(m) ; bonus

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"It's... I think I want this to carry further." Felix hesitated, stumbling anxiously over his words.

"Further?" Hyunjin gently repeated, wanting Felix to roughly elaborate on what he meant.

"We've held hands, we've hugged, we've kissed. But- I want more." Felix quickly stated, pausing and inhaling, "I want more of this - more of you."

Hyunjin swallowed, looking up at Felix, who only looked down.

"I know what you mean." Hyunjin whispered, "But are you sure I'm not rushing you to this decision?" He inquired, pressing his lips together.

"You don't rush me to do anything. You give me more than enough space and time. I like it when you're thoughtful about me and - the relationship. I promise wholly, this is my decision." Felix denied, smiling softly and picking his head back up to face Hyunjin;

"But if you're uncomfortable, I can understand."

"Why would I be uncomfortable? With you, especially? I've been wondering about something just as affectionate and loving as this with you." Hyunjin stated, caressing Felix's hand slowly.

"Are you completely sure, though? Ready, above all?" Hyunjin inquired, wanting to be certain and not force the younger to anything unwanted.

Felix nodded, reassuring Hyunjin.

"Are you?"

"As long as you are, I am."

"I just want this to be gentle and soft, though. Please." Felix mumbled, holding Hyunjin's hand.

Hyunjin nodded and smiled. He also didn't want their first time to be unforgivingly rough and unrepeatable.

Hyunjin gently held Felix's cheek, leaning in and lightly placing his lips on the other's, making them move together slowly.

He tore away for just a second, wanting to see Felix's reaction, and seeing how he closed his eyes, awaiting another kiss, he did so.

Their lips were moving so softly and perfectly together, a fairytale kiss. It was so small but filled with an overload of passion and love.

Hyunjin ran his fingers up Felix's thighs. Why was his skin so soft...

Felix felt nothing but light tingles as Hyunjin danced his fingertips upon his skin.

It's all so calming and soothing, so sweet and affectionate.

Hyunjin parted Felix's lips with his thumb, hesitantly slipping in his tongue, wanting to only taste how pleasant his lover tasted without any erotic motions yet.

And obviously enough, Felix let him. It's so tender, Felix has surely figured - the best feeling is only Hyunjin's gentle touch.

"You're so sweet." Hyunjin murmured against Felix's lips, caressing his cheek with his thumb.

Felix tilted his head, letting Hyunjin have more access to kiss him so lovingly before they pulled away for a few seconds, catching their breath.

Hyunjin smiled, Felix returning a smile too, leaning in again with softly-lidded eyes, seeing nothing but absolute affection.

Hyunjin trailed his hand higher up Felix's thigh and rested it on his waist, holding it lightly before rubbing it, making the younger squirm.

Felix brought his hand up to Hyunjin's hair, brushing his fingers through it faintly.

It was so fake;

Too unimaginable - it's not possible, right?

How they're having this sugar-coated touch.

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