5 ; dinner

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"You're going now..?" Jeongin asked, pouting as he followed Felix to the door.

"Jeongin- you know I can't stay here forever." Felix chuckled, bringing Jeongin in for a hug.

"But you've only been here for, like, three hours!" Jeongin exclaimed dramatically, trying his best to convince Felix to stay for a longer period of time.

"If anything, I'll be certain to come back another day, ok?" Felix stated, showing a faint smile to Jeongin.

"You better come back. Don't leave me for another three months or more." Jeongin complained, leaving Felix to leave as he pleased.

"That won't happen - I'll try my best to refrain it from happening." Felix mumbled lightly as he walked out.


"Felix!" Hyunjin greeted, seeing the male walk down the streets.

"How are you here?" Felix questioned with concern.

Felix never expected to see Hyunjin at such a time, especially because he never told Hyunjin anything about where he was going and when he was going.

"I don't know. I was just strolling around." Hyunjin shrugged, walking alongside Felix now.

The other nodded, not chasing him away anyway. It didn't matter too much.

He was slightly glad to have some company whilst walking wherever.

"Ah, what about dinner? You're free now, no?" Hyunjin questioned, looking at Felix, who stopped as he stopped, a rather natural instinct when you have company.

"Yeah, I'm free." Felix paused, "I guess I could go with you if you'd like." He hummed, tilting his head to the minimum.

"I'm glad. Come, I'll take you somewhere nice!" Hyunjin exclaimed, walking with Felix right behind him.


"What do you want?" Hyunjin asked, handing the menu over to Felix.

"I don't mind, it's for you to decide, mainly." Felix muttered, looking down at the menu then at Hyunjin.

"No, no, no. Pick something, I'm not sure what you want." Hyunjin chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'll eat anything, really. Get what you want, you invited me." Felix insisted, leaving Hyunjin to finally pick something out for himself.


"Why do you still try to jump?" Hyunjin uttered quietly as they sat there done with their food.

Felix groaned, not replying whatsoever and looking down;

"I don't know." Felix paused, "It seems addictive."

"Like as if I do it once, and it'll tell me to continue. I don't bother denying. Isn't it also interesting to see if you're still alive by the end of the jump and the recovery?"

"That's true, I agree." Hyunjin sighed, "But why won't you stop it? Just ignore it and let it continue until it backs out. It's hard, but I know you can do it. Originally, the same thing happened to me, and it stopped." Hyunjin explained calmly, trying his best to give Felix usable advice.

"It doesn't actually work like that, does it?" Felix inquired, looking up at Hyunjin, who looked at him with a face of pure truth.

"It worked for me. That's all I'm saying, so I suppose I could recommend it." Hyunjin hummed, tilting his head.

"Just try to stop yourself from trying again. I trust that you were busy going to someone relative to you." Hyunjin mentioned after a short while of silence.

"Yeah, my cousin's." Felix spoke, admitting to where or who he was at - what he didn't tell Hyunjin earlier.

"I see." Hyunjin uttered, smiling lightly to the other.

This is strange, isn't it?

They've only met this morning, and now they're out for dinner with one another.

Normally, you wouldn't expect to be so close and friendly to someone you barely know.

But at the same time, they have quite a few things in common, so it'd be better to get to know eachother than to stay strangers that only speak to eachother rarely.

"I want to know more about you." Hyunjin commented in a serious manner - of course.

"Ah, what would you like to know?" Felix inquired, putting his hands together.

"Whatever you think I should know for certain. Truly, personal things to tell me are your choice." Hyunjin replied, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

"I don't know what to tell you." Felix chuckled, lowering his head before lifting it back up.

"I mean- I do have a cousin. His name is Jeongin." Felix hummed, trying to think of what not-so-personal things to tell Hyunjin about.

"Don't think I recognise him. He's not in our university, right?" Hyunjin questioned, uncertain.

"No, not yet. He's in college at the moment. He's 17, so that explains it." Felix smiled.

"You miss him already, don't you?" Hyunjin laughed, referring to his smile.

"Yeah, I do." Felix giggled, nodding his head.

It's a shock - isn't it?

It's adorable how they're already laughing with eachother...

"I mean, he is pretty much the only one I have left. I didn't mean to leave him for a span of over three months..." Felix hummed, seeing how instantly Hyunjin felt guilty for something he most certainly didn't do.

He was just like that. If you tell him something that pains you, he's already overflowing with guilt.

That's not really a bad thing, well, unless you'd be talking about something you're truly uncertain of;

That would cause trouble.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to talk about it like that. But, it's not your fault, believe me." Hyunjin muttered, tracing the edge of the table for a little while.

"I know, it's alright. I just feel glad that nothing happened to him." Felix reassured Hyunjin with a relieved manner.

Hyunjin was also glad, glad that he could help Felix even slightly with how he feels.

"Let me be honest - dinner with you was more soothing than awkward. I'm not sure why I was against it much earlier." Felix spoke, smiling softly to Hyunjin, who also gave back a smile.

"That's what I was planning on. Felix, really, if you need anything, I'm available." Hyunjin chuckled, wanting to be nothing but a stress reliever to the other, to the least.

"Thank you, then." Felix paused, taking out his wallet, "How much?" He asked, referring to the dinner.

"What? No, this is my treat." Hyunjin replied, not intending at all to let Felix even pay a single bit.

"You're making me feel guilty because of this." Felix pouted, tilting his head in high hopes of Hyunjin admitting defeat.

"Don't be. It was my choice so let me pay." Hyunjin insisted, shaking his head as Felix finally put his wallet away.

Supposedly, the idea of having dinner together wasn't so bad after all.

Maybe this calm dinner could have a return, it's highly possible.

You'd be glad to hear they exchanged numbers once it neared to them exiting the building and bidding eachother goodbye.

It was good to hear both of them were a lot more pleased thanks to having even the lightest talk with eachother.

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