09- Plans

678 13 38

It was the day after Albert and I had recorded our mm2 video. I was up early again. I got my laptop and sat on my bed. I played some music and began to edit my video. I was smiling as I edited.

Albert was a funny guy and he was honestly really nice. My channel had grown so much over the past few weeks. My smile grew more once I realized that since my channel was growing I would be able to make more money from YouTube.

My favorite song came on and I began to sing along to the lyrics. (My favorite is Call me what you like by lovejoy, but it can be whatever song you like!)

As I was singing and editing I realized that albert had messaged me.

Hey what are you doing?
Just editing 😔
Oh okay
Why'd you ask??
I wanted to call but you seem busy
Oh no It's fine, I can call and edit at the same time. As long as your not gonna be annoying 😒
I can't help that I'm annoying 😔
*incoming call from Mrflimflam*
I smile and answer the call.
Yn: why'd you call me?

Albert: I dunno I was just bored

Yn: oh okay, so what are you doing today?

Albert: uhh probably nothing, I have to pack though

Yn: pack for what?

Albert: oh me denis, kaden, Jake, and temp are going to California for a week. Theres a
YouTube convention thing

Yn: California?

Albert: ya why? Am I banned from California

Yn: No *I laugh* it's just I live in California

Albert: oh shit you do?

Yn: *Chuckles* yes do you not remember me telling you?

Albert: uhh no. Well maybe we should meet up!

Yn: ya that would be fun! Where's the convention gonna be?

Albert: it's in Los Angeles

Yn: ya I can probably drive there, when is it?

Albert: todays Sunday right. The convention is Tuesday through Friday but we're gonna stay till Monday.

Yn: ya then I can definitely go.

Albert: alright that sounds cool, I gotta go pack right now. I'll call you later.

Yn: okay bye loser!

Albert: by yn
*call ended*
I set my phone down and decided to ask Alyssa if she wanted to come with me. I walked over to her room and knocked on her door. "Hmm" I heard Alyssa's tired voice say. "Can I come in?" I ask. "Mhm" Alyssa says.

I open her door and walk in, her room is dark and messy. I sit next to her on her bed. She sits up and asks "what do you need?" I tell her about the convention in Los Angeles and ask if she wanted to come with me.

"Who else is coming??" She asks "just some of my YouTube friends," I say. "Oo is that cute guy coming?" "You mean Albert? Ya he's coming" "ooo that's the perfect time for you to make a move~"

I look at her a frown "Alyssa.. we're just friends" I laugh "okay okay I'll stop. For now." She says mumbling the last part.

I left her room and decided to call my job. "Hello yn?" My manager asks. "Hey Amy so um I'm not gonna be in town for like three weeks." I say "wait what why??" "Uhh family emergency" "ugh yn if you take these three weeks off then we will have basically no one working."

"Well I can't just cancel now." I say "yn if you take these three weeks then I will have to fire you, you've used all of your sick days already." "What about my vacation days??" "Those are all used up too. Yn if you take these three weeks off then I will have to fire you." "Fine. Fire me then." I say and hang up.

I set my phone down and realized what I just did. I was happy but scared. After Los Angeles I would go looking for a part time job. I would save that money for when I moved to Florida.

I opened my laptop and searched up, "how long is a drive from the Bay Area to Los Angeles?" It was about a 6 hour drive. I decided to drive instead of flying as it would be cheaper.

I also booked us a last minute hotel close enough to the convention to where we could walk. I decided we would drive there early in the morning at around 8 and hopefully get there around 2.

While I was looking at stuff to do in Los Angeles I noticed there was going to be a festival near us. There would be a lot of popular bands. I decided to text Albert and ask if him and the others like concerts.

I waited a bit until he answered me. He said that they all loved concerts. I decided to see if I could buy 6 tickets for it. Luckily there were a few more tickets left and I bought them. The concert was on Sunday which would be our last day there before we would leave.

I closed my computer and decided to take a nap for a while.
*864 Words*
I decided to speed up the book just a bit, so expect a tiny bit of romance when they get to Los Angeles. Also suggest some bands and songs that you like and I will include as many as I can when they go to the festival!! Have a great day loves ❤️

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