22 ; why

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"Let's go." Hyunjin mumbled, wrapping his hand around Felix's waist with the other two following them closely behind.

"Hey- you brat, I'm not done!" Jae-Hyo yelled, stumbling out of the rooftop and scoffing when the four males were too far for his view.

"What happened, Jin?" Felix inquired, confused about the situation.

"It's nothing." Hyunjin answered, pressing Felix slightly closer.

"Are we going to your apartment?" Felix questioned, noticing – from the time he came over to visit Hyunjin – they were walking towards it.

Hyunjin stopped, looking at Felix;

"Yeah, why? Do you not want to? We can go over to yours instead if you prefer."

"No. That's not what I meant." Felix shook his head, "It's fine. I just intended it as a question." He explained, walking as they were before Hyunjin stopped.

Minho and Jisung couldn't do anything but whisper to eachother, confused, as to what was currently happening.

They bet the two infront of them have long forgotten about them since they still didn't utter a word out loud;

They could only point and giggle at how frequently they pressed their bodies closer.

Most likely just as a sign of comfort and protection.

It felt nothing but comfortable and relieving to see how close they were, given the short while of time.

"Come." Hyunjin sighed gently, opening the door for Felix and the two. Maybe Hyunjin hasn't forgotten about them.

Maybe he enjoyed not making conversation with them, especially Jisung, considering how their talk went in the park.

"I want to comfort you."

"I want to know what happened."

Felix and Hyunjin spoke at the same time, wanting answers.

They laughed quietly, Minho and Jisung only blinking at them blankly.

It was quite strange to witness such nervous behaviour from them.

"Let me know what happened." Felix quietly inquired whilst looking down, "When I left, especially, maybe."

"It's not worth it to know. I feel like you'll only worry more because of it." Hyunjin smiled faintly as Minho sighed.

"Isn't it better to tell him now. You know you won't achieve anything reward-worthy by not letting Felix know, Hyunjin." Minho suggested as Jisung nodded, also agreeing.

Hyunjin bit his tongue. It was true.

What necessarily is he trying to do by not letting Felix know more about him? If anything, it probably leaves the youngest more curious than ever.

Hyunjin muttered a small 'I guess' before finally telling Felix;

"Well, when you left – they just threw sort of insults at me. It was mainly about how I should go back and give them entertainment by taking your place like I did."

"They take me for entertainment..?" Felix silently swallowed, feeling only more worthless as Hyunjin continued talking.

Hyunjin nodded lightly, scoffing at how unbelievable that sounded when they said it – now he has to explain it, and it hurts him.

It hurts him. He surely doesn't want Felix to feel more terrible than always. He only wants the best for him.

It was highly obvious Felix wanted the answer as to how he used to be in his place, nodding at Hyunjin to continue.

"Ah. Your place... it's just literally what's happening to you. The forceful attempts of suicide to the worrying self-harming." Hyunjin whispered, smiling faintly, not in a way he enjoyed his state and the state Felix is currently in.

Minho caressed Jisung's back, noticing how he felt an excessive amount of worry relating to these topics.

He noticed how Jisung looked down and played with his hands, trying to block everything out.

Even though Jisung wasn't in any of these situations – it's still scary to think about how someone could just do this so naturally and emotionlessly.

"Minho and Jisung helped me out of it. And I'm glad." Hyunjin smiled, glancing at the two, then back at Felix, who carried a noticeable amount of guilt and shame.

"That's why I want to help you and comfort you fully." Hyunjin explained, finally giving an answer about his longing to care for the blonde.

Felix didn't know how to feel. It was only tears welling up in his eyes gradually.

He let out a choked cry, rubbing at his eyes for the tears to stop. It didn't work, you surely can't just stop your tears on command. The more he rubbed his eyes, the more he cried.

Hyunjin chuckled, moving towards Felix and embracing him tightly whilst caressing his head.

"I'm so- sorry." Felix sobbed, pressing his head against Hyunjin's chest.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for. I don't like you apologising with no meaning when it's not your fault. You're the one who needs the apologies the most." Hyunjin calmly stated, sending the younger one into more tears.

Felix found it way too sweet that Hyunjin was too caring to really not tell him about his own past experience.

"Don't cry, Lixie." Hyunjin gently laughed, why did it hurt his heart even more when Felix was crying?

Jisung turned around to Minho and put his hand on his mouth, smiling widely and pointing at the other two as Minho ruffled his hair.

"You're so- you're too much. Why are you so enviable!" Felix whined, wiping his tears as he stopped crying.

"Enviable?" Hyunjin repeated, questioning Felix as to why he described him so.

"Too caring, and sweet!" Felix nodded, "In addition to attractive." He mumbled inaudibly.

Ah... what's this? As far as remembered, it was called – catching feelings, no?

Maybe that's why they both feel the unexplainable butterflies in their stomachs when they get close.

Doing something out of care for the other, like how Felix corrected Hyunjin's turtleneck. And how Hyunjin grabbed him by the waist so he wouldn't fall so endearingly.

"So nice of you." Hyunjin hummed as he giggled before Felix finally picked his head up and wrapped his hands around Hyunjin, too.

"This is too much of you two." Jisung pouted, feeling sensitive at their affectionate actions, "Do something like that with me, Minho!"

"Make you cry and comfort you? You're too stubborn." Minho muttered as the other couple giggled whilst Jisung frowned.

"Well- if you comfort me so much after that, yeah!" Jisung smiled, nodding his head vigorously.

"You talk about us being too much, look at you!" Felix spoke, rubbing his eyes before laughing even more.

"No, be quiet! Why did I say that so loud..." Jisung whined, clinging onto Minho and hiding behind him.

"All of us are too much, then." Minho hummed, smiling as he also hugged Jisung.

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