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"Sure. I don't see a reason why not to." Hyunjin hummed, sitting right next to Felix's bed and laying his face on the bed.

Felix laid back down, looking at Hyunjin's face before dozing off finally.

Hyunjin was clearly aware of that, but it's not like he can take his eyes off him. Why did he look so soft and adorable at that point? He didn't know.

Even Hyunjin himself fell asleep just by looking at the blonde's face, scrunching up softly every few minutes.


Hyunjin was somehow the first one to wake up, still completely aware he was in Felix's apartment, just a little bit surprised at first.

He should probably go instead of giving Felix a scare when he first wakes up to see Hyunjin leaning on his bed like a corpse.

But at the same time, it isn't late. Well, not too late to consider it past breakfast.

Alright, Hyunjin was hungry, and maybe making breakfast for himself and Felix wasn't a bad idea, seeing how he very generously left him be in his apartment.

The only problem found – after Hyunjin successfully found the kitchen – was that Felix was left with literally nothing.

Buying groceries is annoying, and Hyunjin despises it very much, but he'll end up feeling guilty if he doesn't do anything about it.

So, unfortunately, he went, trying his best not to freeze as winter went along.


Felix was now awake, minutes after Hyunjin left.

He still didn't really know what was going on, forgetting to close his blinds and currently getting blinded by the sun.

That wasn't fun whatsoever.

Felix was just about to exit his room after getting stable enough to think straight, hearing the front door open, his plans completely changed, closing his door quietly and standing next to his mirror.

It seemed that he totally forgot about Hyunjin.

If he had to be honest, the only thing he was thinking about right now was how to not get kidnapped.

He stood there, contemplating pretty much his whole life choices whilst facing the full-length mirror.

That stopped as Hyunjin opened his door, showing a confused Felix, stressing out terribly;

Who ended up looking better after realising it was Hyunjin.

"You're awake?" Hyunjin questioned – as if that wasn't shown enough.

Felix hummed in agreement, walking into the living room and sitting down before doing anything else.

"Wait. Why aren't you in university?" Felix inquired, tilting his head.

Has he really forgotten what day it was? Was it not enough that he forgot about Hyunjin?

"University? It's the weekend." Hyunjin chuckled whilst Felix checked the date and realised.

"Ah, would it be fine for me to make breakfast?" Hyunjin questioned after stopping his small fit of laughter.

"That's fine. I don't mind. Just don't burn my apartment down, please." Felix answered, giggling slightly before Hyunjin walked into his kitchen.

"I know perfectly how to cook. You can trust me." Hyunjin mumbled, walking into the kitchen.


"Where are your plates..?" Hyunjin questioned, watching how Felix ran over to him to show him.

"Here- wait." Felix hummed, sitting up on the counter and opening a cupboard, "There." Felix mumbled, giving Hyunjin a few plates.

"Are you really that short?" Hyunjin inquired, chuckling under his breath.

"No, I'm not. The cupboards are just high up." Felix quickly replied, pouting abruptly.

"Alright, whatever you say." Hyunjin teased, helping Felix down, "Just so you know, sitting up there is something I wouldn't do if I were you."

"It's fine. I only fell twice." Felix giggled, sitting down at the island table.

"Be careful, then." Hyunjin uttered, turning back around.


"Ah, and you wouldn't trust me." Hyunjin stated, picking up the plates and putting them away.

"I wasn't too sure. I barely met you, anyway." Felix mumbled, laying his head on the table.

Yeah, really. They barely met, they don't know eachother whatsoever.

Then why are they acting like friends?

"I was thinking about going to Jeongin." Felix hummed, sitting back up.

"Let me, I wanna meet him." Hyunjin smiled, walking back to Felix.

"Sure, I'll text him." Felix spoke, taking out his phone as Hyunjin looked uncertain.

"I don't have my clothes." Hyunjin quietly let out, Felix looking up at him.

"I have some in larger sizes. My shopping failed that day." Felix silently uttered, sounding a little disappointed.

"Alright, I'll change and give you some clothes." Felix muttered, walking into his room as Hyunjin waited for him outside.

A few minutes later, he was fully ready, walking out and giving Hyunjin the clothes.

"Are you ready, then? Does it fit?" Felix asked as Hyunjin came out.

"Yeah, it's fine." Hyunjin answered as Felix walked up to him and stood on his tiptoes, correcting the turtleneck, Hyunjin grabbing him by the waist to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"Sorry, you put it on a little bit wrong." Felix hummed, walking towards the front door with Hyunjin following him closely.

Why does that simple action give them butterflies?

It's too strange to talk about, of course.

It's also a bit too strange to consider.

"How far is his house – or apartment?" Hyunjin questioned, already impatient even though they just left Felix's apartment.

"Apartment. I don't think it's too far. Only around fifteen to twenty minutes." Felix replied as Hyunjin nodded.


"Jeongin." Felix called out, entering the apartment and stretching his arms out.

"Lix!" Jeongin exclaimed, smiling as he ran to Felix, hugging him immediately.

"I told you I'd be back." Felix chuckled, hugging Jeongin back.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it the day after." Jeongin admitted, "Alright come in." Jeongin spoke, opening the door fully.

Felix walked into the living room with Hyunjin following him closely behind.

"So, you're Hyunjin?" Jeongin asked curiously, sitting down with the other two males.

Hyunjin nodded with a small smile.

"Let me call you hyung, please!" Jeongin exclaimed, grinning at Hyunjin.

"Sure, if you want to. I don't mind." Hyunjin confirmed, agreeing to the idea.

"Wait, are you older than me?" Felix suddenly questioned, looking at Hyunjin.

"I think so. I'm twenty in March." Hyunjin hummed.

"Oh, you are, then." Felix mumbled, focusing back on both of the males.

"Lix." Jeongin uttered, Felix looking at him.

"I saw them." Jeongin quietly let out.

Felix's heart dropped, and he couldn't find his voice for a few seconds.

Felix knew perfectly what he was talking about.

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