – specifically to show Felix as Minho glanced at it too, already knowing he does that per usual.

"Is it that fun?" Felix inquired with a mumble, referring to the pen throwing as Jisung hummed.

"Of course, here – you try." Jisung answered, taking one of the thousand pens he had stashed in his bag.

"You sure?" Felix hesitantly asked, playing with the pen.

"Yeah! Go!" Jisung reassured with a smile.

Well, Felix did successfully throw the pen  just not where it was intended to land.

Instead of hitting someone's head, it landed on their desk.

"Han Jisung." The lecturer spoke up as Jisung sat there with his eyes widening.

Felix looked down with the smallest smile as Minho sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Leave the classroom." They finished, Jisung hitting Felix in the thigh.

"What? No, that wasn't me!" He exclaimed, trying his best to defend himself.

"I know how many times you do this, Han. This isn't the first, surely." The lecturer explained calmly, waiting for Jisung to exit.

"But I-" Jisung uttered.

"Go, Ji. Your grades will make it down to F before you make it to C if you don't leave." Minho hummed softly.

"Alright." Jisung mumbled back, taking his bag and leaving.

Minho, on the other side, shifted into Jisung's seat, sitting next to Felix.

"Sorry." Felix apologised lightly.

"It's fine. Just apologise to Jisung, not me." Minho reminded, not meaning it in a manner less way.

"What grade is he on anyway?" Felix questioned with curiosity.

"D+ right now. He's getting better, if I have to be honest, even though you see what he does as usual." Minho replied, confirming how he's getting better indeed.

"What about you?" Felix asked, wanting the answer to Minho's grade too, not having enough of getting Jisung's.

"B- I don't think I'm far off from a B, though. It doesn't disturb me." Minho spoke, estimating roughly.

"Ah, that's good. If I had to guess mine, I'd say… B, probably." Felix uttered, estimating his grade, "Oh, i'm curious. Do you know Hyunjin's?"

"Yeah, I think. He told us last week that he got somewhere around an A-. But he also doesn't pay much attention. It's something,  though." Minho explained, watching up at the lecturer carefully, making sure they don't send both Felix and him out this time.

"Is Jisung the only one failing slightly then? You two are doing better than I expected – especially Hyunjin." Felix giggled, wanting to find the answer to as many things as possible relating grades.

"I suppose." Minho hummed, drawing random doodles (jureumi included) on the tables.

"Alright, the distraction's gone, focus now." Minho mumbled, stopping the conversation.

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