13 ; sick

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"Hey, what's up with you? Why aren't you in university yet? It's way past first period, and you never miss this shit." Jisung questioned over the phone, curious about the other's state.

"Ah, Jisung. Can I bother you with something..?" Hyunjin asked with a lightly raspy voice.

"Oh, sure. What is it?" Jisung inquired, getting completely rid of the softly angry yet curious tone.

"I won't be in for the following week, pretty sure I've got a fever or something." Hyunjin mumbled.

"Exactly why I told you to zip your coat up. Alright, what's the main thing, then?" Jisung sighed, asking as Hyunjin's tone still seemed laced with another question.

"There's this male in school. Lee Felix, d'you know him?" Hyunjin inquired, happily getting into the main topic.

"Uh… no, not really. But, I've heard he's involved in the incident around eight months ago in total? Is that him?" Jisung asked with a small curious mumble.

"Yes. That's him." Hyunjin quietly uttered.

"Is it fine for you to keep an eye out for him? If anything, he's usually up on the rooftop." Hyunjin hummed, asking the other for a favour.

"Ah, yeah! That's fine!" Jisung exclaimed with excitement lingered in his soft voice.

"Thank you, be careful with him, and, if anything; call me." Hyunjin thanked him as he felt much more relieved.

"Will do, Hyunjin. I'll tell Minho, too, since I'm with him most of the time." Jisung muttered, ending the call.

"Hey~" Jisung exclaimed, scaring Felix and causing him to flinch and just almost fall, Minho quickly catching him before he could.

"I told you not to do that." Minho scolded, letting go of Felix after making sure he wouldn't fall.

"Sorry, sorry." Jisung immediately apologised.

"Hyunjin told us to take care of him, not kill him. Mind what you do, Sung." Minho explained, Felix looking at them confused.

"Who are you?" Felix gently whispered.

He certainly didn't know the two of them.

"Oh, you don't know us? That brat, I'm worth knowing." Jisung questioned, muttering the rest under his breath.

"Alright, calm down. I'm Minho, he's Jisung." Minho introduced, showing a warm smile, trying to convince Felix he wasn't like any of the three.

"Right, oh, by the way – Hyunjin told us to take care of you. He's sick so he won't be in for I don't know... he said the following week." Jisung hummed, Minho nodding along, confirming.

"Sick?" Felix mumbled quietly, a small look of concern and worry arising on his face.

"Yup, don't worry about him. It's not like he'll die." Jisung giggled out, wanting and trying to cheer up the mood.

Minho elbowed Jisung on the arm, causing him to let out a little squeak of pain.

"Don't joke about that. You know clearly how he was like before." Minho groaned silently, not really wanting Felix to hear.

"Sorry." Jisung sighed quietly.

"I don't need taking care of, though." Felix suddenly let out, the other's attention focusing on him abruptly.

That was a lie, clearly.

Judging from the things he did to himself and Hyunjin balancing things out for him.

He just really didn't want to admit it.

"Yes, you do! Why else would Hyunjin tell us to take care of you?" Jisung whined, not knowing why Felix disagreed so much with him, not liking it.

Felix didn't reply and shrugged his shoulders;

He didn't exactly know what to say to that, maybe except that Hyunjin wants to waste their time on someone useless.

Because other than that, there was no other reason, really.

"Alright, don't argue or something you don't even know eachother properly yet." Minho hummed, pulling Jisung a step back.

"But I don't want that!" Felix whined with a pout.

"Hyunjin told us to do so-" Minho tried explaining, interrupted by Felix.

"What? Is he older than you or something?" Felix questioned with a hint of sass and disappointment mixed.

"No, I'm older than him, but-" Minho admitted, sighing as he once again got interrupted by Felix.

"Then why are you listening to him?" Felix inquired.

"Because I can tell you need taking care of. And other than that, I'm older than you." Minho calmly spoke, no matter how much attitude Felix was giving him.

"Exactly! And I bet I'm older than you too!" Jisung exclaimed, looking proud.

"Yeah, right. You look just barely younger than me." Felix scoffed, turning around.

"Sure, sure. When's your birthday, how old are you?" Jisung asked, Minho just watching everything with pure confusion shaped on his face.

"Nineteen." Felix answered, pausing, "September fifteenth." He finished, looking at Jisung's glad reaction.

"I'm older! I'm also nineteen! September fourteenth, though." Jisung giggled, Minho too just slightly.

"Stop, that's not fair!" Felix whined, crossing his arms as he began to giggle too.

"Minho, what about you then? I'm curious now." Felix asked, laughing lightly.

"Twenty. October twenty-fifth." Minho answered with a small hum.

"You're older than Hyunjin? By how much?" Felix inquired softly, stopping his fit of laughter along with Jisung.

"Around six months. He's March twentieth. Nineteen at the moment too." Minho uttered, "And be careful up there I don't want you falling or Hyunjin's going to be the one to plan my death along with Jisung's possibly." He mumbled as he felt light shivers come across his body.

"Right – you should probably get off of there." Jisung hummed, agreeing with Minho.

Felix nodded and got off, leaning against the wall instead.

"Also, what have you been doing all this time?" Jisung questioned, wondering about how Felix doesn't get entirely bored.

"I don't know, I just keep hanging out here. Honestly, keep skipping every lesson I've had so far. Including the earlier ones." Felix explained lightly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Mhm. Alright, me and Ji better go to our lessons then, are you not going to this one?" Minho spoke, about to walk away.

"No, I'll be fine, see you later, I suppose." Felix shook his head.

"Bye." Jisung hummed, walking away as Minho grabbed his hand.

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