14 ; plasters

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"Felix!" Jisung exclaimed with a small smile, walking over to Felix, who was playing games on his phone with his knees up to his chest – seeming to find that position comfortable.

"Hm?" Felix hummed, looking up at Jisung instantly as Minho came along.

"Me and Minho are going to the cafeteria. Do you want anything?" Jisung spoke, taking Minho's hand.

"No, I'll be fine. Maybe just get me water or something." Felix replied, shaking his head lightly before focusing back on his phone.

"Alright, will do." Jisung uttered, walking away with Minho.


"We're back. Here's your drink." Minho mumbled, throwing Felix's drink at him, thinking it won't fall – and to his luck, it didn't.

"Thanks." Felix hummed.

"Oh, also, did you two forget about me or something?" Felix questioned after a short while, "You said you'll come back after your lessons, but you never did. Then the next thing I know is that it's way past university and I'm going home alone." He complained with a small sound of disapproval.

"Did we?" Jisung inquired back, looking at Minho for the answer.

"Yeah, we did." Minho muttered to Jisung.

"Oh. Sorry, I think I was complaining to Minho about how I wanted to skip school to hang out with him or something similar." Jisung spoke, recalling the events of the day earlier.

"Yeah, Jisung kept whining to me about it – he would have history alone, and he hates that." Minho nodded his head, "Sorry, Felix. If anything, we'll try to remember to tell you next time." Minho apologised.

"Oh, that's fine. I was just thinking about that." Felix mumbled, taking a sip of the water the males bought for him.

"Baby." Minho mumbled to Jisung almost inaudibly, "Let me try some." He spoke, referring to the food Jisung was eating.

"Hm? Sure, take it." Jisung hummed as he perked his attention into the request.


Felix sighed, laying down only slightly before one of the two males turned to him.

"Hey- stop!" Minho exclaimed, running up and grabbing Felix by the the forearm, "Why do you keep-"

"I'm not trying to jump. Don't be so protective!" Felix winced and sighed, annoyed by Minho's overprotective antics.

"How would I know that?" Minho questioned, letting go of Felix.

"Hyunjin didn't tell any of you that I favour laying here-" Felix whined, interrupted by Minho, who let out a small gasp, Jisung coming along as he heard it too.

"Oh, fuck, wait. You're bleeding. I'm sorry, forgive me." Minho panicked abruptly, looking through Jisung's coat pockets the next second.

Felix looked down at his arm and as told, there was forming a small red stain.

"Not there, idiot, here." Jisung mumbled, handing over the plasters to Minho.

"Oh, thanks." Minho thanked, much more calmly, taking out tissue from his pocket.

"Give me your arm." Minho spoke, sitting next to Felix carefully as Jisung observed the actions, "But roll your sleeves up, blonde!" Minho whined.

"God, you two are so annoying."  Felix muttered, rolling his sleeves.

"Don't be like that, you're so mean." Jisung frowned, crossing his arms.

"No, I'm not, Hyunjin isn't like you two – He's not that protective and- ow- stop! He's more gentle!" Felix argued back.

"Stop comparing us to Hyunjin, I'll be more gentle, it's not my fault I didn't do this for such a long time." Minho whispered, intending to stop the pointless arguments and infact, successfully doing so.

They sat there in silence as Minho treated the small wound and Felix looked at him do it.

"I'm done." Minho mumbled, putting on the plasters and carefully rolling Felix's sleeve down.

"Do all three of you walk around with plasters and tissues or something?" Felix inquired, wondering.

"No, not us. Well, not me, I guess." Jisung explained, "Hyunjin gave these to us. For you, I suppose." Jisung spoke, referring to the plasters.

"Oh, I wanted to ask earlier, what did Hyunjin originally do to your scars?" Minho inquired suddenly, reminding himself, "Didn't he have any plasters on him or something?" He muttered.

"Yeah. He did. He put them on for me, only in some places though." Felix hummed, nodding his head lightly.

"What happened to them?" Minho questioned, seeing how the younger didn't have any plasters laced on his skin earlier.

"They came off when I was showering. It's nothing big." Felix mumbled lightly.

"You didn't apply anymore?" Minho asked once more, not understanding at all why Felix didn't choose to do so.

"No. I don't have any at home and I'm unbothered to go out and buy some." Felix uttered with a small hum of hesitation.

Really, that small conversation led to an end as none of the three had much to say in this type of topic.


"Please!" Jisung whined, making a sort of puppy face at Felix – wanting to make him feel guilty.

"Do I have to?" Felix questioned with a sigh, being totally against Jisung's idea.

"Yes! Please!" Jisung spoke with a wide smile.

"Ji, if he doesn't want to you shouldn't have to force him." Minho mumbled, trying to stop Jisung from continuously whining at Felix, trying to get him to do something.

"But why? Min, you know he should! I think it's because Hyunjin leaves him all alone – he's used to doing that already!" Jisung exclaimed, finding something to back himself up, which was probably untrue.

"That's not true! I've only hung out with Hyunjin for like… a day! If we're talking about school days." Felix shook his head, denying the claim from Jisung.

"Alright, no more, Jisung. Felix clearly doesn't want to." Minho sighed, taking Jisung to his other side, keeping him away from Felix as he put his hand over his shoulder.

"But-" Jisung spoke, interrupted by Felix who made his decision.

"Fine. Only this once." Felix stated, sighing.

"Yay! Thank you, Felix. I love you!" Jisung claimed before Minho looked at him.

They stared at eachother gently before Jisung spoke up again.

"It was a joke. Really, Minho." Jisung whispered, chuckling lightly.

Jisung knew perfectly how jealous Minho could tend to get, even with a small joke of 'I love you' said.

"It better be." Minho mumbled, looking back up ahead.

Alright, but what exactly was Jisung trying to get Felix to do.

Somehow, he got Felix to agree on going to a lesson – with them.

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