04- Streaming

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I finished putting away groceries and decided to let Alyssa know that I was gonna stream. "Hey alyssa just letting you know I'm gonna stream" I said "oh alright I'm gonna be on the balcony smoking for a bit" she replied.

I smiled and walked off to my room. I shut my door and turned on my pc. I opened twitch and was about to start streaming when I remembered that albert had asked me to dm him when I was about to start streaming.

I would usually call him flamingo but me and him are friends now I guess so I think it's fine if I call him Albert.
@ y/t/n
Hey buddy

@ AlbertsStuff
Why the fuck are you spamming me

@ y/t/n
Im about to start streaming ;)

@ AlbertsStuff
Damn okay
But why'd you have to spam me :,(

@ y/t/n
Idk just felt like it
Anyway hurry up bozo I'm about to start

@ AlbertsStuff
Alright damn I'm on your channel right now.
Im waiting for you to start

@ y/t/n
Okay bozo 🙄🤭

I smiled and started my stream. As soon as I clicked start I got some viewers. I smiled to the camera, "hey guys! Ima start soon I'm just waiting for more people to join" I said "while I'm waiting you guys should ask me some questions and I'll answer" I said looking down for a second as my cat Teddy was walking under my desk.

"Do you guys wanna see my cat?" I asked holding up Teddy and showing him to the camera. "This is my cat Teddy, but I call him Ted." I said laughing because he looked very unamused. I set him down on my lap and started to read the chat.

More and more people started to join "do you really hate Albert? Um yes I do actually he is sooo annoying and honestly he is just not that funny" I shrug my shoulders as I answered the question.

"Why did you and Albert follow each other on twitter?" I read from the chat "Actually he followed me first, he probably has a crush on me or something" I said rolling my eyes "I wouldn't be surprised tho I mean who wouldn't" I laughed and continued to read questions from the chat.

"Okay i think that we have enough people so I guess we can start. I don't really have a plan for this stream but I was thinking that my roommate might wanna join me. Do you guys want me to ask??" I say waiting for the chat to respond.

"Okay looks like that's a yes. Okay I'll be right back just watch Ted while I go get her." I say getting up from my desk and leaving to room.

I walk to the balcony and open the door. Alyssa is sitting on a lawn chair just smoking her joint. "Yo alyssa do you Wanna join me on my stream?" I ask. "Ya sure Im basically finished smoking anyway. I'll be there right now" she answers "k!" I say and walk inside

I walk back into my room. "Okay guys sorry if I was gone long, but Alyssa is coming right now!" I say

I answer a few more questions before alyssa walked in. "Yayyyy alyssa is finally here!!" I say exited.

*time skip*

It was about 10 minutes later when I got a dm from Albert.
@ AlbertsStuff
Hey y/n
Gimmi your discord

@ y/t/n
Why 🤨

Just do it 😡

@ y/t/n
Damn okay

@ AlbertsStuff
Okie thank youuu

I was smiling wondering why albert needed my discord "Oooo why are you smiling? Who you texting?" Alyssa asked smiling "no one-" I say but get cut off by Alyssa asking "who is Al-" I quickly slap my hand over her mouth and cut her off.

"Shut up" i whisper to her. She does this dumb goofy smile. I can't help but laugh at her. I noticed that I got a friend request on discord. I accepted it.
This is yn right

I was gonna ask why he added me on discord but then he called me. It was a video call but I accepted it.

"Why the fuck did you call me?" I ask. "Show my face to your camera" albert said. "Who's that?" Alyssa asked.

"Show me to your camera now!" Albert did a little girl scream and I laughed "fine whatever" I groaned and turned my phone so he was facing my computer.

"Why are you guys watching her" he said angrily "grrrrr stop watching her right now she is abuses her roommate!" He says laughing. I end up laughing as well. "What the fuck albert, I do not abuse my fucking roommate" I say laughing.

"Yes you do I've seen it" he says. Me and him continue arguing for a while until I hang up on him. Me and alyssa laugh for a bit until I decided to end my stream.

I turned off my pc and sat on my bed next to Alyssa. "Yo alyssa Can you pass me my pen. It's at the end of my bed" I ask.

Alyssa passes me my wax pen. I take a hit and then put it on my nightstand. Alyssa left my room and went to her. It was now 7 and Alyssa decided she was gonna hang out with her boyfriend for a bit.

I didn't really like her boyfriend because he always made weird jokes about me that made me uncomfortable. But I brush it off because as long as Alyssa is happy then I'm fine with it.

I decided I didn't want to deal with him so I was gonna go on a walk. I was about to leave when Albert messaged me.
*972 words*
Yall it's currently 2am. But yk what i don't not care, I'm gonna right one more chapter and then maybe go to sleep. (Probably not) anyway if you are enjoying the story please comment because I'm not sure if anyone actually like this story but ya!

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