26 ; birthday - ending two

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"Like- now?" Felix inquired, slightly nervous.

"Yeah." Minho simply answered, waiting for both to come back.

"Right now, right now?" Felix hastily questioned, wanting to make sure.

"Yes, Felix." Minho sighed, not knowing what Felix didn't understand about it.

"Ok. Alright!" Felix uttered, nodding his head.

They quickly ended the call, and Felix walked over to Hyunjin, who was waiting patiently for him, looking around in boredom.

"Ok, uh, let's go back to your apartment." Felix mumbled, trying to hide how anxious he was.

"Hmm?" Hyunjin paused slightly, "Alright." He nodded with a small smile.

"Is it unlocked?" Felix inquired, trying to open the door.

"No, I locked it." Hyunjin replied, taking out his keys.

Felix hummed, honestly – Minho and Jisung did a great job, as of now. The most important thing was probably the inside.

Hyunjin groaned, entering his apartment, "Did you turn the lights off as you left?" Hyunjin questioned, turning the lights on and receiving an answer.


"Happy birthday!" The three others yelled out as Hyunjin clutched his chest and kneeled down.

"I think I just got a heart attack..." Hyunjin panted, shaking his head.

"We know it's your birthday, but don't die on us, please." Jisung giggled as Hyunjin stood up.

"I'll try not to, but thank you for this." Hyunjin smiled, referring to how nicely decorated everything was and how the cake was made, Minho currently holding it and focusing so that it wouldn't fall.

"It's nothing." Minho mumbled, giving a faint smile.

"Ah, but how did you enter – I locked my apartment." Hyunjin inquired, frowning slightly. They couldn't have come in through the window, right?

"The keys you gave me." Felix stated.

"Ah, you guys are out too?" Hyunjin inquired, seeing Minho and Jisung walk along the streets as he and Felix also did so.

"Oh, yeah!" Minho nodded, holding Jisung's hand and stopping next to the other two.

"Mhm." Hyunjin hummed.

On the other side, Felix frantically shook his hand behind his back, holding the keys and signing Minho or Jisung to take them.

Jisung quickly pointed at himself as they walked away, Felix nodded, handing over the keys and catching up to Hyunjin.

Jisung and Minho are supposed to go and decorate Hyunjin's house as Felix takes him out.

It was his birthday, so wouldn't a surprise like that be rather nice?

"Ah... I see. When we met Minho and Jisung?" Hyunjin chuckled, reminding himself of the interaction.

"Yeah." Felix smiled, liking how it infact worked out perfectly.

"That's sneaky." Hyunjin muttered, crossing his arms.

"Right, anyway, come on. Let's eat and then your presents!" Jisung exclaimed, squealing and clapping his hands, excited of what's to come.

"Who made it?" Hyunjin asked, "It's certainly better than store-bought cakes, and it's tasty." He continued, putting the plates away.

"Me and Felix." Minho uttered as Jisung mumbled to take his plate, too.

Hyunjin nodded and uttered a small compliment about it.

"What now?" Felix questioned, licking his lips and wondering about what to do.

"Presents – obviously!" Jisung smiled, taking the two gifts from behind the sofa and passing one to Felix.

"Ours first." Minho mumbled, chuckling slightly as he passed it to Hyunjin.


"What- what do I need this for?" Hyunjin hesitantly inquired, opening the box and taking out some lube.

"Experience." Jisung winked, knowing what Felix's gift was.

Felix opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something but decided not to.

Hyunjin opened the box as Felix gave it to him, waiting for him to open it.


"I'm falling for you. Can you catch me?" Felix whispered as Hyunjin held the flowers.

"I'll always catch you." Hyunjin smiled as Felix grinned lightly.

"Sweet – you should kiss now!" Jisung insisted, pressing Hyunjin's and Felix's heads together.

The two pulled away with a hurt whine, yeah, their lips didn't attach, maybe they broke their noses or something, though.

"Jisung... I don't think that's how you get people to kiss. Maybe let them take their time?" Minho suggested as Jisung pouted.

Nevertheless, Hyunjin and Felix did kiss properly this time.

Felix leaned in closer to Hyunjin as they kissed gently, Minho and Jisung only chuckling lightly at the sweet interaction between the couple.

"Finally, my sweet angel." Hyunjin uttered, kissing the crown of Felix's head and hugging him tightly, rocking their bodies sideways.

"Due to this – you two should make use of our present!" Jisung stated, smiling and raising a finger in the air.

Minho nodded, agreeing fully with Jisung as the other two scoffed at the suggestion.

"You're acting as if it has to be tonight." Hyunjin muttered, rolling his eyes and letting go of Felix.

"Personally, I think it'd be better tonight but y'know. Take your time." Minho laughed.

"Exactly, this cost us money so you better use it." Jisung hummed, tilting his head and nodding.

"Don't think we're gonna go as far as rushing it on the first day, you two." Hyunjin uttered, disagreeing with the suggestion Minho gave along with Jisung agreeing with it.

"Bet that's what you two did, though." Felix spoke, pointing at Jisung and Minho.



Minho and Jisung exclaimed, looking at eachother.

"Fine, yeah we did – so what." Jisung whined, crossing his arms and turning his head.

"Wanted to confirm." Felix giggled, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

"Alright, happy birthday, idiot." Minho sighed, messing up Hyunjin's hair.

"Yes, we love you!" Jisung smiled, showing two finger hearts as Hyunjin stuck his tongue out.

"Mmm, only love my angel." Hyunjin whispered, bringing in Felix for another hug as Jisung whined.

"Meanie." Jisung mumbled, hitting Hyunjin as they laughed.

"You've got Minho, shoo." Felix spoke, shooing Jisung away, hugging Hyunjin back.

"Who's the lovey-dovey ones now, Hyunjin?" Minho questioned, teasing Hyunjin as he clicked his tongue, shaking his head.

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