02- Noticed

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I got back from my hike at 11. I hadn't checked my phone much because when I go out I don't usually like to use my phone. When I got home I was pretty hungry so I decided to make something quick. I looked at my phone and saw I had quite a few notifications from twitter.

I was gonna check them later so I just reheated a tamale I made a few days ago. I ate it and then went to my room. I sat in my bed and turned on the tv. I put on The book of life (The book of life is my favorite movie of all time!!)

I was watching it for a bit until I remembered to check my notifications. I opened twitter and noticed I had over 100 notifications. I opened a few of them and they were talking about the video I had posted. They were all making jokes about it. Most of the people were joking around saying things like "yn should be canceled!" Or things like "No Albert should! Yn is so right!"

Some people took it seriously and were actually mad at me but I honestly didn't care. I saw this really funny one where someone said "Yn and Albert are gonna be the next Jonny depp and amber heard thing" I even saw a few people make edits of me and flamingo.

I was laughing at them until I saw that flamingo had actually responded to it. I wasn't sure if it was him or a fan account so I checked and saw it was actually him. I read his tweet.

"Who does this woman think she is bullying me. I will find her and kill her 😈"

I laughed so hard at it. I was happy though because it could really help boost my channel and hopefully get more people to notice me.

I decided that I would respond to his tweet.
"Not if I find you first buddy 🤷‍♀️"

After I tweeted the post I went on tiktok a just scrolled through a few videos.

I had watched tiktok for almost 3 hours. It was two already so I decided I would just play some Minecraft for fun. My roommate was not home yet so I was pretty bored.

I logged onto my Minecraft world. I didn't really record Minecraft for videos but I only played it for fun. My world was a survival world where I just tried to build a nice town in survival. It was pretty calming except when the mobs would try and attack me.

I played for a few hours until my roommate Alyssa came home. Me and her talked for a bit and then watched a movie.

Alyssa was my roommate, she had long black hair, beautiful brown eyes, a pretty shade of Carmel skin. She was so sweet and funny. I'm so glad that she is my roommate.

*time skip to the next week*

I was on my balcony smoking a joint. Me and my roommate were pretty into smoking weed and stuff like that. Our apartment almost always had a slight smell of weed.

We were out on the balcony for a while when I got a notification from twitter.
"Who is it?" Alyssa asked
"Honestly i don't know. Ima check rn" I replied

I opened the notification and noticed it was an edit. I usually don't have people make edits of me so I was kinda happy. I adjusted my phone so me and Alyssa could see the edit.

At first I was sure what the edit was until I watched it a second time. The first part of the edits was my video where I was "bullying" flamingo. The second part was the tweets me and him did last week. And the third part was flamingo talking shit about me in his newest video.

I laughed so hard once I realized what it was. He honestly was funny and did roast me good. Maybe even better than me. I thought it was good because it would help get my channel out there. I could tell it was already working because I had already gained half a thousand subscribers in only a day.

Me and alyssa finished our joints and we went inside. I had to go to work today so I had to get ready. I got changed into my uniform. I worked part time at a restaurant as a waitress. YouTube did make me a good amount of money but most of it went to my half of rent. I like to work part time because I get to save up to go move to Florida. Moving to Florida had been my dream since I was a kid and hopefully in a few years I'll be able to move there.

Once I finish getting ready I grabbed my purse and headed to my car to drive to work.

(824 words)
Guys I made this chapter a bit longer because I forgot to post it yesterday 😭 but don't worry yn is gonna start becoming friends with Albert soon, don't worry guys! But remember this is a slowburn so they are not gonna fall in love instantly 😭 anyway hope you enjoyed!

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