13- Sick Day

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Tw: mentions of sh scars⚠️
Wednesday/6:39 am

I woke up at 6 am to my phone alarm. I slowly walked over to Alyssa's bed. "Alyssa wake up we need to get ready" I said while shaking her. "Ughhh okay" Alyssa replied.

I'm not sure why but I felt very hot, I walked over to the ac and turned it on. "Yn are you crazy?!!! It's like freezing in here!" Alyssa yelled. "What?? It's so hot I'm literally burning up!" I yelled back.

Alyssa walked up to me and felt my forehead with the back of her hand. "What the fuck? Girl you are literally burning up! You can't go to the convention today your sick!" Alyssa said shocked "what?! No I have to go, my fans are expecting me!!" I replied. "Ugh fine if you wanna be stubborn, then you can go!!" Alyssa said while walking away.

I began to get ready.
*time skip*

After about an hour I had finally finished my makeup. I felt super drowsy but I decided I should just push through. After all I didn't want to disappoint anyone. Not my fans. Not my friends. And definitely not Albert. I shook the thought of him out of my head when I heard a nock at the door. I got up and opens it.

"Heyyy ynnn!! Are you excited?? I can't wait!! Are you ready yet?! We gotta leave soon!!" Albert said with a bright smile on his face. I weakly smiled back at him. "Yup I'm sooo ready" I said sarcastically. "Yn are you okay?" Albert asks. "Ya I'm fine-" I get cut off by Alyssa "nope she is not fine she had a fever!!" Alyssa yells from across the room.

Albert looks at me worried, he begins to lift his hand up to my forehead- "Nope nope nope I am perfectly fine!!" I said quickly.

After a while we all began to walk down to the lobby. I start to feel very lightheaded and dizzy. I begin walking to the closet bench as I felt I was about to fall over or even faint.

"Hey are you okay??" Albert asks while walking up to me. "I-I don't know, I feel like I'm about to faint" I say softly. Albert sits next to me and feels my forehead. "Yn your burning up. You need to rest." He says concerned.

Everyone gathers around looking a bit scared. "Oh okay, I'll just go back to my room then."I say. I really wanted to go. I wanted to meet some of my fans. I wanted to hang out with my friends. I wanted to hangout with him. But now I won't be able to.

I slowly get up from they bench and try to catch my balances. "Okay have fun guys." I say smiling weekly. "Hey guys why don't you head to the car I'll catch up with you. I want to make sure yn is okay first." Albert says. I look at him and blush.

Wow he really cares about me?? He Stands close to me while we are walking back. To close, our hands keep brushing against each other.
As we get to my room he sets me down on my bed gently. He grabs me a bottle of cold water from the fridge. "Here drink this, it should help cool you down a bit" he says while smiling.

I lock eyes with him and I smile aswell. "So are we doing a staring contest or...?" Albert asks while laughing. "Oh uhm sorry" I laugh. "Okay so tell me your symptoms and I will Google it" he says trying to look and sound professional.

"Okay Doctor Artez" I say laughing. "Well I've been feeling drowsy, I have a cough, and obviously I'm hot." I say. "The last one is obvious i mean look at you" Albert says laughing. "Woah you think I look hot???" I say as a joke.

"Wa-no- I mean you are- but no- I just mean like-" I cut him off and said "dude Albert it's okay I was just joking" "oh uh ya I knew that I was just uh messing around" he said putting his hand behind his head awkwardly.

After a few minutes of talking and watching tv Albert asked "are you hungry? I can order room service?" "Oh uh sure j guess I could eat something." I say smiling, he looked at me a smiled back. I don't know why but I get this feeling in my stomach every time I see his smile. It's like.... Butterflies.

"Alrighty! Food should be here in 20 minutes! How are you feeling???" Albert asks sitting at the edge of the bed. "A bit better, I still feel really hot though" "well I mean you always look hot" Albert says under his breath. I pretended not to hear it but deep down I was screaming.
*time skip*

As we were enjoy our meal I noticed it was just the two of us, me and him eating together, it was a date. "Oh my god I just realized!" I said "huh?" He asked "we're on a date technically" I said laughing. "Omg I should definitely post this to my Instagram, our fans would go crazy!!" I said sarcastically. Albert looked at me and began to laugh "Dude stop they would go fucking insane!!!"

I looked at him and smirked. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of our food. I captioned it /Lunch date with my rival 😡😭/
I tagged Albert and posted it. "Now let's see how fucking insane they will go" I said smirking at him.

Not even a few minutes later my phone began to blow up. "Holy shit they are really going crazy" Albert says looking at my phone blowing up with notifications.

*time skip*

We had finished our food. I was laying in my bed while albert was sitting on the floor watching tv.

"Uh yn this might not be the best time to talk about this, but I've been meaning to ask you about it." Albert says looking up at me.

I look back at him confused. "Ask me about what?" "Well um. You know the other day. At the, pool." Albert says stumbling on him words.

"Ya. Why?" I ask. "Are you okay..? I didn't know how to ask but, your scars." He replied. "Oh. Um. It's just- I- ugh, look I really don't want to talk about it but I trust you. My life is shit. That's all I'm gonna say."

He looked at me, in a way I can't explain. He looked disappointed yet sad. "I- I'm sorry I didn't know." He said quietly. "It's fine Albert, no one really knows." I crack him a little smile of reassurance.

All of a sudden I felt my eyes tear up. Maybe I shouldn't have gone to the pool. He probably thinks I'm a freak. Then I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm sorry Albert, I know you probably think I'm weird or something. I- I just, I don't know why I do it. Sometimes all of my emotions come crashing down all at once and it gets to hard. I'm so so sorry" I say.

Albert looks at me. "W-what no why are you apologizing. Yn, please don't cry." Albert sits next to me on the bed and hugs me.

"Yn Its okay, well it's not okay, but it's okay. Please don't apologize. I am here for you, and I always will be."

I dig my head into his chest. We sit there, his arms around me, for what feels like an eternity. But I'm not complaining (🤭)

After a while I break the hug and look at him. "I- thank you." I say softly. He smiles and hugs me again.

We eventually fall asleep in that position.
*1301 words*
Guyssss I finally posted another chapter, I am so sorry I have not uploaded for a while. But please forgive me. Im going to try as hard as I can! Also I was listening to Ariana Grande when writing this 😭
(Comment a made up fact abt Albert if you are reading this!)

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