6 ; meet

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"How sweet. Isn't it interesting to see who we have here?" The voice let out an airy laugh.

Felix's breath hitched as he stopped, knowing already exactly who it happened to be.

The one, or three, people he wanted to see the least after his coma.

"The fact that you won't even decide to greet me seems totally absurd. I know you missed me, Felix." Jae-Hyo sighed in disbelief. It wasn't really understandable why he still wanted to receive a warm greeting after forcing such an action.

Felix already knows he's probably here to tell him, no, force him to retry it.

As if he hadn't already done that way earlier - this morning on the university's rooftop.

"What do you even want?" Felix inquired gently, not wanting Jae-Hyo to use another form of unwilling force on him.

"Hm... I want to talk. Why do you think I'd want something from you?" Jae-Hyo spoke innocently, also lacing the whole speech with a tone of disgust as usual.

"I know what you want, though." Felix whispered, still audible for Jae-Hyo to hear.

"Then why bother asking? If you know it perfectly." Jae-Hyo snickered, scoffing at the blonde.

"Well, I should atleast be glad you've finally learnt how to respond properly." Jae-Hyo muttered, noticing how Felix actually responded verbally when he asked him something.

Alright, but that's when Felix didn't respond, although, to his luck, Jae-Hyo didn't raise a hand on him. It was slightly concerning as he does indeed always get irritated.

"But, if you know, then why not do it? It's helpful." Jae-Hyo questioned silently.

"I don't..." Felix started, not knowing at all of how to respond.

He did try it indeed, not caring if Jae-Hyo saw it or not, because either way, it shouldn't be his business.

He forced him to jump once already. Why does he want him to jump again?

But really, he did jump over once - the very morning - not specifically out of force, but because he still feels like something or someone's telling him to do it again.

It does bring adrenaline that tempts you.

Even after you do it a singular time and manage to survive, out of luck.

Well, for Felix, out of luck.

Because, let's think again, five damned floors.

That must be a joke. Surviving that is a shit of a miracle.

"You know what, fine, maybe I should just leave you to decide your answer to my question. Just make sure to tell me." Jaehyo whispered, toning it as if he was leaving Felix alone, but, you know him, he wasn't leaving just yet;

"Wouldn't it be much easier to do it again, yourself? Don't you understand you're being a burden to us? Oh, and fuck, wouldn't you like to know how long we were suspended for your stupid shit!?" Jae-Hyo exclaimed, pushing Felix to face him.

"You would like to know, right?" Jae-Hyo scoffed, "Two damned months. Ah, but of course, that'd add up to up to us in jail for three years at the least!" Jae-Hyo laughed as if it was an outcome to be glad of.

"But don't get me wrong, blonde. Three years is perfectly fine as long as you're gone." Jae-Hyo sighed, turning around and hanging his head low before facing Felix again.

"You'd be happy about that." Jae-Hyo hummed - speaking for Felix but not truly knowing if he would be.

Felix didn't look up or respond, leaving Jae-Hyo to let his anger out without physically doing anything to him, or hoping he won't do anything to harm him physically at this point.

Maybe getting insulted and looked down upon was way atleast slightly better than getting physically harmed.

That's fine for Felix, surely, he just doesn't want Jae-Hyo to lay a single hand on him again.

Really - however he touched him, it was uncomforting.

"Actually, I'll just say, I've seen you with him, Hyunjin." Jae-Hyo mumbled, "I'm not specifically glad about that either."

"Why do you still tell me if you know I've tried?" Felix spoke lightly, a small sigh of exhaustion coming out.

"You don't know that after all this time? I won't stop unless you're gone. Your presence annoys me utterly." Jae-Hyo scoffed, explaining as it still came uncertain to Felix.

Alright, what could Felix say back then?

Jae-Hyo seems too much of a sadistic obsessive male.

Felix just doesn't understand how he could find so much pleasure in telling him to end it.

Maybe - as mentioned - that's why he keeps on dreaming about doing so;

The same phrase stuck in his head, could it be so that, that was the one replaying all the time? It's a broken record that just doesn't stop, ever.

It's possible Felix has heard it so many times that he can't stop himself from hearing it anymore.

"God. Just don't plead that stupid idiot for help. You'd better be gone soon enough. You know we'll do it for you if you don't." Jae-Hyo purred, walking away, leaving a dreaded Felix.


God, but, finally at last, Felix arrived home after a long and tiring day with a hint of 'what the fuck was that' at the end.

He instantly walked to the living, laying against the sofa as he rested his eyes.

Why did it seem so eventful the whole day?

It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was meant to be out of sight and not known of rumours.

Just a singular day's already so tiring. It's not like Felix could really do anything to prevent what's happening, wouldn't that seem a bit too ignorant?

Ok, but really now, it's been over three months, it's so certain his scars would fade...

Wouldn't it just be too over exciting to feel the burning sensation again?

The 'loving' speeches of hate he's been getting even for a rough ten to twenty minutes from Jae-Hyo was enough to try make himself bleed to death like there's no other ultimatum.

Maybe that's the only way to escape it, just to embrace it...

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