21 ; again

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Felix sighed gently, loosening up instantly after having the feeling of being alone and undisturbed.

He was fine enough just laying calmly on the rooftop's edge again, feeling the breeze and not attending any of his lessons; it was literally the epitome of perfection.

Ah, but of course, such gradually perfect moments need to be ruined with an already-met distraction.

And that didn't come as a surprise when it turned out to be Jae-Hyo, Tae-Yoon, and Xujuan.

The slightest groan was heard from Felix as he sat up and got off the edge, leaning slightly against the wall.

"Now, blonde. We all know clearly how much you've managed to miss us dearly." Jae-Hyo cooed, making the speech seem heartfelt, but it was only the exact opposite.

Felix let out an inaudible mumble of disapproval, which wasn't quite known as to what the mumble actually was to Jae-Hyo and his sidekicks.

"I'm sure that was a yes." Xujuan giggled, wanting to entertain themselves as much as possible.

"I still don't understand why you want me fully gone. Isn't it enough to leave me alone for hopefully even the starter of a week?" Felix uttered, hanging his head low.

"Yah, we've been through this alone. Don't make me repeat my words." Jae-Hyo scoffed, crossing his arms.

Yeah, he and Jae-Hyo have been through this clearly. It was a conversation about how he's way too much to handle.

"Why not make this quick and easy?" Tae-Yoon whined, pouting as it took them so long to only reply to the male – or get him to reply.

Honestly, at this point, Felix was most practically cornered, Jae-Hyo standing right infront of him while the other two standing at each of his side;

Also leaning against the wall, the same as him, except that Felix was leaning with his back on the wall.

Maybe there was no other choice but to agree to the unwanted opinions of the three near him. Which, long story short, was to, of course, jump.


"Alright! Turn around." Jae-Hyo demanded, spinning his finger around as if Felix was a sort of dog that was supposed to follow instructions from the very first try.

Well, he did.

"Don't stand there, get up, on the edge!" Xujuan sighed, clapping his hands as Felix slowly and hesitantly sat up.

Jae-Hyo especially gave Felix a look of, 'you know what to do'.

Maybe it was truly lucky that it was recess?

That he only leaned back slightly, gladly, not enough to make him fall on the first try, which was originally intended.

He closed his eyes before getting the feeling of being caught in the distinct and familiar arms. It wasn't even a question as to who it was;

Hyunjin. Jin. Jinnie.

Of course, Jae-Hyo, Xujuan, and Tae-Yoon seemed distorted and agitated at the action.

Felix just craved the moment of being enveloped in Hyunjin's arms for much longer, unfortunately for him, being set down after a few seconds.

"Jisung and Minho are there. Why don't you go to them?" Hyunjin smiled, insisting on Felix leaving him after he heard the first insult Jae-Hyo threw at him, knowing it's lightly true.

Felix couldn't deny the offer or declare, rather, after Hyunjin has just saved his life for god knows which time already.

"Felix, it's not our business, really. But why'd you actually listen to him? That's so stupid." Jisung spoke, not exactly believing that Felix would do such a thing – try again after a long period of time, as Hyunjin told him and Minho.

Felix shrugged, not eliciting a single noise. He didn't know why. Usually, Felix would answer it fully, truthfully.

"What else do I do... they won't leave me alone." Felix mumbled with a pout.

He knew it wasn't exactly necessary to actually so as the three say, he could just ignore it – which makes them grab him and try to do it for him – or report it, to someone, somewhere. Safely.

No, he can't. He can't report them. It's been said dozens of times that they have too much power to be dealt with;

Well, Jae-Hyo, the other two... Felix isn't that sure if they have the power to be untouchable.

But they're friends with Jae-Hyo, Jae-Hyo could easily protect them, bail them out, in the worst case scenario.

If it'd get to that worst-case scenario, that'd be the purest miracle to ever happen.

"That's why you don't stay alone!" Jisung whined, worried about Felix now.

Jisung's always worried about these things, whether it's Hyunjin or Felix.

"But that's whatever. Everything bores me out!" Felix cried out in frustration.

Ack... there's no way he did actually try to jump again. Maybe it's an illusion.

He hates how the feelings after it get to him.

It makes him feel nothing but terrible, mad, furious, aggravated.

On the other hand, it makes him feel miserable and wretched.

Jisung and Minho sighed. They didn't want to make the youngest cry. They only wanted to comfort him.

They can't do anything but apologise in hopes of making him feel more uplifted.


"Jisung and Minho are there. Why don't you go to them?"

Hyunjin thought it was the best idea to send Felix away to the other two so that they could accompany him for the time being.

He didn't want Felix to hear more of the many upcoming insults that Jae-Hyo threw out at him.

It was quite literally nothing but the truth.

He's scared it'd worry him. Worry him about his past state. And worry him that he'd have to only recall and figure out what Hyunjin meant when he 'was like him'.

"Hey, now come on, Hwang. You know that's our only source of entertainment, why send the blonde away?" Tae-Yoon huffed, utterly annoyed – as much as Xujuan and Jae-Hyo.

Hyunjin sighed and closed his eyes softly before looking at the three irritated males.

"Why do you take him for entertainment? He's not yet another daily show you can't get enough of. Not a comedy or a drama." Hyunjin frowned, disliking how they'd phrase Felix a source of entertainment.

"Ah, that's boring." Jae-Hyo muttered, "It's a shame you've become brave enough to talk back. Unlike a few years ago in college and just the very beginning of university."

"My state was also not a source of entertainment. It's pathetic how the three of you think it's fun to force someone enough." Hyunjin whispered, referring only to the forceful actions that caused suicide.

"You could replace that blonde – go back how you were. If you want to keep him safe, and worry least about him.'' Xujuan offered, giving something Hyunjin was still certain to decline.

He did think about it, though.

It'd be slightly worth it for him to leave Felix and give him rest whilst doing the things Felix would be forced to do at the very moment.

Still, Hyunjin shook his head. He knew quite well it'd still cause everyone stress.

He wanted to leave. But most of all he probably wanted to punch Jae-Hyo for his mannerless words.

It's nice how he can do both at a time.

And it's nice how he did indeed do so.

on the edge // hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now