03- Twitter Dms

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I had finally gotten off of work. My manager has me work 10-hour shifts for three days a week. I always start at 5am and end at 3pm.

When I got home I checked twitter and my fans where still going crazy over the "drama" between me and flamingo. I was just scrolling through my feed for a few minutes when I noticed decided to follow flamingo just for fun. I went onto his twitter account and noticed he already followed me.

I was kinda shocked because I didn't see it in my notifications. I followed him back and that was that. I didn't think anything was gonna happen after that so I closed out of the app.

I connected my phone to my AirPods as I was going to clean my kitchen before Alyssa came home. I put on my liked playlist and put it on shuffle. The first song that came on was wish you were gay by Billie Eilish I sang along as I washed the dishes.

I was sweeping the floor when my music had stopped for a second. And my Siri said "Twitter sent a notification that I can not read". I set down the broom and opened my phone. I clicked on twitter and waited for it to load.

I saw that I got a dm and I opened it. I usually get dms from my friends so I thought it was gonna be one of them but it wasn't. Flamingo had dm'd me. I was a little shocked but I opened it.
(Btw y/t/n means your twitter name!!)
@ AlbertsStuff
Hey this is yn right?

@ y/t/n
Jk it is 😭

@ AlbertsStuff
Damn you don't gotta be so rude 😢

@ y/t/n
Sorry that's just who I am 🤷‍♀️

@ AlbertsStuff
Wow so you really hate me then :,(

@ y/t/n
Omg no 😭
I swear I don't that was a joke 😭

@ AlbertsStuff
Lmao I know I was just joking

@ y/t/n
Why did you dm me?

@ AlbertsStuff
Oh ya so yk how we have this "drama" thing going on?

@ y/t/n

@ AlbertsStuff
So tbh my fans love it and think it's funny and I just wanted to ask if we could continue to pretend to "hate" each other ig?

@ y/t/n
Omg ya my fans love it too lmao
But ya ofc we can continue to do that
As long as you don't actually hate me 🙄

@ AlbertsStuff
No i wouldnt ever hate you 😭
But okay sounds good
Also would you ever want to collab maybe?

@ y/t/n
Yes that would be amazing!
It would help boost my viewer count 😍

@ AlbertsStuff
Lmao 😭
But okay sounds good I'll dm you later

@ y/t/n
Lmao sounds good

I turned off my phone and smiled. "Yes my channel will finally be noticed more!" I thought to myself. I continued to clean the kitchen.

I was clean for about 20 more minutes before I finished. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower. When I finished I washed my face and headed to my room.

I closed the door behind me and decided I would film a video today. I did my makeup, blow dried my hair and straightened it. I changed into a black crop top and some tan cargo pants.

I sat at my desk and had to decide what I was gonna film today. I was looking through roblox and found a bunch of these army role play games. I decided I was gonna go in there and just troll everyone.

I made sure my facecam and mic where working before I started recording. I made an alt account and spawned into the game. Not even 5 seconds after I joined I had gotten banned from the game.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled. "I DIDNT DO ANYTHING AND I GOT BANNED?! HOW THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN HAPPENT?!" I yell. Good thing I recorded that cuz I was definitely gonna put that in my video.

"Okay so i don't know what just happened, but I was scrolling through roblox games and saw a bunch of these army role play games. And as you saw in the last clip they will ban you if you slip up even the smallest bit. So let's try to get banned from every army game we can" I put and "evil" kind of smile on and started laughing.

I recorded for about two hours before I decided that I had gotten banned from enough army games. "Alright guys so the lesson we learned here is, do not join an army game as a woman! Because woman belong in the kitchen and not on the battle field" I said in a man voice and then started laughing.

I stopped recording and turned off my Facecam and mic. I downloaded the video and leaned back on my chair. And groaned. I stretched my arms out and sighed. "God I'm so tired." I said quietly.

I decided I was gonna lay in bed for a bit and then stream for a bit. I sat down and opend my phone. I noticed that flamingo had dm'd me. I opened his dm.
@ AlbertsStuff

@ y/t/n
I just finished filming a video.
I'm probably gonna stream in like an hour.

@ AlbertsStuff
Damn that's nice
Sorry if this is a random question but what time is it for you??

@ y/t/n
Uh it's 6pm rn

@ AlbertsStuff
Oh. Where are you at?

@ y/t/n
Woah there buddy 🤨

@ AlbertsStuff
Omg no i did not mean it like that 😭

@ y/t/n
Lmao I know I'm just playing 😭
But I live in California

@ AlbertsStuff
Oh damn.
I live in Florida
It's like 9pm rn

@ y/t/n
I've always wanted to live in Florida, it seems so nice

@ AlbertsStuff
You think so? Idk Florida is really fucking hot.

@ y/t/n
Ya I know, but I grew up in Mexico 🤷‍♀️
I think I can handle the heat lmao 😭

@ AlbertsStuff
Mexico?? So ur illegal huh?

@ y/t/n
Shhh don't rat me out to ice

@ AlbertsStuff
Idk I might have to
Can't have anything illegal in America 🤠🇺🇸🦅
Except for our guns 😉🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅

@ y/t/n
Anyway I gtg my roommate came home I gotta help her with groceries.

@ AlbertsStuff
Oh btw what's your twitch account??
I wanna watch your stream

@ y/t/n
Oh its *wtvr your twitch thing is* !

@ AlbertsStuff
Okay Lmk when your abt to stream
*1087 words*
Y'all I have never wrote this much in one chapter 😭 but anyway y'all should like follow my Spotify account 😍 it's @ Lyss.Vrtx
Anyway have a good day or night or after noon. Idk what time it is for you 😭

Also yes I did steal alberts video for this chapter 😭 I couldn't think of anything else so 🤷‍♀️😍‼️

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