4 ; punches

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"Damn it! And what was the point, you messed up idiot? Saving that little blonde won't do shit!" Jae-Hyo snickered with his jaw clenched, delivering a punch straight to Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin scoffed, raising a hand to his now bruised cheek.

He surely didn't expect an act like this right now, but it was certainly going to arrive at some point.

"You think you're so brave, don't you?" Jae-Hyo uttered in a mockingly sweet voice.

"I do, so what?" Hyunjin whispered, intensing his gaze at Jae-Hyo who's already had enough of it and once again, punching Hyunjin hardly enough to bruise him, or bleed, infact, because that's what happened;

Hyunjin groaned as his head slammed into the locker behind him of the impact of the punch, his nose bleeding as an outcome of where it was positioned.

"Aren't you scared of blood or something?" Jae-Hyo spoke, "Weren't you the one who looked away after the blonde successfully landed on the ground?"

"Gosh, what I despise or favour has nothing to do with you. Will you stop picking on people for a minute of your life?" Hyunjin argued back, lifting himself back up before being pushed abruptly.

"I didn't give you permission to talk right now, did I?" Jae-Hyo sighed, turning around for a short moment - Hyunjin taking this as a glad advantage to throw hands this time;

Grabbing his hair before smashing his head into the locker opposite where he was facing.

"You brat I-" Jae-Hyo started, interrupted by Hyunjin, who elbowed his chest.

"Ah, this isn't nice, Hwang." Tae-Yoon chuckled, coming out from god knows where and dragging Hyunjin off Jae-Hyo.

"Yo, Jae, you're alright?" Xujuan questioned from behind Tae-Yoon.

"Give me a minute, this stupid thing hits." Jae-Hyo panted, resting against the locker.

"So what, we're dealing with him?" Tae-Yoon grinned, pressing Hyunjin against the locker and holding him still with his arm on his neck.

"If you want - do whatever, but make sure I can still speak to him clearly, I don't think he's learned the basic manners of not interrupting." Jae-Hyo muttered, pressing his hand against the side of his forehead which, unluckily for him, started dripping blood.

"You're an interesting one then, aren't you?" Xujuan walked around, "What's with you trying to try to save that blonde, gosh. It's going so well for us, but you're ruining shit all of a sudden!" He snapped, slamming his fist on the locker.

Honestly, Xujuan seems naturally calm, not right now, no. But he's like that. He shows a caring and innocent side to the public, but once you're on his nerves, he's all shit crazy.

"Wouldn't be so if you had to pick on people." Hyunjin uttered, receiving only a slap to the face.

"Why the fuck do you still have the damned audacity to speak?" Jae-Hyo grunted, frowning at the black-haired.

"I'm-" Hyunjin spoke, barely, interrupted with another punch.

Gosh, giving out punches and insults to random people really seemed like the best thing that trio could do.

So hard-core, it's really tempting to die because.

"Personally, I'd recommend it so that you stay away from that blonde." Tae-Yoon suggested, rolling his eyes.

"If he's still alive, that is." Xujuan laughed, eliciting laughter from the other two but frustration in Hyunjin.

It hurts. Everything, really. Physically and mentally to say so.

"Surely though, he must be dead." Xujuan sighed.

"He better be, that's for sure. Honestly, it's not like anyone needs or needed him in the first place." Jae-Hyo hummed, taking his attention back to Hyunjin, tracing his jawline.

"Right, and you." He snickered, pausing - Hyunjin staring right at him as if his behaviour was inhumane, which it was, truthfully. "Why can't you do the same? Even simpler, actually. Not struggling out of the grip like that little blonde did? Such a hassle for no reason whatsoever."

Hyunjin scoffed at that, looking down as if he admitted defeat.

Alright... he couldn't throw punches but that doesn't mean he can't kick his legs at them, right;

He panted as he kicked Tae-Yoon away, finally.

Being held like that surely isn't a fun experience, unless you're a masochist, that is.

"Really? What's with you!?" Tae-Yoon spat, standing up and punching Hyunjin as if he didn't look all bruised up already.

"So stupidly feisty and brave for what reason, Hwang?" Xujuan simply spoke, groaning at the act he did to Tae-Yoon.

Of course, right after that came more violence, right up until Hyunjin was faint.


"I told you not to do this again, didn't I?"


"I'll take my leave, then. But- would you like to go out for dinner?"

"Seriously, what do you think you're doing?" Jae-Hyo questioned, surprising Hyunjin as he didn't even have enough time to reach the bottom of the stairs.

"What?" Hyunjin uttered with a sigh.

Jae-Hyo pushed Hyunjin into the small, secluded space behind the stairs, Xujuan, and Tae-Yoon following right behind him.

"Isn't it enough? Do you not remember the rather fun beating we gave you?" Xujuan asked, crossing his arms and looking at Hyunjin in a disappointed manner.

"Exactly, he jumped once and managed to survive. Why not let him do that again and die properly? We've said no one needs him. Why are you still saving him?" Jae-Hyo muttered, resting against the wall, looking up at Hyunjin.

"Why do you think that just because you try and prevent me from doing something, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again? I think I want to help him for a reason. What is it to not understand now?" Hyunjin calmly explained, not wanting it to come to yet another session of them beating the shit out of him.

"You're no fun." Tae-Yoon huffed out, refraining himself from doing anything to Hyunjin at the moment.

"Just why would you want to save someone like him?" Jae-Hyo inquired, shaking his head as he frowned, more than clearly annoyed at his disobedient antics.

"That's not your business." Hyunjin stated, glancing around the three males that forbid him to exit the place.

"You're getting on my nerves, you know that, Hwang." Jae-Hyo gritted through his teeth.

"Oh, of course, I know that!" Hyunjin exclaimed, smiling at Jae-Hyo to cause even more irritated tension between them.

"You're doing this because you know we can't do anything to you, don't you? You're only getting on our nerves when we can't do anything, you coward." Xujuan snickered as insulting was the least they could do.

Why couldn't they lay a single finger on him?

Well, of course, seeing that he's been in contact with Felix, he'll go back to focusing on him and the other will be more than worried;

Then Felix will start to suspect that Hyunjin was the one who originally tried and wanted to save him which won't be much in Hyunjin's or Jae-Hyo's, Xujuan's, and Tae-Yoon's favour.

"No one cares. Now get out of my way, idiots." Hyunjin mumbled, walking straight out of the place and heading somewhere they couldn't find him, no one could find him, infact.

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